Let's Hear It - What Do You Guys Think About The Canadian Truckers?

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Brett Aquila's Comment
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So what do you guys think about the Canadian truckers and their fight for freedom?

If we do the same thing here, do you guys think you'll go? I realize company drivers can't take their trucks, but you can take your personal vehicle to Washington D.C. or to a protest in a nearby city.

I'll share my views later in this thread. I want to hear what everyone thinks first. You guys know me....I always have a view!

Robert B. (The Dragon) ye's Comment
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I fully support what they’re doing and hope when it’s all said and done, they see the results they hoped for when it all started. I keep hearing about the call for something similar here but I’m not sure what the particular goal is? I’m not on Fakebook so I can’t follow the discussions and those are generally a mess of wrong information anyway but if the past is any indication of American drivers showing up to DC, it’ll be lackluster. The last “organized” convoy to DC was an absolute joke.


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BK's Comment
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So what do you guys think about the Canadian truckers and their fight for freedom?

If we do the same thing here, do you guys think you'll go? I realize company drivers can't take their trucks, but you can take your personal vehicle to Washington D.C. or to a protest in a nearby city.

I'll share my views later in this thread. I want to hear what everyone thinks first. You guys know me....I always have a view!

Brett, I think you pretty much tipped your hand with the “fight for freedom” in the opening sentence. Lol

I honestly haven’t been following this very closely. Is this about mandatory vaccinations? Are there other issues involved?


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Davy A.'s Comment
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I support it. I plan on renting a tractor and joining it. I'm concerned about the authoritarian regime in power but I think if there's enough of us, which I think there will be, they won't be able to overcome it.

Andrey's Comment
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Goid guys, and goid cause. To tell the thruth, I didn't expect it from Canadians. As for me, I will support the protest if the pressure goes up (right now we don't have vax mandates), and if it is local. I may even rent a tractor for a day.

Banks's Comment
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It's sad that there is no media coverage of this and whatever coverage there is, is negative. I applaud their will and refusal to back down. I applaud the people helping them and the tow drivers that refuse to tow them. It's disgusting that GoFundMe decided to steal the money that was raised for them.

Depends where it is. I would go to Harrisburg (PA capital), but I wouldn't go to DC. You never what ones motives are there.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

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Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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I fully support them. As someone who was hauling food during the height of the panic... When people were stealing toilet paper from rest areas in NE and closed the rest areas, PA shut down the service plazas.... I got stuck in the riots between Phoenix and Tuscon. . When everyone was fighting for hand sanitizer and masks and we had none .. when trying to get food at Walmart or even eat at a truck stop was difficult.... No one cared about me. So who the hell is anyone to tell me now that I need to get vaccinated?

I'm not vaxxed and I'm not getting vaxxed. I delivered to all the meat plants that were closed for high rates of infections. I have not gotten sick. I did get strep twice since the start that I think is from the masks. I never had a flu shot or pneumonia shot.

If they want to mandate vaccines, then over turn Roe v Wade which gives control of your body through "privacy rights". However that would repeal abortion as well as other rights. Would transgenders be allowed to alter their bodies if that were repealed? Until then .. . I claim protection under Roe v Wade.

I will get a lawyer and fight that if I had to, take it to the supreme court. As far as going to protest... bring it. I get paid vacation.


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Your TWIC is a tamper-resistant biometric card which acts as both your identification in secure areas, as well as an indicator of you having passed the necessary security clearance. TWIC cards are valid for five years. The issuance of TWIC cards is overseen by the Transportation Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.

PackRat's Comment
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I think it's great. If it happens here (another truck assault on DC) I'm all for that too. I will not be taking a company truck up I-95 a few hours to participate. I'm sure any major trucking company would fire a driver for that.

Anne A. (and sometimes To's Comment
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So what do you guys think about the Canadian truckers and their fight for freedom?

If we do the same thing here, do you guys think you'll go? I realize company drivers can't take their trucks, but you can take your personal vehicle to Washington D.C. or to a protest in a nearby city.

I'll share my views later in this thread. I want to hear what everyone thinks first. You guys know me....I always have a view!

It's totally ironic; we were talking at home this morning about JUST this. I was hoping SOMEBODY would start a thread, and the PERFECT guy for the task, DID!!! Of course, my household supports it; wish we could 'DO MORE.' Just like some of the others said, we 'could' rent a truck and go. Wonder if the asphalt O/O Tom drove for has an 'extra' lying around. HMMM!

Have y'all seen 'this' feeble (?!?) attempt, on 'our' side of the continent???

AZ Senator Urges Truckers to Shut Down Superbowl.

I'm kinda looking FORWARD to the game, myself, LoL !!!

~ Anne ~

PJ's Comment
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I fully support our Canadian brothers and sisters. The vax mandate was the event that sparked this, however it’s not about the vax, it’s all about freedom and the gov’t overstepping.

Gofundme should be investigated and someone should go to jail.

The gov’t overstepped and are now continuing to overstep. I seen a piece of an interview with the ottawa police chief and he made me ill. He is no police chief, he is just a gov’t puppet. A great example of a real law enforcement leader. Look at the LA county sheriff. He upholds his oath of office.

IF we get something serious going here I will be proud to join.


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