Preparedness For November To January.

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NaeNaeInNC's Comment
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I always think about Reginald Denny when I see any kind of crowd just "hanging out" near a street or a parking lot. I didn't understand a whole lot about it back then, (I was 12) but I can see how we are headed for a similar powderkeg, regardless of which "side" "wins the election."

Davy wether we like it or not politics and societial issues play a huge role that we have to operate in like it or not.

Some will be too young to rememember the Los Angles riots in late april 1992. I was sent down there as a mutual aid request and it was horrific.

For our express purpose of looking back it was a truck driver by the name Reginald Denny we need to think about.

Denny was surrounded by a mob, or maybe some would call them mostly peaceful protesters.

He was stopped by them then pulled from the cab of his truck and severly beaten. He was even struck by someone with a cinder block. He was pooctually resecued by bystanders from the neighborhood. Otherwise they would have killed him. He had nothing to do with anything other than driving across their path.

This in no way possible could be viewed as anything other than a violent felony asssult and as citizens we have every right to defend ourselves from such actions, up to and including lethal force if we feel our life is in imment danger.

I do hope companies have a bit of fore thought before November and actually develop policies regarding this type of incident. As drivers we must stay viligant of our surroundings and play the what if game in our head. Develop your own safety plan for yourself.

The MN/WI/OR riots more recently show us how violent these situations are and history always has had a way of repeating itself.

Dennis L's Comment
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I wasn’t driving back during the summer 2020 riots & looting (oops, I mean “mostly peaceful protests”).

Did any of you experience it? Any issues?

I’m old enough to recall the Reginald Denny event.

andhe78's Comment
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There were three of us delivering in our city the night of the worst “protests.” One of the other guy’s wife had been watching the news about how things were escalating and he had passed the word on to us other two drivers. I had the only load going into actual downtown where it was the worst. Called dispatch about the situation and was told to go anyway. (Our biggest problem with dispatch-their office is a hundred miles away and if something isn’t happening in their parking lot, it isn’t happening anywhere else in the country either.) Anyway, dispatch didn’t believe me about the situation, (gunfire, buildings burning, etc.) so loaded up and headed down, figured I’d get turned around before getting close. Sure enough, didn’t even get within miles of the riot, before the cops stopped the truck carrying 12500 gallons of gas heading into a burning, free fire area. Load was simply delivered the next morning after everyone had gone home. Dispatcher was gone later that week. Had a couple of weeks of areas blocked off every night, but nothing as stupid as that first night.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.
Turtle's Comment
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Did any of you experience it? Any issues?

Multiple Walmarts in specific areas around me were simply closed up during the worst of it, and we were forbidden to even park at those stores for the night. There was a major disruption in the supply chain as a result, but management made it clear they weren't going to send us into any dangerous areas.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Davy A.'s Comment
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To further expand, and hopefully still keep it as apolitical as possible, I theorize there will be two different outcomes. Well, actually three.

One is that nothing much happens either way. The standard of living is still high enough that although many grumble, they continue on in blissful ignorance and apathy.

The other scenarios are this. One, the right secures transfer of power. It's very unlikely based on the mechanics the left used to secure power in 20, but let's assume that somehow the red team overcomes the systemic manipulation taking place and wins.

We will likely see riot season get very severe, much more prominent than in 20. We will also see far less tolerance than in 20 from the general public. I think you'll see escalated levels of Rittenhouse events and anti rioting as well. All in all though, I don't think you're likely to have a widespread civil conflict that threatens the structure of the nation.

The other outcome I can see is that the left uses similar tools as 20 to secure power, this is very likely given the 50/50 close race narrative in play. This results in large numbers of very angry people that have been increasingly oppressed by a minority, which is unnatural. This has historically led to severe backlashes, IE the German National Socialist response to 20 years of the corrupt left wing Weimar republic, Spain going far right in 1938 in response to their leftist minority rule, Italy with the far right in response to the far left labor party. And most currently, Brittan currently experiencing the beginning of a civil war, the center right and right going further right as a result of the corrupt immigration flow and left wing rule following an election which is extremely suspect.

