I must admit there is still a harshness in some responses I see in here that even makes me cringe
Yet still you somehow manage to let us do our thing. I'm amazed by the fact that you can even participate in your forum without giving into the temptation to control everything. I mean, this is your sandbox, but you let the kids play amongst themselves instead of trying to influence everything that goes on in here. That is admirable. I couldn't do it.
I must admit there is still a harshness in some responses I see in here that even makes me cringe
Yet still you somehow manage to let us do our thing. I'm amazed by the fact that you can even participate in your forum without giving into the temptation to control everything. I mean, this is your sandbox, but you let the kids play amongst themselves instead of trying to influence everything that goes on in here. That is admirable. I couldn't do it.
My #1 concern has always been to make sure we do not mislead people. As long as no one is giving harmful advice or getting vindictive, I let it play out. Andrey makes an excellent point about us being wildly different people, coming together in our own unique way for the same cause. That can get a little messy sometimes, but putting all the best ideas on the table and hashing them out is always the best way to work toward great solutions. It also gives a variety of viewpoints, which is good.
Also we should stick to the basis of TT and that is to offer help and advice to those needing guidance in the trucking industry and not offer personal opinions on items like politics, which can cause quite a stir among members.
This I disagree with, and we've disagreed on this in the past. I don't think we can offer advice for new drivers without talking about aspects of our lives that affect trucking, which can include politics. After all, we're under the control of the Federal government. Politics can have a profound effect on our lives, as you now see the largest convoy in history rolling across Canada to free society from a tyrannical government.
Let's also not forget that one of our longest-standing members just died from the jab, something we talked extensively about. Politicians make the rules that govern our industry and our lives. We are a community mostly in our 40's, 50's, and 60's. We should lead the way and help others understand history a little better, guiding our society forward.
Finally, I'll say that many of us have been here for many years and though the focus is always on trucking, or at least trucking-related topics, we like to branch out a little and have conversations about other topics.
I want to help people get a great start to their careers, and that entails helping them live a better life overall. If we just talked about driving the truck, we would miss other critical aspects of the job, like building strong relationships within your company, keeping close ties with your family back home, and being aware of the laws that are coming down the pike.
I love a good debate if it's done in the proper spirit. I also enjoy helping people live better lives all around, which can entail anything from understanding our history to fitness, politics, economics, money management, spirituality, and relationships. We will always focus on trucking, but too narrow of a focus will hurt more than branching too far outside of our realm. It also makes for rather limited and dull conversations.
Overall we do an amazing job. I've belonged to many communities over the years and what we have here is really fantastic.
I Know that I myself can get a bit too judgemental and harsh. Sometimes too I'll get put in my place pretty quickly so I can agree with the post.
But I also see that there are subtle differences in newbies that come in and genuinely have questions and will genuinely take advice as opposed to those who come in with a bad attitude. It seems to get sorted out rather quickly.
I know for me personally, I can't think of any advice that I've been given here that while I may have had follow up questions, I never fought or argued about.
I think it's a delicate Ballance and the mods here have different personalities that seem to serve different people well.
I also think it's a microcosm of the trucking industry in it's own way in that as newbies, if we are humble and teachable, and ask, we will get help. If we are demanding and entitled, arrogant and the like, then we will get rebuked and find strife, or it will find us.
I just wanted to say I respect you for this post. It takes some cajones to come on here and say this and there really is no perfect way to say it. I agree completely. I feel comfortable referring new drivers to this site because it is truly a helpful place for them but it is easy for us to get too comfortable on here and fall into criticizing people who ask questions and to forget what it was like when we were brand new and didn’t know anything. I think we do a great job but I agree that we can do better. Great post
This is a great subject. We all tend to get comfortable in here with our community of friends. It is easy to react to someone new rather bluntly when it is obvious they are misunderstanding a lot about this career. I tend to go back and read some of my responses later after a few days, and to be honest, I cringe at my own responses more than I do at others. Some days I am just too tired to act responsibly in here. On those days I try to restrain myself from commenting. Other days I have to work on a response and preview it and re-work it a little so that it doesn't come off as arrogant or unkind. Some times I fail, but I keep trying to be myself and be honest and straightforward with people.
There is so much to this career that can be conveyed to a newbie. Much of it will help them become successful truckers. There are a lot of nuances to operating in such a way that keeps you at the top of the team. It is important that we are helpful and honest with the information we give. It is also important that we give it in such a fashion that it can be received. That is a trick sometimes. Each of us has their own unique personality. Each of the newbies that come in here have there's also. Sometimes it seems they come in here looking for a fight or maybe just for validation of a feeling they have been wronged. We can't always allow ourselves to feed off of the way they lead into the conversation. I struggle with providing a good response to some people. There are some people I just don't even respond to. If I feel I can't do it in a respectful way, I will just usually try to stay silent.
The problem with that is silence does nothing to help anybody. There are days I struggle with a kind response, but I will put forth the effort anyway. Usually after just a few keystrokes into the response it starts to flow and I can say what I want with out appearing too harsh. It takes effort, but we all seem to know we need to work on this. Thanks for bringing up the subject. I know I want to improve my responses in here and I am sure we can all do better as we put forth a little effort.
