And yes I've had two jabs, a booster, and the bivalent jab.
What's that one?
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
Bobcat Bob,
Sorry to hear that you were sick during Christmas. Hope you are on the mend and feeling better.
Christmas was spent on the road dealing with the bitter cold temps and wind of Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa. Saw -24° in Rawlins WY and the rest of the State was down to -20° 😝
Came back across heading west to the port and on Christmas day was in Nebraska watching the fools fly by on ice and wrecking.
PackRat told me that I would probably hit nasty snow on Donner's. I had looked it up and it didn't look good. Went through the AG station at Truckee this afternoon and it was 38° and raining. Got to the top of Donner's by the rest area and it was 34° and raining. The road was slushy with melting snow and somebody ahead had a wreck that slowed us down for about 20 minutes. And then down by Auburn I even ran out of the rain. Now I'm sitting in the Port of Oakland while they take their evening shift is 58° 😁
And yes I've had two jabs, a booster, and the bivalent jab.
What's that one?
From my Clinic's site: "The bivalent COVID-19 vaccines include a component of the original virus strain to provide broad protection against COVID-19 and a component of the omicron variant to provide better protection against COVID-19 caused by the omicron variant. These are called bivalent COVID-19 vaccines because they contain these two components." basically. mix of the original Covid and the newer Covid.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
Glad everyone had a good Christmas. Luckily I am feeling about 90% so I will be heading in tomorrow, unless I relapse again over night.
Christmas was spent on the road dealing with the bitter cold temps and wind of Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa. Saw -24° in Rawlins WY and the rest of the State was down to -20° 😝
Nearly every winter I have worked here they ask for volunteers to go work in Minneapolis, Billings, or Cheyenne but for some reason they struggle to find any. Forget all that snow, ice and wind, I've told them I would do it in summer but for some reason they never need help then
How is your Thusday going?
Had a nice family get-together this evening. Had some hors d'oeuvres, visited, opened presents, and had Chinese food for our annual Xmas dinner. The annual dinner started some 28 years ago! Always from the same place, except for one year when they weren't open. They have the best egg rolls around. Lucky for us, we always get to take home the leftovers.
Received one of those gel cushions and a small crockpot for when I start driving solo. Looking forward to next week since I've been off going on two weeks now.
Christmas was special at our daughter and son in law's for the first time there. We also went to Kings Dominion for their Winterfest Light Show to celebrate our 43rd anniversary. Was nice weather and it was nice to get out and just stroll with my beautiful wife who is my total reason for my being. We head home to Floida on Monday and warmer weather. Happy New Year everybody.
Hey Bobcat! How you doing this new year? My Weed, CA turn has been cancelled more often than not last few days so I have been bringing freight to either Chico or to Sacramento, your neck of the woods. I did volunteer to bag out to take freight to SLC and it wasn't too bad, guess I timed it well to miss out on the snow.
My boyfriend gave me some really nice and useful Christmas gifts. 😁
The driver side window shade wasn't used until today because I have been running East or it's been cloudy with snow or rain. Today was a nice, bright, sunny day across Nevada. I am now using the microwave that he got me to heat up some water for hot tea because Donner's was open most of the day until I went through the Ag station and they threw up the signs to chain up 😝
His other gift is a 2"x8"x8' ft plank cut into two 4-ft lengths. I should have gotten pictures of what they are, but it was a wet snow and I was getting soaked and cold. We had to throw on 4 chains and those two planks helped me put the chains on a lot easier than the old-fashioned way. CalTrans had us keep chains on for 40 miles. 😡🤬 Anything to make my job easier is greatly appreciated. Now I'm sitting down at the Port of Oakland trying to get warm again.
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A belated Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
I stayed home this year. Caught a mild case of pneumonia - again - and decided to forgo traveling. And yes I've had two jabs, a booster, and the bivalent jab.
I'm working on getting back behind the wheel, probably with Swift since they have good regional positions in the Midwest/Great Lakes area. Heck, I might even c consider Walmart Dedicated again.
Stay safe.
Regional Route
Usually refers to a driver hauling freight within one particular region of the country. You might be in the "Southeast Regional Division" or "Midwest Regional". Regional route drivers often get home on the weekends which is one of the main appeals for this type of route.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.