Than You Everyone- From A New Flatbedder

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Grinch's Comment
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Hey everyone, I have been lurking and absorbing a **** ton of knowledge from many in here since December when I started my journey. Today I outfitted my Swift Kenworth with chains ,straps and all the other flatbedding trinkets. First load this past weekend was a dry van from Chicago back here to Greer SC, so I could get loaded out. Gonna head home for a couple of days, then roll out with my skateboard. Pack rat, old school, Davy A, two sides, Brett, and the other swift guy out ofJohnstown (drawing a blank on his name- sorry)are just a few off the top of my head at the moment that I wanted to say thanks especially because good or bad you guys throw it out there as is.

Dry Van:

A trailer or truck that that requires no special attention, such as refrigeration, that hauls regular palletted, boxed, or floor-loaded freight. The most common type of trailer in trucking.
Old School's Comment
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I wanted to say thanks especially because good or bad you guys throw it out there as is.

We hope all the best for you Grinch! We try to give people the truth. That's not always appreciated but it is what will help people make a good start.

Stay in touch, it won't be long before you have valuable information to share. In the meantime absorb all you can.

Roll On!

PackRat's Comment
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Maybe we could meet up some time, if we happen to be in VB at the same time. I have a house off Holland Road.

Grinch's Comment
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Maybe we could meet up some time, if we happen to be in VB at the same time. I have a house off Holland Road.

Pack rat I live just off of holland as well if you are driving for NFI in a blue Volvo and park it at a church on home time then we are in the same neighborhood

PackRat's Comment
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My current ride. No Volvo in my future.

ArcherTrucker's Comment
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How are you liking Flatbed?

I'm just getting into trucking and seriously considering flatbed with Roehl.

Sir Victor II's Comment
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I have to say thank you to those people too because they have been a real sturdy foundation and support to lean on when it comes to it. I have grown since coming to my current company and learning to stick with it even when the going gets tough, sticking with it is what makes a better man! Thanks yall.

Hey everyone, I have been lurking and absorbing a **** ton of knowledge from many in here since December when I started my journey. Today I outfitted my Swift Kenworth with chains ,straps and all the other flatbedding trinkets. First load this past weekend was a dry van from Chicago back here to Greer SC, so I could get loaded out. Gonna head home for a couple of days, then roll out with my skateboard. Pack rat, old school, Davy A, two sides, Brett, and the other swift guy out ofJohnstown (drawing a blank on his name- sorry)are just a few off the top of my head at the moment that I wanted to say thanks especially because good or bad you guys throw it out there as is.

Dry Van:

A trailer or truck that that requires no special attention, such as refrigeration, that hauls regular palletted, boxed, or floor-loaded freight. The most common type of trailer in trucking.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
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