Biden hasn’t forgotten he’s doing. He’s like a mix between a puppet and an infiltrator. Hopefully there is a country left to save come 2024.
I think Biden forgets that on day one he stopped new federal leasing and banned fracking.
I think they would love for people to forget that and instead focus on Russia, Russia, Russia causing all this.
I've said this many times - we are living through the deliberate destruction of our economy, our laws, and our culture. Ultimate control for those who seek it will come in the form of a digital central currency and the elimination of physical currency. Once our currency is digital, the government will then have complete control over every facet of our lives.
To make this happen, they must first destroy the dollar completely, take us into a deep depression, then "build back better for our own good."
Just saw the newest Tom McDonald video. White tatted rapper who's vid went viral with over 1.2 million views in 6 hours. Its talking all about this crap and laying down facts it's ALL on Biden's shoulders of the world today. Also seen days ago, of course, China is already testing this digital currency thing in places, also trying to ruin our dollar. Not a time to be having new kids born into the coming future, these days !!
I said before this will screw kids being able to make $$ mowing lawns or whatever gigs they come up with to earn some money. Old lady down the street can't pay em in cash etc. YES it's about having total control over the masses period! I used to have a little lawn cutting gig on my street mowing lawns when I was 13, and $10 a pop was good $$ as a kid then lol
Operating While Intoxicated
Tom MacDonald - "Snowflakes" Ok was 1 year ago video lol now has 21 million views
I think we’ve been getting it there and the KM terminal. Most of our guys aren’t carded anywhere but KM down there. As far as the heating oil goes, we load at our yard as the transport guys bring it in. The cost dipped a little bit this week but I’m sure it’s going to shoot back up again. It was already over $5 a gallon two weeks ago.
Hmm only got carded at a KM up here recently so far. Trans Montaigne had a raccoon running about the rack making it extra fun.
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.
I haul fuel out of Selma NC. We been pulling a lot of diesel to top our stores off in anticipation of shortage. So far Kinder Morgan and Marathon have still had diesel available. My second load tonight has diesel on it. Fingers crossed KM will still have it...
Your driver's sure don't wave much up here in VA! Just got diesel from BP tho today.
I found loading two loads with ( 2800 and 1k ) and shorting another customer 1k regular was the only way to get two orders without requesting too much to upset anyone .
just got into fuel hauling in the last few weeks
Howdy, Spaceman! It's been awhile. You mentioned a customer in VA. Are you driving fuel cross-country? Or did you relocate East?
I hope you enjoy your new gig!
Hey mannnnn! My trainer laughed at me yesterday because I involuntary waved at a Prime truck and not another tanker.
I think Biden forgets that on day one he stopped new federal leasing and banned fracking.
I think they would love for people to forget that and instead focus on Russia, Russia, Russia causing all this.
I've said this many times - we are living through the deliberate destruction of our economy, our laws, and our culture. Ultimate control for those who seek it will come in the form of a digital central currency and the elimination of physical currency. Once our currency is digital, the government will then have complete control over every facet of our lives.
To make this happen, they must first destroy the dollar completely, take us into a deep depression, then "build back better for our own good."
The push for zero emissions, electric trucks, self-driving trucks, etc in my opinion goes right along w what Brett is saying. This sudden "diesel shortage"! Inflation, etc. Get the sheep against truckers. The diesel causes this etc In steps Amazon or Elon with miracles of electric vehicles, or fast delivery from the soon to be Amazon warehouses every 200 miles. We will soon be eating from mega chains, mega grocery stores, wearing clothing from mega manufacturers. Possibly delivered by "Knight-Swift", "JB Hunt", "Werner" only. The above companies are random examples, by no means throwing negative light on them. All about control.
Operating While Intoxicated
I haul fuel out of Selma NC. We been pulling a lot of diesel to top our stores off in anticipation of shortage. So far Kinder Morgan and Marathon have still had diesel available. My second load tonight has diesel on it. Fingers crossed KM will still have it...
Your driver's sure don't wave much up here in VA! Just got diesel from BP tho today.
I found loading two loads with ( 2800 and 1k ) and shorting another customer 1k regular was the only way to get two orders without requesting too much to upset anyone .
Yea we have a fair amount of cranky drivers that won't even wave to our own trucks, never mind anyone else.
I've only taken one load of fuel up to VA. Greensboro apparently didn't have any 93conv available that day, so they dispatched me out of Selma to split a full load of it between a couple stores around South Boston VA. Most of my time is spent from Raleigh NC east to the beach, from the Outer Banks NC down to Myrtle Beach and Georgetown SC.
I've never had anyone get upset that I loaded to much of a product. As long as it fits at customer of course...
This summer when gas was getting scarce I was about to start loading at Kinder Morgan and the screen displayed, "Low Allocation Warning, 89 gallons remaining". So I quickly loaded 9000 gallons lol. I told my dispatcher and they just laughed, "Good! You got the last drop of allocation and then some!"
I think Biden forgets that on day one he stopped new federal leasing and banned fracking.
I think they would love for people to forget that and instead focus on Russia, Russia, Russia causing all this.
I've said this many times - we are living through the deliberate destruction of our economy, our laws, and our culture. Ultimate control for those who seek it will come in the form of a digital central currency and the elimination of physical currency. Once our currency is digital, the government will then have complete control over every facet of our lives.
To make this happen, they must first destroy the dollar completely, take us into a deep depression, then "build back better for our own good."
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I think they would love for people to forget that and instead focus on Russia, Russia, Russia causing all this.
I've said this many times - we are living through the deliberate destruction of our economy, our laws, and our culture. Ultimate control for those who seek it will come in the form of a digital central currency and the elimination of physical currency. Once our currency is digital, the government will then have complete control over every facet of our lives.
To make this happen, they must first destroy the dollar completely, take us into a deep depression, then "build back better for our own good."
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