What I’ve Learned A Month Into A Local Delivery Job

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John G.'s Comment
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I feel gay talking about myself, but I finally feel qualified enough to be able to contribute something to new drivers and people interested in trucking, so I will share what I’ve learned. Here is an outline, and I’ll elaborate each point further. Please comment if I helped you or if you have a pointer for me. I’m still a new guy.

1. Trucking is actual work. It feels like work, but that is not a bad thing 2. People who work labor jobs still workout. Per my trainer (personal trainer) 3. My delivery job is more delivery than driving, but it is still good driving experience.

1. Trucking is actual work. It feels like work, but that is not a bad thing Trucking requires more commitment than I expected. Before I explain the main point, I’ll share my background. I worked as a school teacher before and half-assed the past couple years. During covid, we ran everything virtually, so we just sat at a desk and did zoom meetings. During this time, I experimented with a side business. I ran a mobile tire service for semi trucks, and it was the owner operators who inspired me to get my CDL. This semi-relevant statistic aside, I found myself getting very comfortable as a teacher, but felt discouraged on the job outlook. According to the pay scale, I would only make another $10k per year as a 15 year teacher. This small raise wasn’t worth the time 10 additional years I would have to commit to teaching. I found the teacher salary depressing after I saw how much I could sell my time for as a mobile mechanic and the ****ty houses and cars teachers have. I am not meaning this to sound disrespectful, but these are the key reasons I started to change my focus.

I accidentally ****ed off my principal my last year teaching and got a ton of write ups. I had worked at the school many years and never received a write up. I got written up for being on my phone in class. Some old ***** poked her head in my room, complained, then I got an email from the head principal that I was going to have a second formal meeting with the administration to discuss the infraction. It was around this time I enrolled in CDL school.

I continued working in the school and took a night course and finally got my CDL after the second try last December. I felt amazing after I got it, probably too ****y. Since I was still employed at the school, I really indulged myself. I called in, went on trips, scheduled repairs for my mobile business and left the moment school got out. I saw my coworkers as idiots, like haven’t they seen the way out of this government job yet?

Like I said, I may have gotten too ****y, although I find airing on the side of ****y has gotten me further in every area of life than being timid has.

I had my first job lined up with an end dump company. I was in for a surprise. The safety manager who hired me told me we show up around 6 every morning, and we road tested in a combination tractor- dump trailer. He also said I would get around $1,500 per week.

I was in for a rude awakening. When I started, I learned we were supposed to be at the pit at 5 am. This meant waking up at 3 or 4 am which meant going to bed very early, like 9 or 10 pm. I really struggled falling asleep so early and waking up early. I still showed up, but would take naps during my breaks.

The other surprises were the truck and pay, or lack thereof. The manager told me they start new people in super tandems (big dump trucks) instead of combinations. Okay, I thought, I figured they did that so I would learn the process. I later found out they didn’t have anymore tractors- they were all occupied. I ran all day in the dump truck and was making $600-700 per week after taxes. A far cry from the $1500 I was promised and barely a liveable wage. I found myself unmotivated to show up. They wanted us to work Saturdays too, but I did repairs with my side business instead. It wasn’t worth my time.

They called me into a meeting where they made up some **** about safety violations to try and fire me, but I told them it’s fine I quit. I already had my current delivery job lined up.

I applied to a night shift position as a Coke delivery driver. I was so worn out from the day shift hours I figured why not change things up even more. I am glad I chose the night shift, because I wouldn’t be able to wake up every morning at 4, plus I hated having to go to bed so early. At night, I remember thinking, “I wish I could just go to work now.”

Oddly, I discovered not many people want night shifts, so my prediction for evenings is both good for Coke and me.

We start around 4 pm. This was the first week they let me drive the truck. We push heavy pallets (they call them skids since they’re not technically pallets) into different stores and gas stations. Driving the truck and having a CDL feels secondary, but my trainer and I are actually working.

Aside from changing music, there is no time to play on my phone. As a comparison, when I was teaching online classes, I spend hours browsing the web. Being busy puts priorities in order. I don’t spend hours doing online shopping. I don’t buy stupid **** and I buy stuff I need. I spend hours comparing specs on a laptop I wanted when I worked at a school. When I’m doing deliveries, I spent a few of my breaks researching phones and just ordered one. I order the protein and supplements I need from amazon. I don’t have the luxury to browse online.

Working 12-13 hour shifts has been a good thing.. reaching the limit, will add more later


Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:

  • Any combination of vehicles with a gross combined weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more pounds, providing the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the vehicle being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicle towing another not in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any vehicle, regardless of size, designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver.
  • Any vehicle required by federal regulations to be placarded while transporting hazardous materials.

