Hopefully now that you started it and got others to vent their frustration someone up stairs will make the necessary changes before they start losing drivers.
Hopefully now that you started it and got others to vent their frustration someone up stairs will make the necessary changes before they start losing drivers.
YEOP! Indeed. Rob T., you work harder than many, in the 'local' aspect of trucking. BCB is right.
And again kids ... , 'JAM ON IT!' Jam ON it!
NO O/S viewings, HAHA! (Break dancing in a Volvo?!?!?) ;)
Y'ALL .. really made me smile.. just saying!
~ Anne ~
This is a problem that’s universal in trucking. We’re not robots who can turn ourselves off when we’re not driving. That’s what companies would like it seems, and that’s what they’re working towards. Before we’re replaced by self driving rigs, we have to live our lives too. I’m glad they listened to you. Everyone needs to let management know when there’s a problem or don’t be surprised when it keeps happening.
Yep, I just LOOOOVVEE Campbell's. Just about as much as some of the other IP's I deliver to that cannot get their sh** together to get me unloaded, or have an empty ready. I seem to always have issues with International Paper locations. Even Wooster cannot get their act together to have our first loads ready when we come in in the morning. IP Madison is the absolute worst, though. Always an issue with those clowns. Just Monday, after dropping my trailer and no empty to take back to Wooster, I had to wait 5.5 hours to get a different trailer unloaded. IP Wooster would not let me deadhead back. Thankfully, because of IP Madison's BS, I am (supposedly) getting detention the entire time I waited. We will see.
Basing my answer on company policy.
I'm not going. FedEx says we can't be sent out if we're not going to make it back the same day (unless that's what the bid is). Things happen, but they try to avoid layovers.
I'll take something shorter if it's available or just go home and take the 5 hours of pay.
Same exactly with Tom at FAB. If he's supposed to take a Napoleon/Campbell's (That Don so loves!) that's not even ready when he GETS to Mt. Vernon from our home, we know it's at LEAST a six hour turn, IF drop & hook.
If his clock has already run over 4 hours in, just waiting, it's a nope. This often happens when he has a first 'short' run, becaue Campbell's isn't ready yet. He'll take a Willard/Pepperidge Farms, even Fremont/Smuckers (still kinda long but always d/h) but refuses the Campbell's.
No 5 hours of pay if Tom just comes home, Banks. That's a plus for you!
~ Anne ~
To drive with an empty trailer. After delivering your load you will deadhead to a shipper to pick up your next load.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
Does Tom deliver to HEINZ routinely? If so, tell Tom, I feel for the poor guy.
No 5 hours of pay if Tom just comes home, Banks. That's a plus for you!
The 5 hours Banks is referring to is the time spent waiting before making the decision to go home. Thats what would happen where I'm at.
Ah, gotcha! I guess Tom would get 'detention' pay . . aka $75.00 LoL.
Funny thing? This exactly happened tonight. Heinz not ready, took a Willard. Early off, I guess I should be 'happy!' No detention at the end of the day, ie: no time for the Heinz/Fremont without exceeding HOS.
That's nice d/time y'all get. FAB is only straight $75 at the 'office.' SMH.
~ Anne ~
Does Tom deliver to HEINZ routinely? If so, tell Tom, I feel for the poor guy.
No 5 hours of pay if Tom just comes home, Banks. That's a plus for you!
The 5 hours Banks is referring to is the time spent waiting before making the decision to go home. Thats what would happen where I'm at.
Ah, gotcha! I guess Tom would get 'detention' pay . . aka $75.00 LoL.
Funny thing? This exactly happened tonight. Heinz not ready, took a Willard. Early off, I guess I should be 'happy!' No detention at the end of the day, ie: no time for the Heinz/Fremont without exceeding HOS.
That's nice d/time y'all get. FAB is only straight $75 at the 'office.' SMH.
~ Anne ~
Yes, he sure does. Almost once a day! I passed the sympathy on. LoL. He LOVES the smokestacks!!!!! (NOT!) Hasn't had a Campbell's in a while; he said he figured YOU were getting 'em all lately, haha!
