Some Days I Wish I Would Have Stayed In Bed.

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guyjax(Guy Hodges)'s Comment
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As most know I drive teams. This allows me to avoid truck stops except for fuel and supplies. When we switch out drivers we park long enough for the other to wake up and do anything that needs doing before they start drivering.

While waking up I read the forums here to help wake up my brain and I also watch the truckstop as a source of amusement to get my day started off right.

I sat there watching this poor driver trying to straight line back into this spot. Guess he was tired cause he lined up on the spot 5 times and failed 5 times to do a simple straight line back into the spot.

Finally I figured I would take pity on him and I fired up my CB and ask if he needed help getting in the parking spot and I would guide him back if he wanted me to.......

Have to pause a moment here and say that nothing wakes me up faster than someone comes back with a smart a$$ remark and I went out of my way to try and help them.

......well he responds with "I don't need your f@cking help and you know nothing about what is Going on....."

OMG why did he have to say the totally wrong thing to someone that he didn't know and had he know he would not have said that to someone that does not know how to keep his mouth I could not leave it at that so of course rather than cuss him I choose to embarrass him and said "Driver I may not know much but what I do know is that you have totally screwed up 5 perfectly good pulls up for a straight line back and have manged to end up with your truck 3 spaces to far to the left each time you have tried so why don't ya just reach back and tap your trainer on the a$$ and wake him up before you end up hitting every truck in the truckstop that happens to be no where near where you were aiming in the first place"......could I leave it alone there...nope then I added ..." You might try pulling into the parking spot and with better results since you sure as can't hit the broad side of a barn with your incredible show of backing skills."

Guess I made him a bit mad cause he tore out of the truckstop like his tail end was on fire.

OK I did feel bad after that for about 3 seconds cause I know how it can be but to my way of thinking when someone offers to help you when you are having trouble either your turn it down or accept it but that last thing you is throw it back in the guys face. Makes no sense.

Perhaps I should have been nicer to the guy. I will admit I did not chose the high road and my only excuse is that I don't tolerate stupid people or dumb a$$e's to we'll especially since I was honestly trying to help the guy out.

OK I know what I will do. The next time I am in Pembroke NY and and going to grab my bag and jump off the truck and go live with Brett and then only have to deal with stubborn farm animals. They would be less hard headed and have better attitudes than some of these drivers out here.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.

Jopa's Comment
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My vote is you did fine. You didn't hit him with the broadside 'till after he came back with the smart a$$ remark. Maybe he'll be a little more civil next time. At least you didn't sneak over and snake his APU exhaust line under his bunk, now did you? Could have except he got outta Dodge too quick.




Auxiliary Power Unit

On tractor trailers, and APU is a small diesel engine that powers a heat and air conditioning unit while charging the truck's main batteries at the same time. This allows the driver to remain comfortable in the cab and have access to electric power without running the main truck engine.

Having an APU helps save money in fuel costs and saves wear and tear on the main engine, though they tend to be expensive to install and maintain. Therefore only a very small percentage of the trucks on the road today come equipped with an APU.

guyjax(Guy Hodges)'s Comment
member avatar

My vote is you did fine. You didn't hit him with the broadside 'till after he came back with the smart a$$ remark. Maybe he'll be a little more civil next time. At least you didn't sneak over and snake his APU exhaust line under his bunk, now did you? Could have except he got outta Dodge too quick.



Nah I would not do that. That's is sneaky. I rather meet someone face to face in the middle of the parking lot. Heck they don't even get the joy of knocking any teeth out. The Dentist took care of all those in January.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Auxiliary Power Unit

On tractor trailers, and APU is a small diesel engine that powers a heat and air conditioning unit while charging the truck's main batteries at the same time. This allows the driver to remain comfortable in the cab and have access to electric power without running the main truck engine.

Having an APU helps save money in fuel costs and saves wear and tear on the main engine, though they tend to be expensive to install and maintain. Therefore only a very small percentage of the trucks on the road today come equipped with an APU.

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