If the English citizens that are currently rioting were armed, we wouldn't be referring to the violence as rioting, we would be calling it a civil war. That brings us to us.

The likelihood of another very suspect election, coupled with a very bad economy, mixed with people loosing jobs to illegal immigrants could very well result in some real friction in areas adjacent to blue islands immediately post election. In short order, as in hours, you will have armed conflicts erupt. That in turn would likely not be contained but would spread as it would get publicized. As it spreads, you would end up with with polarized areas of more widespread armed conflicts. That would denigrate into ethnic and racial battles as well, battles for territory, resources and just general anarchy in areas as well.

Within days most urban areas would consume federal resources in keeping order, with inner city gangs warring with each other, looting, violence and retribution against percieved leftists radicals (purple haired sky-screamers), lack of enforcement leading to rape, murders, violence. Resources can't effectively get in, waste can't get out. The cities would turn into war zones, with many factions fighting for many reasons, rapid escalation, suburbs equally would become very fractured areas.

In order to bring about order, the governments, especially the fed will become increasingly more tyrannical and authoritarian, which in turn will increase rebellion and conflict.

This may all sound far fetched, but even a cursory glance at historical patterns points to this happening again and again, and we're right on time for it. The conditions are ripe for it. I'm not saying that we need to go to the bomb shelter and break out the tin foil hats, but I do plan on taking a few days off around the election, making sure I have adequate self defense measures, adequate food, water, medical and resources and a plan for travel and communication with family.


Operating While Intoxicated


When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.


Electric Auxiliary Power Units

Electric APUs have started gaining acceptance. These electric APUs use battery packs instead of the diesel engine on traditional APUs as a source of power. The APU's battery pack is charged when the truck is in motion. When the truck is idle, the stored energy in the battery pack is then used to power an air conditioner, heater, and other devices

RealDiehl's Comment
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In short order, as in hours, you will have armed conflicts erupt. That in turn would likely not be contained but would spread as it would get publicized. As it spreads, you would end up with with polarized areas of more widespread armed conflicts. That would denigrate into ethnic and racial battles as well, battles for territory, resources and just general anarchy in areas as well.

"Helter Skelter"

BK's Comment
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I’m still getting prepared for Y2K.

Deb R.'s Comment
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As Davy A. says:

making sure I have adequate self defense measures, adequate food, water, medical and resources and a plan for travel and communication with family.

It's wise to have these things in place anyway, one never knows what we may encounter along the way (weather, accidents, etc.)

Stevo Reno's Comment
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I worked for Waste Management back during the LA riots. out in the suburbs, bout 40 miles from LA, watched it on tv as it unfolded. Hated seeing Reginald Denning get beat the way he was jeeezus! Hope the culprits got karma in a very harsh way........Liked how the Korean shops owners took care of business, and protected themselves from looters! EVERYONE shoulda followed suit and done the same !

Later, I was working for a tanker company "IN" L.A. ,on Bandini Blvd, down the street from Farmer Johns processing plant. The owner got a contract to haul away all the red bricks from the torn up buildings from the riots. They had 10-12 trucks running 24/7 hauling bricks....He had rented a huge lot, with an big hanger open building to dump, clean, palletize those bricks. Bet he made a fortune off the sales. I coulda had a free pallet but had no need for any as a renter lol

1 time they parked a double roll off trailer in the hanger. I had to go and jack up a few axles. They came in and stole EVERY single Alcoa rim and tires, off the trailer, all nearly brand new, 12 of em !! They got used steel wheels& tires after lol

At CRST/ driving with Gardners, my DM sent me to Northern Cali area Sactown, Frisco.. I told him as I left the yard, "if someone tries to stop me on the road, I WON'T be stoppin' like that Fed Ex guy did, I'll be running over whoever tries !!....He said "I'd expect no less haha", I never seen much besides the homeless camps that popped up everywhere along the I-5 freeway!!


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Nick's Comment
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I plan to take my time at home during the election and a few days afterwards. I have ways of protecting myself in my truck as well.

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