Owner OPs Leaving Their Truck Running All Night?

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Ryan B.'s Comment
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I disagree with your stance on the woke agenda.


Which part do you disagree with? I agree with all of it:


Mostly though, the agenda of the progressive woke left is to eradicate anything masculine and mechanical. They hate the internal combustion engine, muscle cars, motorcycles, especially two strokes. The faster and stronger it is, the more fun it is, the more dangerous it is, the more they try to ban it in an effort to control everyone else.

They do it under the church of global climate change and the temple of noise reduction. Resistance is vital.


Most liberals are no different than most conservatives, in that they have political views, but their main focus is on supporting themselves and their families. I have family members who are conservatives going back decades, and they don't have an agenda other than supporting their families. I have family members who are liberal as can be going back decades, and they also don't have an agenda other than supporting their families.

One of my uncles and his wife are extremely conservative. Same with one of my aunts. Same with my sister's ex-husband.

My dad, another one of my uncles, and several cousins are all extremely liberal.

What's common with all of them is that they work hard to support their families.

Old School's Comment
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So, how does that disagree with anything? Your answer was vapid and devoid of any sort of critical thinking.

Davy works hard to support his family.
Davy A.'s Comment
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There's an important distinction between liberals that set policy and those that simply vote liberal.

But both do have and support an effort to eradicate ICE motors. This is well documented. IE, the green new deal, and just about every other peice of woke legislation.

The push to eliminate OHV areas and to regulate, discontinue peoduction of OHVs is primarily liberal driven.

The FIM, governing body of MotoGP is liberal, and they together with the EPA and CARB eliminate two stroke motorcycles, both street and dirt.

The push to regulate and eliminate private ownership of firearms and or certain types of firearms is solely a liberal cause.

The malaise era and the death of the first golden age of muscle cars was liberal policy, as was the oil crisis.

The current push to switch to EVs and the death of the second golden age of muscle cars is liberal policy. My Mustang Mach 1 had a 1000.00 gas guzzler tax, certainly not a conservative policy. Dodge having to pay billions of dollars in Caron credits...liberal.

If a person votes for a liberal, or woke left progressive as they are called. They are supporting a narrative and agenda against the internal combustion engine. Unequivocally.


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Ryan B.'s Comment
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So, how does that disagree with anything? Your answer was vapid and devoid of any sort of critical thinking.

Davy works hard to support his family.

The insult wasn't necessary.

Disagreement: That people who are liberal have an agenda as Davy described.

I have no reason to doubt that Davy works hard to support his family, as I stated that this is true for most people, whether conservative or liberal. I believe this to be true of people who have no political leanings, like myself.

Not really sure where you got the idea that I was trying to say anything negative about Davy. I can disagree with him while respecting him for being a good driver, and a hard working one. Disagreement doesn't mean anything more than "I don't agree."

Ryan B.'s Comment
member avatar

There's an important distinction between liberals that set policy and those that simply vote liberal.

But both do have and support an effort to eradicate ICE motors. This is well documented. IE, the green new deal, and just about every other peice of woke legislation.

The push to eliminate OHV areas and to regulate, discontinue peoduction of OHVs is primarily liberal driven.

The FIM, governing body of MotoGP is liberal, and they together with the EPA and CARB eliminate two stroke motorcycles, both street and dirt.

The push to regulate and eliminate private ownership of firearms and or certain types of firearms is solely a liberal cause.

The malaise era and the death of the first golden age of muscle cars was liberal policy, as was the oil crisis.

The current push to switch to EVs and the death of the second golden age of muscle cars is liberal policy. My Mustang Mach 1 had a 1000.00 gas guzzler tax, certainly not a conservative policy. Dodge having to pay billions of dollars in Caron credits...liberal.

If a person votes for a liberal, or woke left progressive as they are called. They are supporting a narrative and agenda against the internal combustion engine. Unequivocally.

I appreciate the clarification between liberal voters and liberal lawmakers.

I disagree that the push to legislate firearms is solely a liberal cause. I know people who voted for Reagan, voted for Bush, voted for Bush again, voted for every Republican presidential candidate to include Trump, people who also support gun legislation because they are tired of seeing mass shootings with little kids getting killed. I am apolitical. I stay away from politics, for the most part. Anyway, wanting to find a solution to stop kids going to school and getting killed by firearms isn't a woke agenda. That's pretty sensible, if you ask me. People should be able to own firearms. People should be able to own whatever they want, so long as it can be done responsibly. I don't want to see another mass shooting in this country, but unfortunately it's become a common occurrence. Yes, it's true that people kill people and not firearms, but we aren't seeing people go into schools or shopping malls to kill a bunch of people by mass stabbing. Firearms are dangerous and need to be respected. We have the freedom to move about throughout this country, as we please, but driver licenses are still necessary. Why? Because vehicles operated by just anyone are dangerous. Same thing with firearms. Owned by just anyone, they are dangerous. I don't understand why requiring a license to carry a firearm is a problem. Prove that you can operate a vehicle safely, and you have the freedom to drive wherever you want, whenever. Prove that you can use a firearm safely and you have the freedom to carry one wherever you want, whenever you want.


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HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Electric Auxiliary Power Units

Electric APUs have started gaining acceptance. These electric APUs use battery packs instead of the diesel engine on traditional APUs as a source of power. The APU's battery pack is charged when the truck is in motion. When the truck is idle, the stored energy in the battery pack is then used to power an air conditioner, heater, and other devices

Davy A.'s Comment
member avatar

Again, gun control laws and regulations are overwhelmingly liberal based. It's not political, it's just the platform of the left.

