Do Parking Tickets Go On Your MVR?

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Pelican's Comment
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Let's say I were to park somewhere I shouldn't have and got a warning or Citation out of it.

1. Would I need to report this to my employer? Any other organization? 2. Would this go on my MVR? 3. Do companies look at drivers with parking tickets with suspicion?

To be clear, this is a hypothetical. I was curious about this, however.

Thank you all for your replies on my last thread about backing with the tandems slid back. They were very helpful and greatly appreciated.



Tandem Axles

A set of axles spaced close together, legally defined as more than 40 and less than 96 inches apart by the USDOT. Drivers tend to refer to the tandem axles on their trailer as just "tandems". You might hear a driver say, "I'm 400 pounds overweight on my tandems", referring to his trailer tandems, not his tractor tandems. Tractor tandems are generally just referred to as "drives" which is short for "drive axles".


Tandem Axles

A set of axles spaced close together, legally defined as more than 40 and less than 96 inches apart by the USDOT. Drivers tend to refer to the tandem axles on their trailer as just "tandems". You might hear a driver say, "I'm 400 pounds overweight on my tandems", referring to his trailer tandems, not his tractor tandems. Tractor tandems are generally just referred to as "drives" which is short for "drive axles".


Motor Vehicle Record

An MVR is a report of your driving history, as reported from your state Department of Motor Vehicles. Information on this report may include Drivers License information, point history, violations, convictions, and license status on your driving record.

Banks's Comment
member avatar

1) only if it's there vehicle so they can pay the fine without the fees

2 and 3) no. In your personal vehicle, it can be proven who parked the car.. I've never been asked about parking tickets on any application or interview.

Same goes with tolls and camera tickets.

BK's Comment
member avatar

I’ve received only one parking ticket. It was since I started driving with Helwig and it was a rinky dink ticket outside a customer who assured me it was okay to park on the street along with about 10 other trucks. Middle of the night the local over zealous young cop comes along and tickets all of us and we all have to move elsewhere. $20 fine which I paid. The company didn’t even want to hear about it. The safety people have much more important things to do than worry about parking tickets.

Sandman J's Comment
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I believe my company policy is report any non-parking written warnings and cites, in their truck or my personal vehicle, to them.

Marsh R.'s Comment
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You generally do not need to report this to your employer or any other organization, as parking violations usually do not appear on your Motor Vehicle Record (MVR). MVRs typically contain information about moving violations and more serious driving offenses, not parking infractions. Employers typically do not view parking tickets with high suspicion, considering them as minor infractions, unless they become excessively frequent or involve severe violations, such as parking in handicapped spaces without a permit. However, it's advisable to be aware of your specific company policies and local regulations, as they might differ and could impact how such situations are handled.


Motor Vehicle Record

An MVR is a report of your driving history, as reported from your state Department of Motor Vehicles. Information on this report may include Drivers License information, point history, violations, convictions, and license status on your driving record.

Motor Vehicle Record:

Motor Vehicle Record

An MVR is a report of your driving history, as reported from your state Department of Motor Vehicles. Information on this report may include Drivers License information, point history, violations, convictions, and license status on your driving record.

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