Rookie Lesson 34589709: Spare Eyeglasses

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Dilrod's Comment
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Last month they took my beater International in exchange for a new Freightliner (big improvement). The International, as you may know, has a paper towel dispenser mounted in the cab. Freightliners do not.

I stuffed my roll of towels in the top corner above the driver's seat, but sometimes it works its way out and falls down. No big deal. Unfortunately, the last time it happened, while cruising down the interstate , it smacked me in the face and knocked my glasses off.

There I was, 60 mph in the middle lane, rush hour traffic, blind as a bat. The sun to my back made it hard to see in the mirrors. Cars became colored blobs floating around me. Road signs became green clouds, written in some ancient, forgotten script, and I was in deep trouble....

Luckily, I know this stretch of road well, and I could see just well enough to determine if there were any blobs on my right side so I could get over, but if I tried any of those exits, I could wind up somewhere worse and not be able to stop. I knew traffic would clear up a bit when I got past the next two major highway intersections, so, carefully following the white blob in front of me, I drove for a few miles like that until I could finally pull over safely.

My glassed had skittered all the way over to the passenger side floor, fortunately undamaged. Eyesight restored, I got back in traffic and motored on my way.

When I finally stopped for the day, my spare eyeglasses went in my driver's side door pocket WHERE THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN THE FIRST PLACE, and my towels went into the space on the passenger side.

Not an experience that I ever intend to repeat. I was very, very lucky. God must've had some future purpose for all those drivers surrounding me.


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BK's Comment
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Too bad they didn’t give you one of the self driving trucks! Or a braille edition Frightliner. 😂

But good save. I’m glad you kept your cool and handled it safely.

NaeNaeInNC's Comment
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Glad you made it through safely!

I wear contacts, and have two glasses cases within reach at all times, just for that reason!

Also, see the attached photos for a solution to the lack of paper towel holder in the FL.

If you use Viva cloth like paper towels, they don't unravel when you cross Indiana




Dilrod's Comment
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Too bad they didn’t give you one of the self driving trucks! Or a braille edition Frightliner. 😂

But good save. I’m glad you kept your cool and handled it safely.

Lol! Funny thing, that Freightliner has so many loud alarms for lane departure, speed, seat belt etc., I swear if I had a coronary while driving, the noise would resuscitate me! Built in AED!

Big Scott's Comment
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A Bungie cord make a cheap paper towel holder. The cord goes through the paper towels and the hooks hang wherever you can.

NaeNaeInNC's Comment
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And it just looks trashy as heck.

A Bungie cord make a cheap paper towel holder. The cord goes through the paper towels and the hooks hang wherever you can.

Dennis L's Comment
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I hang my $1 reading glasses around my neck. I can see far perfectly after cataracts removed, but need these to see close to read.

Get yourself a cord to put on your glasses. If get knocked off again they’ll just hang on you to put back on

Dennis L's Comment
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PS. I also carry backup glasses and cord just in case

Sandman J's Comment
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I hang mine from clips I attach to the mesh part over my driver seat area.

Sandman J's Comment
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