The actual odds of a child being shot and killed on any given day, based on the number of children attending school in the country is approximately 1 in 614 billion. Courtesy of pew research. It's a microscopic sector of crime.

The odds of a minor getting shot in gangland shootings in Chicago, the city with the most restricted gun access is 1 in 3. One third of all minors are subject to being shot. Chicago has a higher shooting victim and death rate by gun than Iraq. Where is the emotional urge to fix that problem? There isn't one. It's OK for inner city youth to kill each other.

Your emotional response and fear of your child being harmed does not justify you voting for officials who's agenda is to infringe upon my God given right to defend myself both personally and as a society.

The only reason that we are not taxed at 90 percent (which the late Feinstein was quoted as saying an unarmed public could be taxed to 90 percent) is the threat of an unruly armed citizenry.

And in response to the upcoming argument of " the government will just use tanks and bombs", virtually every civil conflict globally has been won by small actors with small arms and improvised explosives since the advent of the kalishnakov rifle in 1947. According to Stanford University professors studying how the face of warfare has changed.

But the overriding principle is just one word. NO. You will not infringe the right any further.

So while you state that you're apolitical, you're actually very political, you're just unaware that you are. The left refers to their base as "useful idiots". Their words, not mine. I think you're actually a very intelligent person, and you owe it to yourself to examine the manipulation that has taken place over decades.

The solution is armed teachers, retires military and police in the schools. But you are gently pushed away from that line of thinking. It's unsavory and the picture that's sold by the very authoritarian left is that of a peaceful unarmed society living in utopia and harmony.

Mankind is violent by nature, we are opportunistic and share only with certain canines, the propensity to kill members of our own species for sport, not instinctual drive. Rest assured, force must be matched to deter a threat.

Old School's Comment
member avatar
The insult wasn't necessary.

I didn't realize I had insulted you. The response you gave did nothing toward answering Brett's question. That is all I was saying.

I am apolitical. I stay away from politics

Oh please!

Ryan, you have been extremely political in your past conversations. Now you are wanting to declare you aren't "woke" and then push your liberal ideas on us while declaring you're "apolitical."

C'mon man! We aren't stupid. You've even made up stories in the past just to push your political convictions on us. If you want to be what you are that's fine with us. Just be able to defend yourself with a civil conversation that's based on facts and reality. Don't dance around the edge with us and then try to run for cover.

Maybe you're better off just sticking with discussing trucking. Most apolitical types would prefer that; and we can respect you for your accomplishments there.

Brett Aquila's Comment
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Yes, it's true that people kill people and not firearms, but we aren't seeing people go into schools or shopping malls to kill a bunch of people by mass stabbing

You can't even make this up. 13 hours before he posted that, this happened:

Suspect charged in Illinois stabbing spree that left four killed and seven injured

Seriously, you don't even have to write jokes about lefties. The jokes write themselves.

Lefties hate gun ownership because they're weak people. They're terrified of having to protect themselves, and they resent those of us who have the courage they lack and accept the responsibilities they fear. They *hope to God* that taking away everyone's guns would ensure they won't have to protect themselves, but seriously, how simple-minded do you have to be to think that making guns illegal will prevent criminals from having guns?

The war on guns would be as effective as the war on drugs. Just like with drugs, criminals will have guns, and anyone can buy one if they want to, which many people would.

For the record, at home, I have both a shotgun and a 95-pound German Shepherd, which are rights that I cherish. I live up in the mountains, so if anyone came up here looking for trouble, I'm on my own for quite a while before any cops showed up. With the economic and immigration situations we're facing now, my arsenal is about to get considerably more robust.


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Robert B. (The Dragon) ye's Comment
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Yes, it's true that people kill people and not firearms, but we aren't seeing people go into schools or shopping malls to kill a bunch of people by mass stabbing


You can't even make this up. 13 hours before he posted that, this happened:

Suspect charged in Illinois stabbing spree that left four killed and seven injured

Seriously, you don't even have to write jokes about lefties. The jokes write themselves.

Lefties hate gun ownership because they're weak people. They're terrified of having to protect themselves, and they resent those of us who have the courage they lack and accept the responsibilities they fear. They *hope to God* that taking away everyone's guns would ensure they won't have to protect themselves, but seriously, how simple-minded do you have to be to think that making guns illegal will prevent criminals from having guns?

The war on guns would be as effective as the war on drugs. Just like with drugs, criminals will have guns, and anyone can buy one if they want to, which many people would.

For the record, at home, I have both a shotgun and a 95-pound German Shepherd, which are rights that I cherish. I live up in the mountains, so if anyone came up here looking for trouble, I'm on my own for quite a while before any cops showed up. With the economic and immigration situations we're facing now, my arsenal is about to get considerably more robust.

My response to those calling for "common sense gun laws" has always been a simple one. First, get every last illegal firearm off the streets and out of the hands of criminals. At that point and once it has been proven, then we can have a conversation. Until then, there's no conversation to be had.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Brett Aquila's Comment
member avatar
My response to those calling for "common sense gun laws" has always been a simple one. First, get every last illegal firearm off the streets and out of the hands of criminals. At that point and once it has been proven, then we can have a conversation. Until then, there's no conversation to be had.

I think that's the best response I've ever heard. It's brilliant. It makes them prove their theory is even possible without forcing law-abiding citizens to first give up their right to defend themselves.


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HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
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