My situation was unique in that my gallbladder attack mimicked a heart attack and at my age, I sure could have one. It also occurred on Christmas Day 2020 (a Fri during covid). I was visiting family when it occurred. While the emergency room was treating me for a heart attack, I had my sister-in-law call and leave a message with my company because I was due to unload the next morning about 250 mi away.
The next day the hospital realized it was a gallbladder attack and scheduled me for surgery on Sunday. Because I had become very dehydrated, the recovery from the surgery took a bit longer so I did not get out of the hospital until Tuesday the 29th. The doctor gave me a return to duty letter saying I could go back to work that Saturday. In the meantime I had talked with the office and I told them I felt good and probably could get a load and leave out on Saturday.
Fortunately, my safety lady had gallbladder surgery before and said absolutely not and they waited until the following Tuesday, January 5th to get me a load. I was driving a reefer and they got me a load of one ton totes with liquid in them. Oh my gosh! That load moved like a tanker and every time I felt it moving I clenched muscles and boy oh howdy did that ever hurt!
I would suspect you could return to duty within 7 to 10 days. It is major surgery with three to four incisions. I had four. Then you need to take it easy while you're out on the road for a couple more weeks as those areas heal.
A refrigerated trailer.
Operating While Intoxicated
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If any drivers had gallbladder surgery how long before getting back on the road from the surgery to the road