First Trip To Greencastle PA: Advice?

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Dilrod's Comment
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Hi Everyone,

Tomorrow I embark on my first trip ever driving in the northeast. I know my way around as far as Chicago, but I always thought anything east of there was just dragons, volcanoes and evil spirits.

My road captain already confirmed the route and and gave me some advice, but knowing there is a wealth of knowledge here, do you have any tips for me, such as good places to stop, places to avoid, what I can expect for mountains, etc? Thanks!


Operating While Intoxicated

Dilrod's Comment
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I should clarify that I'm heading east on I-80, hence the question about anything past Chicago to Greencastle PA. Thanks again. 🙂

Andrey's Comment
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PA is generally a good place. There are a few long hills and an expensive 76 road, but on the other hand there are smorgasbords, so the trip is definitely worth it!

BK's Comment
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PA is generally a good place. There are a few long hills and an expensive 76 road, but on the other hand there are smorgasbords, so the trip is definitely worth it!

Yeah, there are a few long hills but PA is not very hilly compared to the Himalayas. Lol.

Dilrod, you are probably getting on I76 eastbound, right? Where does your route take you from I76 to Greencastle? That would be important to know. Sometimes those secondary highways in PA can be difficult and slow. PA is one of the places where the shortest route is not necessarily the best and fastest route. It might be best to go from 76 to 70 to 81 and then north to Greencastle.

Also, post the exact address of your delivery destination and we can look at it from the satellite view and maybe give you better advice.


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Old School's Comment
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Greencastle is nothing compared to Chicago. You are in for a pleasant surprise!

Personally, I think that is an easy trip. I love taking I-80 east like that. It is a beautiful stretch of highway in my opinion.

Dilrod's Comment
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Yes, I'm taking 76 to 70 to 81, I'm afraid that's all I am allowed to share, sorry! Good to hear I'm not heading into Damnation Alley. Thanks everyone!

Andrey's Comment
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I'm afraid that's all I am allowed to share

Are you driving for FBI, CIA or the like? :-)

John M.'s Comment
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Hi Everyone,

Tomorrow I embark on my first trip ever driving in the northeast. I know my way around as far as Chicago, but I always thought anything east of there was just dragons, volcanoes and evil spirits.

My road captain already confirmed the route and and gave me some advice, but knowing there is a wealth of knowledge here, do you have any tips for me, such as good places to stop, places to avoid, what I can expect for mountains, etc? Thanks!

Someone ought of warned you about Breezewood. Anyway I hope you enjoyed your visit to our lovely commonwealth.


Operating While Intoxicated

Dilrod's Comment
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Hi, the trip was great! Beautiful country, and I'll never again complain about road construction in the Midwest, after barreling down twisty, mountain highways in the left lane next to a Jersey barrier, with weekend traffic speeding by on my right!

Best part was discovering the livestock auction next to the TA in Greencastle! I hadn't been to one in years, sure beat sitting in the truck for another night.

Thanks again for everyone's input. Can't wait to go again!

Dilrod's Comment
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I'm afraid that's all I am allowed to share


Are you driving for FBI, CIA or the like? :-)

Mission top secret, destination unknown! ;-)

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