Why do you keep pushing out the court date?
Keep up your legal efforts to get that reduced if you want a driving job. Gotta be no more than 14 over for most of the industry. A reckless conviction is a death sentence at least for 3 years or more. If you already had a job, your company might keep you with a 14 over. Mine did it for me, but if they were looking at me for a new hire right now, I would be automatically rejected in all probability. Fight the charge or prepare to wait.
Why do you keep pushing out the court date?
apparently the courts are backlogged here and they keep pushing it out and my attorney says the DA is not being very cooperative. but i just entered pre trial for jan 10 so hopefully i can get it settled then. What sucks i just got 2 offers from PFG and did well in all their agility and road test.
Keep up your legal efforts to get that reduced if you want a driving job. Gotta be no more than 14 over for most of the industry. A reckless conviction is a death sentence at least for 3 years or more. If you already had a job, your company might keep you with a 14 over. Mine did it for me, but if they were looking at me for a new hire right now, I would be automatically rejected in all probability. Fight the charge or prepare to wait.
so am i looking at minimum 3 years of wait if this sticks or 7 years? if its speeding above 15? i told my lawyer im willing to go to trial for this because it could end my career. i just landed my dream job with PFG too this is a bummer. thank you for the support.
i just landed my dream job with PFG too this is a bummer.
Is PFG aware of the charge? Discussing it with your management team is your best bet. Find out directly from them what you need to get it reduced to at a minimum to stay employed.
Atleast with the terminal/DC I ran out of (Rock Island Illinois) they were somewhat lenient with hiring. Many people don't want to do that type of work so they may take some drivers that many carriers may pass on due to driving record or criminal history. At PFG I personally worked with someone who failed a drug test for meth at a previous carrier, another unhooked his drivecam and was terminated elsewhere, even had a guy get fired from his previous job for falling asleep behind the wheel and rolled/totalled his truck.
Talk directly to your manager or safety person. They'll be able to tell you if it needs to be completely dismissed or if they can work with a 14 over like BK mentioned. They'll also let you know if you can't drive due to a conviction what options you have (yard guy/shag driver), driver helper, or warehouse.
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.
I'm no lawyer but can't yours push the right to a speedy trial? Unless their backlog negates that clause...can anyone weigh in on that?
I'm no lawyer but can't yours push the right to a speedy trial? Unless their backlog negates that clause...can anyone weigh in on that?
I think the speedy trial thing applies mainly in criminal matters, primarily if someone is in jail for an alleged crime.
What caused the reckless charge? Was it speeding or a charge on its own? I've gotten rid of them in various ways. Also quite common in CO to be issued a reckless for an accident if single vehicle.
I'm not giving legal advice but personally, time has usually been my best advocate for getting cases dropped. I've had the prosecution loose paper time and again, had the Leo fail to make appearances, even had the wrong officer appear on one.
You may want to ask your attorney about a change of court because they can't serve the case, or plead it down to get it off their backlog. You were issued the citation prior to having a cdl if I read correctly. May give you some room.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
i just landed my dream job with PFG too this is a bummer.
Is PFG aware of the charge? Discussing it with your management team is your best bet. Find out directly from them what you need to get it reduced to at a minimum to stay employed.
Atleast with the terminal/DC I ran out of (Rock Island Illinois) they were somewhat lenient with hiring. Many people don't want to do that type of work so they may take some drivers that many carriers may pass on due to driving record or criminal history. At PFG I personally worked with someone who failed a drug test for meth at a previous carrier, another unhooked his drivecam and was terminated elsewhere, even had a guy get fired from his previous job for falling asleep behind the wheel and rolled/totalled his truck.
Talk directly to your manager or safety person. They'll be able to tell you if it needs to be completely dismissed or if they can work with a 14 over like BK mentioned. They'll also let you know if you can't drive due to a conviction what options you have (yard guy/shag driver), driver helper, or warehouse.
PfG wasn't made aware but they asked if I've been convicted if remember correctly and my lawyer assured me it wouldn't pop on my report but it is showing up for my background however my mvr is clean. I will come clean when my report is complete and let him know I am not guilty and that I have lawyer whose fighting it but not confident they will let me start. The bummer is my first day is 8th and pre trial on 10th of Jan few more days and I could possibly have a settlement on 10th.
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.
An MVR is a report of your driving history, as reported from your state Department of Motor Vehicles. Information on this report may include Drivers License information, point history, violations, convictions, and license status on your driving record.
Operating While Intoxicated
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I received a reckless driving citation in july of 2023 since then I have gotten my court date pushed every month next one on 1/10/24. Since the case is pending I got my Class A in november of 2023 with all my endorsements. I have received few job offers from local delivery companies but as of december my background is showing the reckless driving pending. Should I give up my hopes on trucking until this blows over? would any company pick me up? Im sure eventually this will settle to a speeding ticket I got a decent lawyer. There was no damage or accident just over speeding to avert an accident causing me to swerve into opposite oncoming lane. All advice are welcome.I'm out of northern california. thank you again.
Operating While Intoxicated