Quoted from the above URL:
"A driver cannot take a controlled substance or prescription medication without a prescription from a licensed practitioner. If a driver uses a drug identified in 21 CFR 1308.11 (391.42(b)(12)) or any other substance such as amphetamine, a narcotic, or any other habit forming drug, The driver is medically unqualified.
There is an exception: the prescribing doctor can write that the driver is safe to be a commercial driver while taking the medication. In this case, the Medical Examiner may, but does not have to certify the driver.
Any anti-seizure medication used for the prevention of seizures is disqualifying.
The Medical Examiner has 2 ways to determine if any medication a driver uses will adversely affect safe operation of a CMV:
Review each medication - prescription, non-prescription and supplement Request a letter from the prescribing doctor Last Updated : September 18, 2017"
That's the legal aspect. Now will a company hire you? On that I have no idea nor experience. Others with more experience will know better & more
Hello , I’m curious as to primes and other trucking companies look on ADHD medicine and what ones maybe disqualified from use.
I used to be on prescription Vyvanse for a good portion of my life however I’m no longer taking it and it isn’t currently on my current med cert however it did help me in the past and I was curious about if it’s possible to get back on it I know it is an amphetamine but I just want a cut and dry answer from someone who has been in my situation with mental health prescription drugs and trucking . I also take 2 other medications which I know are ok with prime I’m just waiting on some current drs notes in order to be approved by prime but if I’m able to truck with my full potential I feel it would be beneficial to be put back on my Vyvanse. Thanks 8&1/2
The CSA is a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) initiative to improve large truck and bus safety and ultimately reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities that are related to commercial motor vehicle
The FMCSA was established within the Department of Transportation on January 1, 2000. Their primary mission is to prevent commercial motor vehicle-related fatalities and injuries.
What Does The FMCSA Do?
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
A CMV is a vehicle that is used as part of a business, is involved in interstate commerce, and may fit any of these descriptions:
Hello , I’m curious as to primes and other trucking companies look on ADHD medicine and what ones maybe disqualified from use.
I used to be on prescription Vyvanse for a good portion of my life however I’m no longer taking it and it isn’t currently on my current med cert however it did help me in the past and I was curious about if it’s possible to get back on it I know it is an amphetamine but I just want a cut and dry answer from someone who has been in my situation with mental health prescription drugs and trucking . I also take 2 other medications which I know are ok with prime I’m just waiting on some current drs notes in order to be approved by prime but if I’m able to truck with my full potential I feel it would be beneficial to be put back on my Vyvanse. Thanks 8&1/2
Howdy, 8.5 !!
Welcome to Trucking Truth, too!
Here's some great links & reads, for starters:
Prime tends to be one of the more 'particular' companies, regarding Rx's. Perhaps Kearsey will stop by and weigh in; I'm unable to find her post, right now.
You can possibly find a video, here: Truckin' Along w/Kearsey! as well.
Best wishes in your venture!
~ Anne ~
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Thanks for the reply’s ladies and gents I appreciate the quick responses, I did look in some of the threads about Vyvanse and there wasn’t much of anything except post from a few years ago . Which really didn’t give me much info , I’m already in the process of drs notes etc due to my Mental Illness with trinity health which I must say is really picky and demanding since I already have given them a clearance letter that my dr signed off on but now they want notes I guess my main concern is it worth the hassle dealing with saying I think I’d like to go back on my Vyvanse and add more stuff to this or even maybe call trinity and talk about it ? And if I’m going back on Vyvanse I’d need to get an updated med cert I’m assuming . It’s not that I can’t drive without my Vyvanse safely for extended periods of time , it’s just it does give me a sense of mental clarity and focus And I feel it makes me a safer driver since I’m more alert . My buddy just got back from Roehl and is on an anxiety med and he told me to just get a clearance letter from my dr like he did and I should be fine . It seems like trinity is hard to deal with .
If you don't need it you could always get in with a company, build a reputation then broach the subject. Might be easier to get them to agree if you're a known good employee. Obviously some companies may have no exception policies.
Electric APUs have started gaining acceptance. These electric APUs use battery packs instead of the diesel engine on traditional APUs as a source of power. The APU's battery pack is charged when the truck is in motion. When the truck is idle, the stored energy in the battery pack is then used to power an air conditioner, heater, and other devices
You might want to look at Strattera as an alternative.
Hello , I’m curious as to primes and other trucking companies look on ADHD medicine and what ones maybe disqualified from use.
I used to be on prescription Vyvanse for a good portion of my life however I’m no longer taking it and it isn’t currently on my current med cert however it did help me in the past and I was curious about if it’s possible to get back on it I know it is an amphetamine but I just want a cut and dry answer from someone who has been in my situation with mental health prescription drugs and trucking . I also take 2 other medications which I know are ok with prime I’m just waiting on some current drs notes in order to be approved by prime but if I’m able to truck with my full potential I feel it would be beneficial to be put back on my Vyvanse. Thanks 8&1/2
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Hello , I’m curious as to primes and other trucking companies look on ADHD medicine and what ones maybe disqualified from use.
I used to be on prescription Vyvanse for a good portion of my life however I’m no longer taking it and it isn’t currently on my current med cert however it did help me in the past and I was curious about if it’s possible to get back on it I know it is an amphetamine but I just want a cut and dry answer from someone who has been in my situation with mental health prescription drugs and trucking . I also take 2 other medications which I know are ok with prime I’m just waiting on some current drs notes in order to be approved by prime but if I’m able to truck with my full potential I feel it would be beneficial to be put back on my Vyvanse. Thanks 8&1/2