Never Say Never

Topic 33106 | Page 3

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PJ's Comment
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I’m revising this old thread to give some experienced information.

First of all everyone knows the trucking business has been in the tank for the last 2-3 years.

I put my business up for sale but no serious buyers. Many wanted to wheel and deal, but that wasn’t what I cared to do.

I did manage to put together enough customers I could serve, make at least the minimum I needed and provide top notch service.

My wife helped my/our friend out to a point she felt comfortable. She has pulled back on 2 seperate occassions because it became uncomfortable. Things were being done that were not acceptable.

Right before christmas my friend called me. He again wants me and my wife to come run the place. He has put himself in a very bad position and its sink or swim time. Long story and many candid conversations later I reckon I have a new primary job afterall. I start monday. It’s going to be alot of work, but I do love a good challenge. I’ll bring my customers with me and we’ll grow the business. I’ll make some changes to my own personal business to cut costs and my personal truck will stay in Ga. If it all goes south I’ll be able to shift gears and go back on the road without much problem. Kinda my safety net I guess.

I’ll still be around here of course. I just won’t be a full time driver anymore if this all works out.

ya’ll please say a prayer for me, I’m gonna need all the wisdom and guideance I can get!!

FR8 M4N's Comment
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Good luck with everything, PJ. I get the sense you'll do an excellent job with growing the business, though.


Operating While Intoxicated

Zen Joker 's Comment
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They have got a good man for the job!! Will pray for you and God will provide what you need to excel!

Don't sweat the "what if's". If this does not pan out to be a long term thing, given your experience level there is an abundance of opportunity behind the wheel as a back drop for you.

SUGGESTION: Since you will be managing people I'd suggest you dive into (2) books/audiobooks:

The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People (by Stephen Covey) and How to Make Friends and Influence People (by Dale Carnegie)

Best of success PJ!!

Sandman J's Comment
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Good luck PJ...hope you enjoy your new adventure!

Old School's Comment
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PJ, I can't really tell if you're excited about this or if it just seems like you're tired of fighting the battle you've been in. I get it. Being in business can be brutal.

Passion is a key ingredient for success at anything. If you are just switching gears because it seems like good timing, I'm not sure it's a good plan. I loved the advice Brett gave you when you started this conversation. I encourage you to carefully consider what he said...

It sounds like you're in a great position financially, so you have options. That's huge. I say do something that aligns with who you are. It doesn't matter what anyone else would do or what anyone else thinks. Once you make the commitment, it's yours to deal with. If it doesn't align with who you are, it almost certainly won't last.


Those are words from a guy who lives his life by those standards. He and I share many philosophical ideas and ways of living. You need to do what is good for you. It doesn't really matter if most people think you're crazy. Don't just go help your friend because you have an attachment there. It has to be important to you and your wife for it to work.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
PJ's Comment
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Thanks too all for your words of encourgement, recommendations, and wisdom.

This week has been an eye opener in many ways both positive and negative. Set the priority list. Time to get back to bacics of what a trucking company should be doing. Weather has been a hinderance.

Also a lot of fence mending has too be done. Relationships are a large key too success.

One step at a time.

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