Ya know, if all you well intentioned volunteers had spent half as much of your time posting on the questions I asked rather than analyzing my state of mind, this afternoon would have been much more productive. Feel free to post amongst yourselves in this thread, but I'm not wasting any more time on this nonsense. Feel free to PM me if you have anything useful pertaining to my question.
Ya know, if you spent half as much of your time actually trying to understand why we were saying what we were saying rather than thinking that you know it all then this thread would have been a lot more productive.
You got your questions answered and more bonuses from Brett. You come back displaying nothing but rudeness.
You were in a fighting stance this entire thread.
What a crock. You're the only person on this thread who has called anyone else an idiot and a smartass, and you have the nerve to lecture me on rudeness? Physician, heal thyself. I didn't come here looking for your friendship, and I certainly don't give a damn whether you like me or not.
Yes, in response to your rudeness. I don't know how you could possibly miss 5 links and then have the nerve to talk down to others. Anyways, good luck out here. You're going to need it, just don't hurt anyone if you do somehow make it solo.
You're right. And I don't have to help you. Good luck. I'm out.
. . . ultimately followed by . . .
What a crock.
It's uncanny, isn't it? How Brett nailed it once again. See, all that experience is why he recognized what a waste of time trying to be civil was gonna pay off in . . . nothing. Amazing . . .
Ya know, if all you well intentioned volunteers had spent half as much of your time posting on the questions I asked rather than analyzing my state of mind, this afternoon would have been much more productive. Feel free to post amongst yourselves in this thread, but I'm not wasting any more time on this nonsense. Feel free to PM me if you have anything useful pertaining to my question.
Ya know, if you spent half as much of your time actually trying to understand why we were saying what we were saying rather than thinking that you know it all then this thread would have been a lot more productive.
You got your questions answered and more bonuses from Brett. You come back displaying nothing but rudeness.
You were in a fighting stance this entire thread.
What a crock. You're the only person on this thread who has called anyone else an idiot and a smartass, and you have the nerve to lecture me on rudeness? Physician, heal thyself. I didn't come here looking for your friendship, and I certainly don't give a damn whether you like me or not.
Yes, in response to your rudeness. I don't know how you could possibly miss 5 links and then have the nerve to talk down to others. Anyways, good luck out here. You're going to need it, just don't hurt anyone if you do somehow make it solo.
A super trucker in the making I guess ! Gentleman some people have a chip on their shoulder and there's not much anyone can do about it ! Offer advice to those who know better and hope that it will sink in later ! I truly appreciate the advice and the lesson's shared by those who learned the lesson's the hard way ! Thank you all !
OK instead of dealing with the bigger issue that has been address and obviously an not warranted here as a valid by the OP I will refrain from my initial gut reaction and ignore the entire OP and just deal with the very last part....
Flatbed.....freight that is loaded on an open deck trailer that has to be secured and perhaps tarped. There is alot of physical work involved with flatbedding. Alot of live load and live unload. Those that like it love it. Those that don't like it hate it. It's pretty cut and dried. Black and white. No really gray area.
Dry van. Alot of drop and hook. Some live load/unload. Less physical. Again those that like it love it and those that don't hate it.
Before you come back and say that those are obvious statements that can be deduced from common sense and reading basic "What is the difference" websites let me stop ya right there and say that the pros and cons of each is SUBJECTIVE at best cause opinions are developed by drivers personal experiences dealing with both and no two opinions will be the same. Everyone in trucking will have there personal experience in trucking and you will develop you own set of pros and cons when you get into trucking and IF you get into trucking.
Now having said all that KNOWING what to expect by talking to other drivers will in no way prepare you for the reality of driving a truck but it's a start.
I know this post is something that you could have found out anywhere on the Web but you did not look just anywhere on the web. You looked on this website.
Drop and hook means the driver will drop one trailer and hook to another one.
In order to speed up the pickup and delivery process a driver may be instructed to drop their empty trailer and hook to one that is already loaded, or drop their loaded trailer and hook to one that is already empty. That way the driver will not have to wait for a trailer to be loaded or unloaded.
Operating While Intoxicated
P.S. I'm just glad GuyJax didn't chime in yet . .
...Wait for it...
Now that was anti-climatic.
Now that was anti-climatic
Yes it was . . . but he was being a gentleman and saw the futility of making remarks that were gonna be rejected anyway . . . just showed his experience like Brett . . .
Well I could have come in with guns blazing but I do read what people post before me and to me it seemed there was not a lot of that Dead horse left to beat with my Axe handle SO I Moved on.
Besides I am sort of like the trucking industry. One minute ready to chew ya up and spit ya out and the next ruin your week hometime because I decided to to change directions.
Sometimes you have to know when to smile and nod and give them a pat on the butt on the way out.
You guys are funny. Seriously, you are. I had my friend over here today--the one I mentioned in my first post. He got a real kick outta reading what was posted, especially the one about glassdoor.com in two months. We both think some of you think much higher of yourselves than you should. We also agreed that there's lots of good information on this site. It's all good though.
as if I have to prove it to you in the first place
You're right. And I don't have to help you. Good luck. I'm out.
Wow hey Brett have had my CDL with all endorsements and its been 3 months but gonna go ahead and do OTR with DSW I know I am going to be Rusty but what I want to say is Your Right its all about attitude hope I can keep mine in check love the new updated version and keep up the good work and I am nervous as HELL
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
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Well guys, Im going back to studying.Nice talking to everyone.To all the current drivers stay safe out there.To the ones preparing for school, I will be glad when we are more than a liability and are getting the miles and seeing the country.Till next time......
P.s. Thank you Brett for establishing such an informative site for everyone to benefit from.I feel it will make a huge difference in a positive career for me and many others.