A little twist which directly involves the trucking industry. The price of fuel is for some reason predicted to go sky high. Gas up to 5$ a gallon. Who knows how high diesel prices may go. Thoughts?
A little twist which directly involves the trucking industry. The price of fuel is for some reason predicted to go sky high. Gas up to 5$ a gallon. Who knows how high diesel prices may go. Thoughts?
George, kudos to you for bringing in the trucking industry issue. High fuel prices impact both companies and drivers alike, obviously. Money companies might use for driver bonuses now go to the fuel market, suppliers and OPEC. Goods become much more expensive to ship and subsequently more expensive to buy. I hate to see fuel prices go through the roof, it makes me nervous. I don’t like to be nervous. I want whatever company I drive for to be profitable. Otherwise my job might be in jeopardy somehow. So, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
All the so called “heroic” despots of Russia gained their status by taking over vast expanses of territory. Now the POS Putin is trying to carve out his legacy in history. War is not the answer. When will they ever learn? ( song lyrics intentional ).
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
A little twist which directly involves the trucking industry. The price of fuel is for some reason predicted to go sky high. Gas up to 5$ a gallon. Who knows how high diesel prices may go. Thoughts?
A little twist which directly involves the trucking industry. The price of fuel is for some reason predicted to go sky high. Gas up to 5$ a gallon. Who knows how high diesel prices may go. Thoughts?
George, kudos to you for bringing in the trucking industry issue. High fuel prices impact both companies and drivers alike, obviously. Money companies might use for driver bonuses now go to the fuel market, suppliers and OPEC. Goods become much more expensive to ship and subsequently more expensive to buy. I hate to see fuel prices go through the roof, it makes me nervous. I don’t like to be nervous. I want whatever company I drive for to be profitable. Otherwise my job might be in jeopardy somehow. So, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
All the so called “heroic” despots of Russia gained their status by taking over vast expanses of territory. Now the POS Putin is trying to carve out his legacy in history. War is not the answer. When will they ever learn? ( song lyrics intentional ).
Pete Seeger. Marvin Gaye. Peter, Paul & Mary. Nice.
~ Anne ~
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
Anne the old hippie song just popped in my melon. Drug store truck driving man!
Anne the old hippie song just popped in my melon. Drug store truck driving man!
I just HAD TO listen!! >> Drug Store, Truck Drivin' Man !
To all you others, 'we' are really sorry to hijack this thread; BRUCE K. started it!
Back to your 'original' programming, Lol! This should be in a few of our OTHER threads, TBH!! ;)
~ Anne ~
Unfortunately Ukraine does not have any vital oil reserves. If they had, they would not be fighting this war on their own. When Iraq invaded Kuwait in the early 90's we didn't respond with economic sanctions. We formed a coalition practically overnight and forced them out of Kuwait.
Sadly Ukraine has nothing to offer. So we will sit back and watch as their sovereignty is taken away.
I agree, it was not for long, but nonetheless it was, and at that short time they were like brothers. My late grandfather told me about that.
Remove the leadership from the equation and that is the way it would always be. Governments have a way of making people enemies who in normal times would be friends. Despite the negative aspects of social media, it has in a way brought people from all around the world closer together. The Russian YouTube reactors I enjoy watching on occasion are not my enemy. I just wish Putin would not try to make us enemies.
Sadly Ukraine has nothing to offer. So we will sit back and watch as their sovereignty is taken away.
....as the Onion trucks go by. I can't even watch anymore. :'(
I just wish Putin would not try to make us enemies.
....yet certain people feel the need to 'shake his hand.' SMDH.
~ Anne ~
ps: I'm NOT the political type, RD you struck a few chords with me, as you have at times; keep it real.
There is a lot more to do with this than Putin simply getting a wild hair up his butt and deciding to invade or retake a former piece of his country. The geography isnt that important. Conflict between the two states has gone on long before we were even a nation. Notwithstanding, our current regime provoked a lot of this and in all reality is lucky that their own coup that took place here didnt result in a civil war here...yet. It may still if the current group pulling the strings attempts to further cement one party rule again in 2022 and 2024. If there is widespread cheating and manipulation of the voting procedures under the guise of "emergency measures", its likely to explode resulting in the what many believe will be the Balkanization of the US from a cold civil war that will turn hot.
The real enemy in all of this is the CCP, not the subjects of China, but the corrupt communist dictatorship. We have willing given them lordship of our manufacturing of nearly all of our medical supplies and pharmaceuticals, most of our raw goods and consumer goods. We so quickly ignore their gross human rights abuses and atrocities and have sold the one very thing we shouldnt be selling to them, large chunks of land. We absolutely should not be in commerce with them, should have them under sanctions and be self sufficient again. There was a time in this nation where we would not trade at all with communist countries, for very good reasons.
The fact of the matter is that Russia is no longer a communist state. We really ought not to be engaging in conflict with them. Is it very conceivable that Biden, the globalists and many others do not want their use of Ukraine exposed. Absolutely. If you sort through the bull fertilizer narrative being laid down by the media, including even conservative outlets that cant say no to the military industrial complex, you will notice that the actions being taken there are laser sharp precision actions taken against non civilian military targets. It also appears to be very quick and focused. Im curious to see what will transpire once Putins forces get into the capital and if any of the data and intelligence surrounding Biden, the faux government set up in the coup and any other morsels of info come out in the wash.
Ukraine is the largest production country in Europe of iron, titanium, and several other non-metallic minerals. Plenty of natural resources required by the remainder of the globe outside of crude oil.
There is a lot more to do with this than Putin simply getting a wild hair up his butt and deciding to invade or retake a former piece of his country.
Changing the subject to the 2020 election and China isn't "a lot more to do with this".
What we're seeing is a completely unprovoked act under false pretenses that is destroying the lives and livelihoods of innocent people. Odd attempts to change the subject will never obscure that reality.
you will notice that the actions being taken there are laser sharp precision actions taken against non civilian military targets. It also appears to be very quick and focused.
You will notice the husband only struck his wife in the parts of the body that most efficiently cause her the maximum amount of pain while minimizing bruising and swelling. His abuse also appears to be restrained to exerting his control over her and not indulging in excessive emotional venting.
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Another angle to look at. As nations, including our own, seem to be jumping on board with the will of the Chinese model of society, Russia is one of the few to be standing in clear denial of it. For that region of the world, they are one of the few who are capable of making a strong stand against China who is definitely a huge threat to the future of global stability. Putin is definitely a hard line, Cold War fan and it determined to attempt to bring back that standoff between the US and Russia. One definitely has to wonder if it wasn’t such a bad thing given the instability caused by the fall of the USSR and bad decisions made by our own government afterwards.