Please excuse the speech to text mess above 🤠
Man that's great, you did lots of research, studying and asked questions, then proved you worked hard at this with a big win, way to go
I tip my hat to you sir!
Congrats!!!! Your first big hurdle down.. Great news
Is the "Celebration Hat" the same as your avatar on here?
We’re gonna run out of dancing bananas for you, so I’ll just say this:
No sir that’s my dunce cap for the first time I get lost 😂
Thanks for all the dancing bananas guys. You’ve all been very supportive and helpful throughout this process. Now the real work starts but I’m gonna temporary relish this moment. Be safe out there everyone
Is the "Celebration Hat" the same as your avatar on here?
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It’s been a very emotional week and I didn’t get the 90° alley dock down literally until the 11th hour but I actually asked the test today was zero points on backing and the examiner said one of the best pre-trip he’s ever seen on an exam.
I cannot put into words how invaluable the guidance and resources of truckingng truth has been so far on this journey.
I will update my training diary before the end of the weekend when I go home, Monday morning, I’ll be doing live training with a and cab trainer.
I will be wearing my celebration hat for the next day or two, but I’ll be quickly put him back on the hardhat Monday morning my celebration will be short-lived as there is another mountain to climb ahead of me, which is gonna be real world training with a real learning starts.