He gets a Madison 'once in a while;' He had 'fun' with the new dock guy there, last week, haha~! He snagged the last empty there, sorry! I do hope you get that full 5.5 pay, would be a nice Xmas present! That bonus was nice, too!
They've also had him bring empties to Wooster a few times, to go to D&S's or y'alls I/P. Getting a lot of Pepperidge/Willard, or Shears/Brewster, and a few Chewy/Vandalia.
Merry Christmas, Don! Enjoy the long weekend, we will!
Merry Christmas to ALL Y'ALL, from usn's!
~ Anne & Tom ~
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
The bonus was nice. Merry Christmas to you and Tom.
Does Tom deliver to HEINZ routinely? If so, tell Tom, I feel for the poor guy.
No 5 hours of pay if Tom just comes home, Banks. That's a plus for you!
The 5 hours Banks is referring to is the time spent waiting before making the decision to go home. Thats what would happen where I'm at.
Ah, gotcha! I guess Tom would get 'detention' pay . . aka $75.00 LoL.
Funny thing? This exactly happened tonight. Heinz not ready, took a Willard. Early off, I guess I should be 'happy!' No detention at the end of the day, ie: no time for the Heinz/Fremont without exceeding HOS.
That's nice d/time y'all get. FAB is only straight $75 at the 'office.' SMH.
~ Anne ~
Yes, he sure does. Almost once a day! I passed the sympathy on. LoL. He LOVES the smokestacks!!!!! (NOT!) Hasn't had a Campbell's in a while; he said he figured YOU were getting 'em all lately, haha!
He gets a Madison 'once in a while;' He had 'fun' with the new dock guy there, last week, haha~! He snagged the last empty there, sorry! I do hope you get that full 5.5 pay, would be a nice Xmas present! That bonus was nice, too!
They've also had him bring empties to Wooster a few times, to go to D&S's or y'alls I/P. Getting a lot of Pepperidge/Willard, or Shears/Brewster, and a few Chewy/Vandalia.
Merry Christmas, Don! Enjoy the long weekend, we will!
Merry Christmas to ALL Y'ALL, from usn's!
~ Anne & Tom ~
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
Rob I would have done the same as you did. My BS meter doesn’t go very high and some things just aren’t worth you being the one to jump through hoops. Good for you for pointing out to them what there actual problem is. Problems passed on never results in better performance. It just masks where they really are.
I used to run into that same issue hauling head stones. They would be late getting the load completed then expect us to pull off a miracle. It got to a point when I showed up and the warehouse gave me excuses, I just went home. I gave the office the deadline I had to be gone to get it done. I told them if they didn’t make it, it would get delivered the next week. We ran out and back during the week.
My mouth sometimes isn’t my best friend.
Rob I would have done the same as you did. My BS meter doesn’t go very high and some things just aren’t worth you being the one to jump through hoops. Good for you for pointing out to them what there actual problem is. Problems passed on never results in better performance. It just masks where they really are.
I used to run into that same issue hauling head stones. They would be late getting the load completed then expect us to pull off a miracle. It got to a point when I showed up and the warehouse gave me excuses, I just went home. I gave the office the deadline I had to be gone to get it done. I told them if they didn’t make it, it would get delivered the next week. We ran out and back during the week.
My mouth sometimes isn’t my best friend.
WELL SAID, Peej. Mine also, re: MI mouth, BUT .... You are a stand up; as need be~!
Merry Christmas EVE, TO ALL.
Hoping ALL are enjoying the transition, and going to mass @ midnight, or as you see fit.
PJ, you always cheer me up, even with a reply to 'another,' haha!
Thanks for that; for sure.
~ Anne ~
GodNight, Merry Christ'mass.
~ Anne ~
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Wishing you the best, P/R.
Maybe you'll be 'close enough' to say 'HOWDY' proper???
~ Anne ~
^^^ I'm the 'wife person' that HAS. I've got Kim's cell #. (Safety.) Tom's not always the most 'stand up' guy .... so, HERE COMES, Momma Anne!
Tell your wife howdy, and I like her style!!!
~ Anne ~