I agree and dont. I see Realdiehl's point because if a new person who has been told a bunch of lies as facts comes in here and then states what they think is the obvious, and then some in here jumps on them, I can see where they would think that just confirms what the others are saying because of the defensiveness and then on top of that, it would also or could turn them away from driving altogether because who wants to deal with impatient people when they are just inquiring about something or stating what they have been told or experienced? No one. I think I would side with RealDiehl.
RealDiehl, I see your point, but on the other hand I personally appreciate the free spirit of this group - not a day care or some other institution bound by dozens if not hundreds laws and rules, but a community of very different people. Some are polite and soft, some are just the opposite, and some only read and keep silence, so we don't know much about them :-) And all together this is exactly what we call real life.
I agree and dont. I see Realdiehl's point because if a new person who has been told a bunch of lyes as facts comes in here and then states what they think is the obvious, and then some in here jumps on them, I can see where they would think that just confirms what the others are saying because of the defensiveness and then on top of that, it would also or could turn them away from driving altogether because who wants to deal with impatient people when they are just inquiring about something or stating what they have been told or experienced? No one. I think I would side with RealDiehl.
RealDiehl, I see your point, but on the other hand I personally appreciate the free spirit of this group - not a day care or some other institution bound by dozens if not hundreds laws and rules, but a community of very different people. Some are polite and soft, some are just the opposite, and some only read and keep silence, so we don't know much about them :-) And all together this is exactly what we call real life.
Victor, man, ya know I luv ya, kiddo . . . but keep in mind; because sometimes this is where YOU get askew. It's not about right/wrong, NOR taking sides. RealDiehl put shiz in perspective, and Brett supports WHOLEHEARTEDLY his theory....AS WELL as Andrey's.
Point being, this is a helluva site, geared to helping new folks peruse AND pursue their professional career, becoming a truck driver. This place was the 'Bees Knees' to you, back in the day. AND IT STILL IS, and will continue to be, to many!!! (Stay FOCUSED, man!)
Sometimes, politics DO intertwine with trucking; ie: the Vax mandates. Follow some trucking news channels; it's rampant. This is why Brett (the owner/developer/admin of this awesome site) ALLOWS some mixed emotions/theories/posts, regarding such.
Personalities are NOT cookie cutter fashioned, as we all know. FMCSA rules are, as we all know.
I wasn't going to even comment on this thread, but.. here I am, haha!
@RealDiehl (I know, the ampersand doesn't work here, oops!) I was ENAMORED with your original post in your thread. I had a reply typed out, but:
a.) Didn't want to be the first, because... um... I'm not a trucker!
b.) Brett beat me to it, and I'm SO GLAD for that.
c.) I read it thrice (or more?) and kept saying 'DAYUM!! NAIL ON HEAD!' to myself, in my sickly state.
d.) I'd had a bad winter cold; I'm at 80% BETTER .. YAY! (Non Covid... haha!) So... I'll be back around, Momma Anne will !!! (And haters will hate, haha!)
I could go on and on....
Best Wishes, Victor Jamie. I'm not picking on ya!
~ Anne & Tom ~
The CSA is a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) initiative to improve large truck and bus safety and ultimately reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities that are related to commercial motor vehicle
The FMCSA was established within the Department of Transportation on January 1, 2000. Their primary mission is to prevent commercial motor vehicle-related fatalities and injuries.
What Does The FMCSA Do?
Personally speaking, I’ve been trying to improve way down deep where I’m soft, like a woman.
I agree and dont. I see Realdiehl's point because if a new person who has been told a bunch of lies as facts comes in here and then states what they think is the obvious, and then some in here jumps on them, I can see where they would think that just confirms what the others are saying because of the defensiveness and then on top of that, it would also or could turn them away from driving altogether because who wants to deal with impatient people when they are just inquiring about something or stating what they have been told or experienced? No one. I think I would side with RealDiehl.
I'm glad you lean towards the opinion That we can try to do better. Like Anne pointed out though, it's not about right or wrong. And I don't believe you were trying to make it about that. Your word choice in the first sentence of your comment... you used the word "agree". I like that word choice bc there is a huge difference between saying "I think your right (or wrong)" and saying "I agree (or disagree) with" something. My original post was not meant to be right or wrong. It is simply an opinion. Please feel free to agree, disagree or add something to it.
That's why I appreciate Andrey's comment so much. He didn't say "your wrong" he simply explained his reasons for feeling the way he does. That is called discussion .
When we discuss things we are not trying to prove someone wrong. We are trying to gain an understanding of someone else's point of view and trying to explain our point of view.
Big thanks to Old School for letting us peek behind the curtain of his brain. His answers and advice always seem perfectly presented and well thought out. It's nice to know he struggles at times, like us mere mortals, to find the right way to say what he wants to say😉
way down deep where I’m soft, like a woman.
The streets of Trucking Truth Village are normally safe to walk on alone at night, Bruce. However, you might want to watch your back if you take a late night walk to the corner store. There may be some ladies waiting around to show you just how "soft" they are
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It was something I wanted to post as a kind of community New Year's resolution. Trying to say what I wanted to say in the right way proved more difficult than I thought. Thus the delay🤣