I prefer Cole's Law. Good side with fish or on a foot long hotdog.
It’s a main part of Friday Fish Fry in Wisconsin. Most of the fish are either cod, perch or walleyes. Perch & Walleye are from Wisconsin. But the Cod are ocean fish and have to be shipped COD.
I couldn’t swerve to avoid the rubber so it ended up bouncing around under my trailer where it severed two brake lines.
Never swerve to avoid an object it is a good way to have an even bigger object. Unless of course that object poses a serious saftey threat.
One of the guys in my yard hit something on 55 on his way home 2 weeks ago. Blew out a tire and did 5k in damage to his Camaro.
I couldn’t swerve to avoid the rubber so it ended up bouncing around under my trailer where it severed two brake lines.
Never swerve to avoid an object it is a good way to have an even bigger object. Unless of course that object poses a serious saftey threat.
One of the guys in my yard hit something on 55 on his way home 2 weeks ago. Blew out a tire and did 5k in damage to his Camaro.
Bobcat, great point. Also a great reason to keep up the regular mirror checks to know what is beside you or in your safety space.
OMG the things I've seen on the highways for years !. I had a '72 lowered El Camino, headed on 605 South to ex wifes house when we dated. The car in front swerved, I couldn't right there was a BIG chunk of angle steel beam. I hit the steel with my engine cross member, it flew under, hit my trans pan, ripped a hole in it the full length, causing tons of white smoke. I get to shoulder, call for tow on the call box, 2 mile tow we had little cash had count out change pay tow driver lol. Got pan welded for $10 (shoulda bought new 1 but was a broke youngster)
on I-10 headed into the Wilshire District, to see a GF on her lunch break. When out of the blue, a big rig tire only, jumped the center median, coming head on at all of us in the are. Luckily, I was able to move over just a tad, to watch it swooosh by my driver door on its roll. Didn't see if anyone behind me hit it, I about needed a new pair of boxers HAHAHA....Ok just 2 incidents, not writing a book lol
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
Wow BK, from all your recent "accidents" in-cab, maybe you should send to whoever in safety, "Things NOT to store overhead" LOL so it can be entwined into training newbs hahaha Sorry, I couldn't stop laughing after reading this 1
Stevo, yesterday I was following a truck on interstate 55 in Illinois when a big chunk of a tire came out from underneath the truck ahead of me. I couldn’t swerve to avoid the rubber so it ended up bouncing around under my trailer where it severed two brake lines. All fixed by roadside service 3 hours later and $445.77. Still made my appointment early up in Butler, WI with less than 30 minutes left on my 14 hr. clock.
So, in other words, you had a pretty good day.
Commercial trade, business, movement of goods or money, or transportation from one state to another, regulated by the Federal Department Of Transportation (DOT).
Operating While Intoxicated
I keep one hammer under the seat and one by my bed. The one I used to use for tapping the fridge but I finally got a new fridge so I guess it can go back in the side box now.
Ironically, I left one of my hammers on the catwalk today, 500 miles later it was still there lol.
I keep one hammer under the seat and one by my bed. The one I used to use for tapping the fridge but I finally got a new fridge so I guess it can go back in the side box now.
Ironically, I left one of my hammers on the catwalk today, 500 miles later it was still there lol.
Davy, glad you didn’t lose your hammer in the hammer lane.
I prefer Cole's Law. Good side with fish or on a foot long hotdog.
It’s a main part of Friday Fish Fry in Wisconsin. Most of the fish are either cod, perch or walleyes. Perch & Walleye are from Wisconsin. But the Cod are ocean fish and have to be shipped COD.
Gotta be a dad with many years of experience, by plenty of multiples. It's the only way for jokes to reach such a heightened status of "Dad."
I keep one hammer under the seat and one by my bed. The one I used to use for tapping the fridge but I finally got a new fridge so I guess it can go back in the side box now.
Ironically, I left one of my hammers on the catwalk today, 500 miles later it was still there lol.
Davy, glad you didn’t lose your hammer in the hammer lane.
That's because it's the hanmer lane. DUH. Have to be in the screwed driver lane to lose hammers.
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I prefer Cole's Law. Good side with fish or on a foot long hotdog.