Steer Tire Issue

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A W.'s Comment
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My steer tires have abrasions/rub marks on the inner side wall. What are some possible causes?

Banks's Comment
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Do you have pictures?

BK's Comment
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As Banks mentioned, a picture of the damage might be worth 1000 words in this case.

Have you had to jump any curbs with your steer tires? Are both tires showing these abrasions and rub marks?


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A W.'s Comment
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No pictures it’s only on the passenger side. Haven’t hit any curbs

A W.'s Comment
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The passenger side didn’t have any weights on it for balance. Will that cause the tire to rub on the side wall though

A W.'s Comment
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The steering wheel has a vibration after the tire was balanced and pulls to the right. The steering wheel also goes limp while driving straight it will give a 1/4 turn slack with no response. The shop can’t duplicate it

PackRat's Comment
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You need another shop to look at it because none of this adds up for me.

BK's Comment
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Definitely get this immediately checked out more thoroughly by your shop or another shop, as was suggested.

If you have problems with your steering linkage or the steering system at all, it’s a serious issue. You might even want to send in a message on your Qualcomm or what ever you have for messaging your company (so your concern is in writing), telling them what you are experiencing and that you don’t feel safe in that truck because of the undiagnosed steering system issue

Better to be safe than sorry..


Omnitracs (a.k.a. Qualcomm) is a satellite-based messaging system with built-in GPS capabilities built by Qualcomm. It has a small computer screen and keyboard and is tied into the truck’s computer. It allows trucking companies to track where the driver is at, monitor the truck, and send and receive messages with the driver – similar to email.
A W.'s Comment
member avatar

They aligned it replaced a shock balanced tires and still has a small shake. I cannot duplicate the slack again. I’m wondering if the shake could be from driving on the tires for I know around 200 miles with no balance on one tire.

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