Truckers Convoys Worldwide

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Dennis L's Comment
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If interested you can follow @truckers4fredom on Telegram and GETTR to see real time updates on the Ottawa COVID tyranny protests and other convoys developments worldwide.

A D. C. Convoy is being organized.

Reminds me of the farmer tractor convoys back in the 80’s protesting family farm foreclosures. Remember Willie Nelson’s Farm Aid concerts.


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Andrey's Comment
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There is a good movie about a convoy... On another note, what is really upsetting for me, is how this Canadian king decided to hide and refused to talk to his people, his fellow citizens. What a sad mistake of nature, this guy...

Steve L.'s Comment
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I'll be a little surprised if a similar convoy, to Wash. D.C., materializes. Here in the U.S. the government has backed off of the mandate (can we call it a dictate since it's been ruled unconstitutional?). This is a big departure from what is happening in Canada.

Hopefully Liberty will live on.

Dennis L's Comment
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Good point Steve. This isn’t just about mandates on truckers. There are still places in the US that locally require proof of vaccine to get into public places, eg restaurants, etc. You experience this in CA.

Truckers have a lot of collective power and grass roots support to encourage policy changes.

There are some signs now that the Biden Admin is preparing to pivot, like Boris Johnson in UK, to relax Covid rules over next few weeks or months ahead of the 2022 Midterm elections. Trying to salvage something.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.
Stevo Reno's Comment
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Trudeau pulled a Biden move, ran and hid from his mess in mommies basement hahahah wuss ! can't take the heat from the fire HE created

Dennis L's Comment
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Trudeau and media already setting up the full Ottawa protest on Saturday to be their Jan 6 “insurrection”. Especially if Antifa agitators and government operatives manage to cause any violence to break out.

This could be turned into a Canadian fed trap. I’m sure they are photographing license plates and any other means to identify the drivers and their supporters.

Harvey C.'s Comment
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Good point Steve. This isn’t just about mandates on truckers. There are still places in the US that locally require proof of vaccine to get into public places, eg restaurants, etc. You experience this in CA.

Truckers have a lot of collective power and grass roots support to encourage policy changes.

There are some signs now that the Biden Admin is preparing to pivot, like Boris Johnson in UK, to relax Covid rules over next few weeks or months ahead of the 2022 Midterm elections. Trying to salvage something.

I'm not a fan of most leaders here in California but I just want to point out a correction that I have never been asked to show evidence of vaccination when going into a restaurant or any business here. Most places require masking but some don't enforce that. I believe at one time San Francisco required proof of vaccination, not really certain of that. I did have to show my vaccination card at all restaurants when I visited Italy last November, even to the same waitress that had waited on us the night before. Saint Peter's Basilica was the only place we visited that did not require it but they were the only place that checked our temperature. I just found it interesting. Back to California, our governor has made the point that the state allows for personal exemptions but then leaves it up to local jurisdictions if they want more strict requirements. This way he can appear tough and easy at the same time. Seems to convince some folks it is doing something.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.
Dennis L's Comment
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Thanks for the correction about CA.

Brett Aquila's Comment
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On another note, what is really upsetting for me, is how this Canadian king decided to hide and refused to talk to his people, his fellow citizens. What a sad mistake of nature, this guy...
Trudeau pulled a Biden move, ran and hid from his mess in mommies basement hahahah wuss ! can't take the heat from the fire HE created

Can you guys believe that? I keep hearing that the people running this mess, or more properly running our society into the ground on purpose, are stupid people. They're clever enough to lie and create secret agreements amongst themselves, but they're not intelligent about the way they do things.

This move by Trudeau is another perfect example. He wants to be the almighty ruler, but as soon as you challenge him directly, he runs and hides and tells obvious lies to avoid the challenge. I can't think of a more sad excuse for a human being or a dumber move you could make. Everyone knows a tyrant (or a bully, same thing) is actually a coward overcompensating for their own insecurities. His reaction proves it. If he were a real man or any sort of a real leader, he'd be out there waiting for everyone to show up so he can deal with it directly.

They won't though, because they can't. For one, they're cowards.

For two, no one is on their side. They have no support. Hitler, Stalin, and other tyrants throughout history had the police and military on their side enforcing their tyranny. These fools have no one. The police and military don't back these clowns any more than we do. They see through it too. They don't want to lose their society, and they don't want to be the foot soldiers that destroy it.

For three, they're lying about everything and they've been exposed. You can't deal with the truth directly when you're lying. You must avoid the truth, cover it up, make up "your own truths" and hope the people fall for it. Many did, for a while. Most don't anymore. The tyrants know this.

I think this convoy is one of the most awesome things I've ever seen. This has instantly inspired the rest of the world to do the same, and they will! Europeans have been protesting in larger and louder crowds for months, but the Canadian truckers realized that wasn't enough. The tyrants don't care what we think. We must apply more pressure beyond just words, and the Canadian truckers (and those Americans who join them) are doing just that. God bless every one of them.


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HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Davy A.'s Comment
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If the DC one can get off the ground, I'm planning on renting a tractor and attending. I don't think my present employer would appreciate me taking their tractor. But brings up a question, do we bother with logs if we're protesting? Actual real question. I'm technically not under a load doing that.

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