Is the dipstick missing?
Dipstick (both myself and the tractors ) is present and secured but it is oil coating everything.
Hey Rob I downloaded the photo and zoomed in and maybe the photo was distorted and it looked like the oil fill cap is missing but that is likely because it is covered in oil.
Anyways, I don't know a ton about diesel engines, but based on my basic knowledge of gas engines it might possibly be, a crack in the fill cap or dipstick shaft, a crack in the engine block near where oil circulates or somehow oil got blown back into the air intake and got puked back out.
Hope they get you back on the road soon man!!
Hey Rob I downloaded the photo and zoomed in and maybe the photo was distorted and it looked like the oil fill cap is missing but that is likely because it is covered in oil.
Not distorted at all, that's actually what the problem is. Somehow the oil fill cap came unscrewed. They came out to look at it and the threads are good so the cap didn't blow off which would've signaled a much more serious issue. The yellow you see is actually a funnel you can pull out on this truck, something id learned watching Tik Tok. Mechanic told me that it likely didn't get tightened enough and the vibration of the road knocked it loose. They took responsibility for it as my truck got a PM earlier this week, but ultimately I feel I'm responsible because I should've checked the caps were tight during my pretrip.
I'm just thankful it happened close enough to the yard that major damage didn't happen, and hopefully it'll be cleaned up before I go back Tuesday.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
Ooof. Bummer.
I check the oil fill cap every single time my truck is in for service, and the hood has been opened. If I had to throw a statistic at it, 30% - 50% of the time the cap has not been reinstalled or is not secured properly.
Gald it was was only the oil cap! I was worried it was going to be a picture of the drivers seat
The filter on my power steering box backed off and unscrewed while I was driving the other day. It was fine during pre trip. I stopped for my pick up at the DC and could barely turn the wheel. I opened the hood, and the entire side of the motor was coated. Big mess. Luckily it didnt loose the filter. I drove down to the flying J a couple blocks away, which was tough, basically like manual steering. I was able to screw it back on, fill it up with fluid. I brought the truck over to a truckwash.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
Lol I thought that yellow spot looked like fill cap missing !! Is it still attached to the area? Yeah I always checked over our trucks after a PM, just because of things like that ! Usually just found the oil level was not at the full mark by a quart or 2. Always had a jug of oil on the truck, to top it off if low.
Like 1 time @ CRST after a pm (3rd 1 actually) we started having issues with the fuel up around Seattle. I asked if during our PM's they change the fuel filters? I was told NOPE! So we had to swing by the Gardner shop up there (100 miles out) and have it fixed. Sure enough the filer was plugged up bad! 150,000+ miles without ever changing it !! Filter's a lot cheaper than a tow bill jeeeze
In my diesel wrenching days,(Was a certified Cummins Engine Tech, 10+ years) when you PM'd a truck, EVERY single filter got replaced, and were done at 30,000 miles not 50k to save $10 pfffft. Got it fixed, and awayyyy we go, ran lot better duhhhh
I have mine all done at 20k. I feel it is cheap insurance. All filters go with the oil.
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Yesterday I had a great day, until I got back to the yard. When I climbed out I seen this
I got it over to the shop on site and explained the situation, asked for their input what would cause the issue that I discovered to happen and now I sit hoping it's cleaned up by the time I go back Tuesday.
Had I not done my post trip this issue wouldn't have been able to be taken care of while I'm off, and if I didn't do a proper pretrip the next day I'd very likely breakdown.