Bored To Tears.

Topic 32182 | Page 2

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G-Town's Comment
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If your lookin for excitement you could always team with Packrat. and if you really wanna be kept on your toes just don't let him know about it beforehand

Pacific Pearl's Comment
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One thing to remember - truck driving is a BIG TENT. Whether you just want a temporary vacation from truck driving or a permanent change of scenery you have options. There are plenty of jobs that would value your CDL and driving experience:

Airport Shuttle Bus Driver

I personally know a woman who makes $300-400 A DAY, not in wages (this job starts at $25/hr), but TIPS! Yeah, it's not a, "no touch" freight job, you do load the bags into the bus/van and unload them onto the curb, but it's not unloading 53' of half-ton pallets with a hand truck kind of thing.

Tour Bus Driver

There's not enough money to get me to be the ringmaster about the circus that is a modern Greyhound bus but tour buses are typically retirees and tourists from other countries. They tend to be well behaved and have higher than average incomes.

Incident Response Team Member

Not all CDL jobs are about hauling freight. There are plenty of government jobs with pensions, ridiculous benefits and lots of PAID downtime that require CDL's too.

Concert Tour Drivers

Whether you like the band, the pay or the groupies there of plenty of opportunities in entertainment hauling the performers and their gear. As a driver, you're part of the crew - put up in a hotel, catered food and great pay.


Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:

  • Any combination of vehicles with a gross combined weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more pounds, providing the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the vehicle being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicle towing another not in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any vehicle, regardless of size, designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver.
  • Any vehicle required by federal regulations to be placarded while transporting hazardous materials.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.
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