Ryan, I think you were definitely justified in being cautious in that situation.
That being said, it was too good an opportunity to tease you a little bit about paranoia.
Got me. Touché.
Fwiw I would’ve been a little nervous as well done something similar
Anytime someone seems to be doing something not considered normal like following you is a little unnerving. I've had vehicles that catch up to me quickly then just sit behind me for 10 minutes. I just keep doing my thing, watch my mirrors more, etc. In certain areas cargo theft is an issue. When covid lockdowns caused store shelves to go bare we were frequently told to call police if we have the slightest inclination of something being wrong. It's not fast and furious type thing where they're going to hijack your load with 3 Honda civics with spoon engines. You're far more likely to run into issues when you're stopped and someone can get into your trailer without you noticing at that time. Heck, even jumping into your truck while you're opening your doors wouldn't be too difficult. When I did food service we had quite a few key stops (customer gives us a key to unload before anyone's there). Anytime somebody was around my guard went up. Several times I was asked by some random person if they could go inside to warm up, watch TV etc. Anytime there was a car in the lot (even if nobodies in it) I was even more on guard. Always listen to your gut instinct.
Funny story at PFG management was notorious for getting a rental car and following drivers to watch them work, almost like they're trying to catch you breaking rules. One day our shuttle drivers told us he overheard at the DC that one of our supervisors was taking a rental out our way. One of our drivers called the police knowing full well it was a supervisor and said there's a car that's been trailing him and watching him. About an hour later I got a call from the supervisor asking my location to catch up since he's in town.
Operating While Intoxicated
Pianoman and Rob, thanks for helping me see that being proactive and cautious was the right way to go.
Strange things happen at times. I think you did the right thing.
Most likely was someone looking to do something they wanted out of view. Trucks make good cover, or who knows what.
Me personally I would have stayed put and called local law enforcement to come check it out, but that is my reaction not yours. I do have a law enforcement back ground and probably think a bit different than some folks.
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Ryan, I think you were definitely justified in being cautious in that situation.
That being said, it was too good an opportunity to tease you a little bit about paranoia.