Owner Operator:

An owner-operator is a driver who either owns or leases the truck they are driving. A self-employed driver.


Tandem Axles

A set of axles spaced close together, legally defined as more than 40 and less than 96 inches apart by the USDOT. Drivers tend to refer to the tandem axles on their trailer as just "tandems". You might hear a driver say, "I'm 400 pounds overweight on my tandems", referring to his trailer tandems, not his tractor tandems. Tractor tandems are generally just referred to as "drives" which is short for "drive axles".


Tandem Axles

A set of axles spaced close together, legally defined as more than 40 and less than 96 inches apart by the USDOT. Drivers tend to refer to the tandem axles on their trailer as just "tandems". You might hear a driver say, "I'm 400 pounds overweight on my tandems", referring to his trailer tandems, not his tractor tandems. Tractor tandems are generally just referred to as "drives" which is short for "drive axles".


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Anne A. (and sometimes To's Comment
member avatar

WoW !!!!

You sure have been busy, John G!! Many folks actually DO prefer night driving; my guy does, too.

Bummer about the end dump job; hope things work out w/CocaCola, for ya though. Banks did a spell with Pepsi awhile back; he returned to FXF/LH though. Pretty sure he did a diary, if you choose to look; Hope it works out, man. Congrats!

Thanks for sharing, will look forward to more;

~ Anne ~


When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.

Daniel M.'s Comment
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Cool, thanks for sharing!

John G.'s Comment
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Got a update and unfortunately I'm feeling mad discouraged today, but read further if you want a textbook case of irony.

One of the biggest reasons I quit teaching (besides being a mechanic and liking trucks), was to get a job that allows me more independence. This has been quite the opposite- the people I work with are pettier than the middle age teachers I left.

My trainer reported me for language. I didn't say any bad words in the store, or around customers. I'm actually charming and the customers like me I can tell.

Meanwhile, my trainer hates his life. He's only 35, has 3 kids and another on the way. He seems miserable as hell and still advises me to have kids. I think he hates on me a little cause I drop 2 grand on a car mod, he's buying **** for his family. That's a separate issue, but it leads to the main point.

I've been cooperating assiduously with this dude. We drop a pallet in the store, he tells me move it 6" to the right. I've been cooperating thus far. He cusses non stop even at me, but I understand I'm new, so as long as he's not too disrespectful, I tolerate it, I've gotten way faster at stocking and the process. I can tolerate a lot of **** from people. I've learned and I'm glad.

Then he tells the supervisor I cuss too much and doesn't want to work with me. I'm ok with that,except the hypocrisy. Even my gf heard him cussing in the background during a lunch break. Dudes mad at the world and I've been putting up with it.

The other day, I go into the break room. Ppl in there (except for a driver or two) se miserable as hell. I start talking with one driver I'm cool with and tell him I got Headers for my car and it's gonna be retarded loud. Next moment, I'm in the office with the supervisor getting my load and some "lead" pops his head in and says "I'm from the country,so I know what you meant, but don't say retarded cause ppl could misinterpret it." I know how to take feedback so I say "my bad, don't wanna hurt anyones feelings. Won't happen again."

Since then Ive been keeping my mouth shut.

Then last night after a 10 hour shift of sweating (we are in 100 degree texas), we pull up to the gate. I give the check in kid my paperwork and handheld. This 20 yo starts giving me sh*t, then makes a huge deal of me scratching my ass and refused to check me in. They had a lady do it instead.

He literally reported me to HR for that. I had to write a statement. I didn't even mention scratching my ass, but she me. It's hot and I've been doing physical labor for 10-12hrs

I'm really frustrated, cause I've become a better driver (different trainers have given me good feedback) AND I've learned how to stock coolers at lightning speed.

The problem is tiptoing around the sensitive people here. Also, so many ppl have attitudes, like they hate their jobs

I'm supposed to be driving on my own next week or the week after, depending on some paperwork.

Any advice? I'm gonna stick it out for a while,but I got accused of all sorts of dumb hearsay BS at the school, now it's even worse at the trucking place.

One thing I will advise is your trainer isn't your buddy. But this dude put himself in a position to hate me. I got a car collection and he kept asking how much I spent on each one. Stop comparing *******, we are not the same.

But for real I need advice.... I did not expect to be accused of scratching my ass

Deleted Account's Comment
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Most times when you get a group of drivers together it turns into a whine fest. Once you're done with training you won't need to deal with them other than getting your paperwork. We have a few drivers that whine about the dumbest crap that most days I make sure to ignore them. If they don't get the hint I'll feed into their negativity that whatever their complaint is makes me more upset than it does them. Often times it results in them walking away when they realize I'm being sarcastic.

