Where One Door Closes Another One Opens And With The Help Of The Safety Director!

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BK's Comment
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So a quick update. Looks like Paul Transportations receuiter and I had a miscommunication about school. Small but significant. She thought I was doing it online but Liberty wont let me do that till I get a GPA with them so it just was not a good timing. Then I called Bennett Motor Express, and had to leave a message and then I called Payne Transportation and the super-visor says he is willing to work with my schedule of being in school in August!!! ๐Ÿ™โ˜๏ธ. Yaweh has my back, even when I fall and fail in my personal and career life He is still there! Praise Him!

Who is Yaweh?

Sir Victor II's Comment
member avatar

Ill look at all you mentioned thank you!


Very true words of wisdom. Depressed and dreary are two good words for me right now. Im just drawing a blank on how to get enough saved without driving a truck and if it worked out with Melton I had that covered. It didnt though and I am at a lost. Like Mrs. Annemarie said it may not be my forte but I am going to be very sad saying goodbye to something I love to do.

Maybe I should consider canceling my Liberty application and go to like a flight school or a business specific school. Not sure.



Personally, I wouldn't be mentioning to potential employers my plans of quitting in the fall for school. It's almost giving them an excuse to not hire you. I mean this in a nice way but given your track record with past employers you need all the help you can get. A potential employer is going to see you need additional help. Most won't be willing to give it knowing you're going to quit for school in 3 months.

I sincerely hope you're able to achieve your dreams whether it's trucking or military.




This is 'Momma Anne,' checking in for 'arrival!' (at the 'home 20,' of course!!!) LoLoL.. Victor, you know I've got a special spot in my heart for you, son! Seroiusly ...heed the words above, the powers that be, and in all seriousness......is there any reason you have an aversion to going military, to fly? Had I had the opportunity, I sure WOULD have went to 'some' sort of avionics schooling, with an A.S. (or higher?) in ATC. My cards didn't line up that way.

I'll respond to your other message as I can, for sure. Yet, for now .... a reminder. Did I mention, my daughter is in ROTC, Air Force, and making $21.00/hour at PR Machining in Mansfield, Ohio? Look them up. She's a recent graduate. She did the KCCC route (Knox County Community College) for CNC machining, and the year AFTER she graduated, they THEN instituted the CDLA class! Would she have gone with the CDL first?!?!? We don't know and neither does she.

She still has plans of obtaining BOTH; Her Pilot's and CDL. You young folks HAVE that opportunity, and latitude! You've got some AMAZING advice above, man. Read it. Over. And Over. Get bored? Go to Old School's 'on the web' blue hyperlink. Read. It. ALSO.... look at Rob T.'s stuff! How about that????? Honest start, lumping groceries, eh? Yessir! Personally, it's a GREAT start...especially with a family (or not) and/or, just to stay FIT!

Look at Pianoman, too! Started w/Swift, and is now with System Transport! Around your age; maybe a few years older. Y'all have your YOUTH in your favor, LoL!

More later, but best wishes is all I have, for now & today. Let it 'simmer.' Sleep on it. Listen to Yaweh, listen to your mom, and your higher power!

~ Anne ~

ps: Feel better, here's US!!!! Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall . . .

aka: NO dreary or depressed! MANY of us folks have emails in profiles, if not more!

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Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:

  • Any combination of vehicles with a gross combined weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more pounds, providing the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the vehicle being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicle towing another not in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any vehicle, regardless of size, designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver.
  • Any vehicle required by federal regulations to be placarded while transporting hazardous materials.


Operating While Intoxicated

Sir Victor II's Comment
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Wow okay that sounds amazing. I am going to check it all out. Also I am replanning and doing LFCC online

Why not find another online school that will take you? Why Liberty? I will hold my tongue concerning Liberty. If you like trucking stick w it for a few years. Save up go to non-military flight school. Check out Gaines Motor Express also. NC operation. Check out Freightworks. Not sure hiring requirements w Freightworks. No flatbed but strong small faith based carrier out of Rutherfordton, Nc.

G-Town's Comment
member avatar

Not sure where you got that from but people dont use atlases for much anymore. Garmin has that in it.

Itโ€™s obvious that you donโ€™t.

Trip planning is knowing where you are going, familiarizing yourself with the route (yes, using an Atlas) and jotting down basic directions in the event the GPS fails (which it will)


Operating While Intoxicated

Sir Victor II's Comment
member avatar

Yaweh is the one True God of all creation.


So a quick update. Looks like Paul Transportations receuiter and I had a miscommunication about school. Small but significant. She thought I was doing it online but Liberty wont let me do that till I get a GPA with them so it just was not a good timing. Then I called Bennett Motor Express, and had to leave a message and then I called Payne Transportation and the super-visor says he is willing to work with my schedule of being in school in August!!! ๐Ÿ™โ˜๏ธ. Yaweh has my back, even when I fall and fail in my personal and career life He is still there! Praise Him!


Who is Yaweh?

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