I Could Use Some Career (and Maybe A Bit Of Personal) Advice

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BK's Comment
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One podcast I listen to a lot is the Dave Ramsey show. This podcast really has sound advice for managing your money, so it would be a two birds with one stone thing for you.

Ramsey combines his financial advice with his Christian religious zeal, which turns some people off. I don’t like that aspect of his show, but I filter it out because the financial aspect is so great, in my opinion.

Interestingly. The financial self discipline Ramsay expounds can be the same type of self discipline needed to manage your driving life. It’s all about establishing goals and then managing your finances and driving so as to accomplish your goals.

Might help you pass the time and learn good stuff at the same time.

Pianoman's Comment
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Honestly, i do what Kearsey does quite often. I'll dink around for two hours walking my dogs or Uber somewhere interesting. Then I'll take a complete ten. It just breaks up the monotony knowing you have some time to be a total screw-off. Just make sure that you have that 8 hours uninterrupted SB.

I actually got sucked into listening to live trial coverage, with the Depp VS Heard trial. Emily D Baker is a former prosecutor, and breaks down everything as it happens. She is quite often outpacing legacy media with concurrent viewers during live trials. The SC VS Murdoch trial. The Rust shooting trial of NM VS Gutierrez. The Bankruptcy and theft shenanigans of Tom Girardi and his ex wife Erica Jayne. She is hilarious, and there is something about her tone that I can listen to her all day and not feel bored or wiped out.

Audible is my life saver, with over 120 books in the last three years. From thrillers to biographies, trashy romance, to history, it brings it's own level of entertainment. I have to be careful about who the reader is, or they could get on my nerves. Heck, I listened to the Terminal List by Jack Carr and it's subsequent books, read by Ray Porter a total of 5 times all the way through.

Also, remember the advice given to newbies, about sticking it out for the first year at your starter company? There is a reason for that, beyond the job hopping. It's to allow time for the drastic lifestyle changes inherently attached to OTR driving to shake out, and find your groove.

I personally think you may be fighting the "what was" vs "what is" scenario. Give lots of things a try, and adopt what works best for you, and drop what you think you dislike.

Sorry Nae Nae, didn’t mean to ignore your reply. I read it last night and have been thinking a lot about what you said about sticking with it for a year like we encourage newbies to do. I do generally try to stay anywhere I go for at least 1-2 years. I’ve been disappointed because this wasn’t the job I wanted but unfortunately I just don’t have the options that I want right now. This is a good job that I was fortunate to get and so far they’ve been doing a great job of keeping me busy. All of you have said the same thing and I’m going to heed the advice you all gave. I greatly appreciate it.

Also 120+ books is craaazy. I find it so hard to pay attention to an audiobook while I’m driving! I’m gonna set some audiobook goals for myself this year. Maybe 10 is a good starting goal for this year?


A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.


Substance Abuse Professional

The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.


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Pianoman's Comment
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I haven't been driving nearly as long as you Pianoman but routine was mentioned. My routine starts with what I consider easy music, which lately has been Noah Kahan. I'll play that station on Pandora until I'm more livened up, as I try to start in the middle of the night as much as I can. Then I change to other genres, or if I can't pick one, I put it on Shuffle. Music and phone calls are my go-to as I haven't gotten into podcasts or audio books. My number's in my profile if you ever need a new chattin buddy. I went through something similar in my last career which led me to trucking.

Good to hear from you Sandman! I’ll shoot you a text right now actually. I’m not driving tonight because they couldn’t find me a load today (hometime coming up) but hopefully I’ll be heading out tomorrow.

Thanks for sharing your routine. I know you’d think I would have a good routine already since I've been driving for several years but seriously I haven’t ran my 11 out every day like I do now since years ago. I really don’t have a routine built up for this sort of thing so I’m all ears.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.
Pianoman's Comment
member avatar

One podcast I listen to a lot is the Dave Ramsey show. This podcast really has sound advice for managing your money, so it would be a two birds with one stone thing for you.

Ramsey combines his financial advice with his Christian religious zeal, which turns some people off. I don’t like that aspect of his show, but I filter it out because the financial aspect is so great, in my opinion.

Interestingly. The financial self discipline Ramsay expounds can be the same type of self discipline needed to manage your driving life. It’s all about establishing goals and then managing your finances and driving so as to accomplish your goals.

Might help you pass the time and learn good stuff at the same time.

Thanks Bruce I’ll check that one out for sure!

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