Most days I'll grab paperwork and leave immediately. Im polite and professional to anybody I see making small talk about how their day went but I'm not hanging out longer than absolutely necessary. I really don't care about their day but atleast this way someone doesn't put a target on me thinking I'm rude and arrogant. If my load isn't ready I'll either sit with the other drivers (depending on who's there) or go take a nap in the truck. Life's too short to be ****ed off all the time. It's best to keep work and your personal life separate the best you can. I've found at other jobs your work "friends" will often throw you under the bus first chance they get to make themselves look better or put them in a better position for a promotion. As far as your trainer keep it professional. Keep small talk to a minimum and just get through the remaining time you have.

Anne A. (and sometimes To's Comment
member avatar

Got a update and unfortunately I'm feeling mad discouraged today, but read further if you want a textbook case of irony.

One of the biggest reasons I quit teaching (besides being a mechanic and liking trucks), was to get a job that allows me more independence. This has been quite the opposite- the people I work with are pettier than the middle age teachers I left.

My trainer reported me for language. I didn't say any bad words in the store, or around customers. I'm actually charming and the customers like me I can tell.

Meanwhile, my trainer hates his life. He's only 35, has 3 kids and another on the way. He seems miserable as hell and still advises me to have kids. I think he hates on me a little cause I drop 2 grand on a car mod, he's buying **** for his family. That's a separate issue, but it leads to the main point.

I've been cooperating assiduously with this dude. We drop a pallet in the store, he tells me move it 6" to the right. I've been cooperating thus far. He cusses non stop even at me, but I understand I'm new, so as long as he's not too disrespectful, I tolerate it, I've gotten way faster at stocking and the process. I can tolerate a lot of **** from people. I've learned and I'm glad.

Then he tells the supervisor I cuss too much and doesn't want to work with me. I'm ok with that,except the hypocrisy. Even my gf heard him cussing in the background during a lunch break. Dudes mad at the world and I've been putting up with it.

The other day, I go into the break room. Ppl in there (except for a driver or two) se miserable as hell. I start talking with one driver I'm cool with and tell him I got Headers for my car and it's gonna be retarded loud. Next moment, I'm in the office with the supervisor getting my load and some "lead" pops his head in and says "I'm from the country,so I know what you meant, but don't say retarded cause ppl could misinterpret it." I know how to take feedback so I say "my bad, don't wanna hurt anyones feelings. Won't happen again."

Since then Ive been keeping my mouth shut.

Then last night after a 10 hour shift of sweating (we are in 100 degree texas), we pull up to the gate. I give the check in kid my paperwork and handheld. This 20 yo starts giving me sh*t, then makes a huge deal of me scratching my ass and refused to check me in. They had a lady do it instead.

He literally reported me to HR for that. I had to write a statement. I didn't even mention scratching my ass, but she me. It's hot and I've been doing physical labor for 10-12hrs

I'm really frustrated, cause I've become a better driver (different trainers have given me good feedback) AND I've learned how to stock coolers at lightning speed.

The problem is tiptoing around the sensitive people here. Also, so many ppl have attitudes, like they hate their jobs

I'm supposed to be driving on my own next week or the week after, depending on some paperwork.

Any advice? I'm gonna stick it out for a while,but I got accused of all sorts of dumb hearsay BS at the school, now it's even worse at the trucking place.

One thing I will advise is your trainer isn't your buddy. But this dude put himself in a position to hate me. I got a car collection and he kept asking how much I spent on each one. Stop comparing *******, we are not the same.

But for real I need advice.... I did not expect to be accused of scratching my ass

Did you end up working things out, John G. ?

Rob T. sure gave you the best advice, whatsoever. He didn't get where he is, by being the wise young lad he is, especially in this industry!

Hope things are still doing well for you; local P&D work is HARD.

~ Anne ~


Pickup & Delivery

Local drivers that stay around their area, usually within 100 mile radius of a terminal, picking up and delivering loads.

LTL (Less Than Truckload) carriers for instance will have Linehaul drivers and P&D drivers. The P&D drivers will deliver loads locally from the terminal and pick up loads returning to the terminal. Linehaul drivers will then run truckloads from terminal to terminal.

John G.'s Comment
member avatar

Appreciate the advice and follow up. I agree about ignoring the negative people..

So far, I've made it and the job is way more fun than I could have imagined. I don't even think about teaching anymore. They can have it.

Once they let me on my own, things got a lot better. I've had hiccups with inventory and paperwork, but so far so good.

My supervisor is a micromanager, which I don't enjoy, but the actual job (stocking drinks, pulling into tight lots) feels rewarding. I already got a raise from my teaching job.

