Just For Fun, What Would You Want To Do?

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Anne A. (and sometimes To's Comment
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If you couldn’t drive or didn’t want to drive, but wanted to stay with your company, what position would you want?

Personally, I would like some type of trainer position. My company doesn’t train drivers, but the new drivers they bring in go through a week of orientation. I would like to teach the orientation class. It would be challenging and fun. How about you?

Anne, you don’t drive yet, but I think you would be perfect for Human Resources. Am I right?

Yes. Kinda do.


Anne, you don’t drive yet, but I think you would be perfect for Human Resources. Am I right?


Background checks

Yep, Kinda do . . . too ! You also?????

Safety department .

Yep, already on this, as well !!! Aren't you departing this position, good sir?


Always; in and between the above, you KNOW it, haha!


Joshua, I hope that 'mechanic' is for you, not me.. hahaha! Stevo Reno left before teaching me... dang.

"Gofer"....go fer coffee, gofer lunch, etc


Me, or you?!?!? Wasn't that your B'day week ?!?!?! LoLoL !!! rofl-3.gif rofl-3.gif

Dispatch or the President!embarrassed.gif

Let's GOOOOOOOOO.......................... ~ !

This is actually my reality. I am successfully working towards becoming a Regional Safety Coordinator for OD.

That's awesome, Daniel. I can actually envision that. Happy as heck for ya, man!!!







Oh my gosh! If PackRat was on the switchboard. I would pay money for the transcripts.


I was speaking of Anne as answering the phones and the accompanying conversations, not myself.

I think I would like to be the instructor for new hire orientation.

I was speaking of Anne as answering the phones and the accompanying conversations, not myself.

Anne already DOES all that, haha! Instructor/processor of new hires?!?!? Yeah, nope! Y'all can HAVE that one, hahaha!!

This has been fun, y'all. I spend a day away from the PC, and almost missed all the fun!

Hey, Baba ... let us know.. that's huge!

Best, y'all, always...and thanks!!!!

~ Anne ~


Regional Route

Usually refers to a driver hauling freight within one particular region of the country. You might be in the "Southeast Regional Division" or "Midwest Regional". Regional route drivers often get home on the weekends which is one of the main appeals for this type of route.

Bobcat_Bob's Comment
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Recruiter, I'd tell people the truth good or bad. None of that blowing smoke up people's keisters ploy.


Operating While Intoxicated

Ryan B.'s Comment
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Dispatch or office manager. That's probably long-term goal.


BK's Comment
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I’m also thinking that I would like to work for a major truck stop chain, like Pilot or Loves. I would enjoy getting drivers towed when they take their 10 hour break in the fuel lane. Or even their 30 minute break. Don’t get me started.

Ryan B.'s Comment
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I’m also thinking that I would like to work for a major truck stop chain, like Pilot or Loves. I would enjoy getting drivers towed when they take their 10 hour break in the fuel lane. Or even their 30 minute break. Don’t get me started.

Being able to count that on-duty fueling status toward break really helps avoid too much sitting in the fuel lane.

ID Mtn Gal's Comment
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I’m also thinking that I would like to work for a major truck stop chain, like Pilot or Loves. I would enjoy getting drivers towed when they take their 10 hour break in the fuel lane. Or even their 30 minute break. Don’t get me started.

I do my 30 minute break on the fuel island. I put it On Duty Not Driving while I'm fueling, then pull forward and go Off Duty to run in and get my receipt, scrub my hands because those stupid windshield scrubber handles are dirty....even though I wear gloves, grab a drink and head out. 30 minutes easily is used up.



Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Dave T.'s Comment
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If they paid me to do it full time and paid for all the supplies, I’d probably be the company detailer. I can’t stand that our tanks have acid streaks and the trucks aren’t kept in a cleaner state. I spent 12 hours off the clock this past weekend polishing the wheels out and waxing the cab of my Anthem. We have a crew that comes in every weekend and washes them but they do a **** job and they look just as bad after they wash them. We only have 10 trucks so it wouldn’t be trying to keep up with a whole fleet.

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