Figured I would not bore you guys with a day to day the last two weeks have been spent out on the yard doing maneuvers all day every day we spent three days the first week after my last update with class work and videos. The rest have been spent doing pretrip and backing. I had trouble with the driver side parallel the most but I can hole in one it now every time after much practice. Alley dock was introduced to us beginning of this week. I was excited for nothing. It’s the easiest one to be honest. The instructor taught us how to set it up and as long as the setup is perfect you can get a hole in one every time no fail. Today is Friday we started in the classroom for a change. He pointed to the whiteboard and there it was our testing day times. Of course I’m the biggest worrier and I test last at 14:00 Monday. I feel really confident. The instructor gave us our 2022 edition of the rand McNally atlas one for each of us yesterday. He gave us some tips to use on test day such as If you get the alley dock and have already burned your 2 get out and looks but you know your setup was perfect just back it into the box until they blow the whistle on you sure it’s 2 points however you know all you have to do is pull forward a bit and your perfect. My only problem will be the road test. I have a lead foot and some of the streets in this town are 20mph especially the street after a really really tight turn. You can’t even take the turn of someone is at the stop sign it’s so tight by the time your done accelerating out of the turn guess what your going too fast and it’s an automatic fail. 20mph below is going to be my mantra on test day. Except 50 on the highway. Pray for me and wish me luck guys and girls test day is Monday! Thank you for reading this diary and I will update if I pass or fail Monday!
So glad to hear from you man; about time, told ya!!
You will DEF (not the fluid, haha!) be in my thoughts & prayers this weekend, for your 1400 Monday.
Study. Rest. Eat. Repeat.
So glad this is working out for ya, man. Stay blessed.
See ya here, soon, then. WITH A BIG SMILE !! :) :P
~ Anne ~
Just got back to my room. I passed! It’s been a long stressful five weeks! I’m so excited for it to be done no more worries. I was told I would get a trainer by Friday and finally start getting paid. Thanks for all your support
Just got back to my room. I passed! It’s been a long stressful five weeks! I’m so excited for it to be done no more worries. I was told I would get a trainer by Friday and finally start getting paid. Thanks for all your support
KNEW you could; knew you would !!! You are like our FIRST Witte Bros. graduate, at least IIRC !! Enjoy the confetti; wish I could throw it on you in person, hahaha! I hope they are reading this; and I'm glad I steered ya right, man !
(Better than Alka Seltzer, eh? 'What a RELIEF it Is !")
Best forward, man. Keep us in the loop!
~ Anne ~
Way to go! Good job!
Congratulations brother!
Just got back to my room. I passed! It’s been a long stressful five weeks! I’m so excited for it to be done no more worries. I was told I would get a trainer by Friday and finally start getting paid. Thanks for all your support
Still set, with getting a trainer tomorrow? Hope so!! Hope all is still good. I'm always following!!!
~ Anne ~
Operating While Intoxicated
Hows it going out there driver?
Today marks the end of my second week on the road training with my trainer. It has been challenging to say the least. My trainer is one of the best drivers in the company and really strict. I am learning a lot. Lane control, constantly checking mirrors, when to pass other vehicles/semi’s,how to coast down hills to help you up the next one, how to watch for road signs while your doing everything I said all at once haha We went to Jersey city,nj my first week. Just got back from Los Angeles,ca this morning. We kick out again Tuesday morning at 4am for San Antonio,tx so I can get my hard copy of my cdl. My company wants you to have the actual Cdl before going solo. I am building up my driving stamina little by little when I first started I couldn’t go past seven hours. Friday I drove twelve hours. This morning I drove ten hours. So I’m getting there. The company policy is the student does everything week four. So I have to trip plan drive handle all the paperwork calling dss doing my own elogs Etc I feel I’m ready. Can’t wait to get into my own truck. Will update again either week three or when I go solo!
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Electronic Logbook
A device which records the amount of time a vehicle has been driven. If the vehicle is not being driven, the operator will manually input whether or not he/she is on duty or not.
Electronic Logbook
A device which records the amount of time a vehicle has been driven. If the vehicle is not being driven, the operator will manually input whether or not he/she is on duty or not.
Thanks for the update. Have fun, good luck, hammer down!
That's a great mix of areas, Kevin. Now you need to get some mountain terrain added in there. Sounds like you are also fortunate with your trainer situation, too.
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Dont overthink it. Stay focused. Best of luck.