A couple areas I need help with- 1. Backing- I find at the end of the night, my backing sucks. But, during the day, the store clerks have told me I did a great job backing. I maneuver the truck so the lift gate falls on the curb if necessary.

2.No truck zones. I do lots of local deliveries (gas stations, restaurants), so there are times when it is difficult to avoid them. Sometimes I already have turned, then see the damn no truck 🚛 in sign. Do I turn around?

3. Clearance. So far I have not had any can opener moments with the trailer, but a few close calls with tree branches. If the map tells me to turn onto a residential street, I keep going and pass it

4. Wrong way drivers. I've literally driven for 6 mos and already had 2 ppl approach me going the wrong way. Scares the **** out of me. I blasted the horn and the ****er moved over

5. Speed conundrum. I am a delivery driver and the manager has me on a "mod" route, which is slightly less cases than a regular route. He has implied I need to speed up.

I've found that some nights I "have it" other nights I don't. The pallets we use suck and the goods fall off of them easily. This disrupts the rhythm of the delivery.

And there are times when I am well fed and well rested where I can't stock the **** well and feel disorganized.

Then there are other times when I crush it.

Driving the truck fast is a wash for a number of reasons. They have a lynx camera inside, and they have zero tolerance policy for running a red light.

My trainers taught me to let off the gas when approaching a green light (say a 1/4 mile before intersection), then gas it at the point of no return. So there is no way I'm gonna take chances to speed up my route by driving fast.

6. This is random, but I want to practice driving a standard. My buddy let me drive his 10 speed cascadia, and I drove it way better than I did in driving school. I grinded a lot less. I wonder if I could take one of the company trucks around the parking lot for a while to practice my shifting

If anyone who is reading this is considering a delivery job, know that it is lots of hours and physical labor. But there are lots of benefits. Ive learned to drive a truck in difficult areas (not mountains, but tight spots), and I enjoy it. I get a hot coffee on my way back to the yard and blast music.

Since I'm not at a desk, I don't browse for **** I don't need online, but when I do need something, I have the money and I buy it. I spend my money on training supplements and car parts instead of weed.

Before I got my cdl , I smoked lots of weed and getting the CDL forced me to quit.

Trucking requires time, at least 12 hrs a day at this job, so I don't need the weed I did to deal with boredom. Plus I wouldn't risk losing my cdl for it


Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:

  • Any combination of vehicles with a gross combined weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more pounds, providing the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the vehicle being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicle towing another not in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any vehicle, regardless of size, designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver.
  • Any vehicle required by federal regulations to be placarded while transporting hazardous materials.
John G.'s Comment
member avatar

There was one thing I wanted to add about the personality issues. I'm not best friends with any of the people, but now that I've been there a while, I talk to them like equals rather than a noob. Idk if this makes sense, but for a new person, I would recommend learning the lingo and "acting the part' more than I did.

I was clueless and showed it. This doesn't mean be afraid to ask questions, but talk to the people as your coworkers and fellow drivers, rather than just a noob. ****, look up some stuff to say to them that makes you look like you know the part. Eg... "Man I was checking in at ___ and the clerk had me wait 20 min, can you believe it?"

Anne A. (and sometimes To's Comment
member avatar

There was one thing I wanted to add about the personality issues. I'm not best friends with any of the people, but now that I've been there a while, I talk to them like equals rather than a noob. Idk if this makes sense, but for a new person, I would recommend learning the lingo and "acting the part' more than I did.

I was clueless and showed it. This doesn't mean be afraid to ask questions, but talk to the people as your coworkers and fellow drivers, rather than just a noob. ****, look up some stuff to say to them that makes you look like you know the part. Eg... "Man I was checking in at ___ and the clerk had me wait 20 min, can you believe it?"

John G.;

This above post...shows that you ARE finally 'getting it.'

I'm happy to hear that, man. Improvement shows that you are STILL learning, day to day. Just like the title of this thread.

Kudos to you! Stay at it.

~ Anne ~

Anne A. (and sometimes To's Comment
member avatar

There was one thing I wanted to add about the personality issues. I'm not best friends with any of the people, but now that I've been there a while, I talk to them like equals rather than a noob. Idk if this makes sense, but for a new person, I would recommend learning the lingo and "acting the part' more than I did.

I was clueless and showed it. This doesn't mean be afraid to ask questions, but talk to the people as your coworkers and fellow drivers, rather than just a noob. ****, look up some stuff to say to them that makes you look like you know the part. Eg... "Man I was checking in at ___ and the clerk had me wait 20 min, can you believe it?"

Hey, man!

You left this diary ''high & dry!" LoL, it happens. Just wondering!

So, confused.gif

Is this still your same place, doing this ?!?!? Shifting Video... ?

Either way; be safe!

~ Anne ~

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