You put yourself into a real serious bind, possibly a legal one because you lied on the federal questionnaire.
From the Federal Form MCSA-5875:
"Question #1. Have you ever had surgery? If "yes", please list and explain.
Did you?
Sub-Question #5. Do you have or have you ever had: (5.) Heart disease, heart attack, bypass, or other heart problems? (27.) Have you ever spent a night in the hospital?
Did you?
Can you get in trouble? Sure thing! Fired? Yes! Will the medical possibly come back to haunt you like in a lawsuit? Highly likely from a prosecutor. You'll probably keep hiding it though, right? Easier to take a shortcut until it bites you in the butt.
Why should we tell the truth when there are safeguards in place? Because of people like you. Harsh? This really spools me up.
I had a transplant, did everything by the book (and still do) and guess what? I still have a Class A. I got my third, one year card today and answered all the questions truthfully.
The CSA is a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) initiative to improve large truck and bus safety and ultimately reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities that are related to commercial motor vehicle
I would tell the truth next time. No need to make a big deal out of it, since you are not driving and it is only on paper. You can tell that you didn't notice that question first time. We are humans, and humans make mistakes.
I would tell the truth next time. No need to make a big deal out of it, since you are not driving and it is only on paper. You can tell that you didn't notice that question first time. We are humans, and humans make mistakes.
And there it is, proving my point. Tell the truth now by covering it up with a lie, Andrey? I see your poor advice continues.
I see your poor advice continues.
If you find my advice poor, why don't you give a better one instead of scaring a person with fantastic scenarios?
Talk to your boss first. Make sure you have a note from your doctor clearing you to drive if your boss isn't too ****ed
I agree with everyone else that not disclosing was a big mistake.
Are you sure you can even pass a DOT physical now if you disclose the heart attack? You need to have a LVEF of at least 40. I had a heart attack a little over 3 years ago and am doing fine but I consistently test in the 35-40 range. You will also need to have your cardiologist sign off.
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
I see your poor advice continues.
If you find my advice poor, why don't you give a better one instead of scaring a person with fantastic scenarios?
Factual scenarios, not fanciful or make believe.
Name one thing I typed that isn't reality, Audrey.
Name one thing I typed that isn't reality, Audrey.
You typed "Audrey" which is a women's name, and I am Andrey :-) That was a joke, people do it all the time with my name, I am used to it.
Now to the point. You said that legal consequences are possible. Do you know and can name any real lawsuites when a driver didn't disclose his heart attack?
PackRat, I am not saying that it is OK to make false statements. But life is much more complicated than any set of laws. I think that if someone made a mistake and didn't cause anyone any harm, there is no need to apply the full force of law.
Any ambulance-chasing lawyer is going to dig into all the deep, dark details of a driver during the nuclear verdict lawsuits. So lie during your physical and "maybe it will be okay" will never, ever be a viable explanation. This is in addition to anything else that comes out such as being at fault, distracted driving, HOS violations, equipment faults, etc.
Two specific questions on the federal form were not answered honestly. Lie some more and tell someone that it was overlooked? Could be the Gray Bars Hotel and/or financial ruin.
I follow the good and the bad realities of the industry. Seems some don't, but hopefully it won't directly effect me. I don't take stupid, avoidable shortcuts to skirt the rules by lying.
Specific examples? Type in "nuclear verdict truck crash" in Google and read the results. Read the attorney advertising billboards displayed all across the country. Big Truck Crash= Big Bucks Verdicts concerning lawsuits. I would not wish do be the defendant after lying on the medical form, then keeping it a secret.
I've used all the time I care to on this one. Be smart or dumb because it matters not to me.
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For starters, I have had a class b for four years and have never used it. The foreman at my job made everyone get them. There are 45 of us and only 6 people drive anything requiring it. If I ever planned on bidding a job or getting a job that required me to use it, this question would not be asked.
3 years ago, I had a heart attack. I go to the cardiologist every year, do a stress test every year, and he said I'm healthy and doing great.
That being said, I haven't disclosed that I've had a heart attack when I do my dot physical. Not so much for fear of not being able to hold it, but for fear of if I can now get in trouble for not disclosing it earlier. And if my employer will find out once the dot knows.
I'm kind of stuck. Like I said, I don't use it and I never will, but I'm required to have it. And I'm not sure what my employer will do if they find out.
So, two part question, I guess.
Should I disclose it now, and if so, can I get in trouble for not doing so earlier? Also, once the dot examiner knows, will my employer now have that information?
Department Of Transportation
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.