Hey Fatsquatch, it's better to be thought well of than to not be thought of at all. I bet you have tons of stuff to teach us newbies . . . it must be weird to open up your truck as a home for the homeless trainees, though . . .
That's awesome! It is indeed an honor to be nominated. I never wanted to be a trainer because I'm a loner by nature and I lived in the truck most of my years on the road. It really was the only space on this planet I had to myself. But don't think for a moment that 2 1/2 years isn't plenty of experience to become a trainer. Knowing what I know about trucking, if I had it to do all over again I would gladly take a trainer with six months experience who genuinely cared about being a great person and teaching me all they could over someone with 20 years of experience who's only training to make a few extra bucks.
But congrats on being selected! You've obviously proven yourself out there.
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So I got a call today from a gal in Driver Development. Apparently Central/Swift (Swiftral?) has opened up the trainer program to include company drivers, because she said they'd been compiling a list of drivers they considered "excellent candidates" to become trainers and my name was on their list. Kind of a surprise to me. I certainly never think of myself as the trainer type, or of having stood out enough to be put on a list for consideration as such. But very flattering nevertheless.
I politely declined, basically because I simply don't have the mentality for teaching, especially not something like driving where even the tiniest mistake can be fatal. Plus, I've only been out here 2 1/2 years. I still have plenty to learn myself, much less trying to teach another person starting from zero.
But I did enjoy my Susan Lucci Daytime Emmys moment.