What NOT To Eat. Nutrition On The Road.

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Dennis L's Comment
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Listen to Tucker Carlson interview with Calley and Casey Means. Then read their book “Good Energy”.

They have been advising RFK Jr and Trump about the chronic heath crisis with children and how to change it.

I still need to figure out how to eat better on the truck to cut out the ultra processed foods high in added sugar, high fructose corn syrup, bleached flour and seed oils.

Unfortunately we haul all of this garbage ultra processed foods. The meat that I haul isn’t organic grass feed neither.

Calley & Casey Means

BK's Comment
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Hey brett, need to ask you something.

It's going to be a month or two before I begin trucking school, but I noticed that the company I'm going to train for will provide trucks with small refrigerators in them. If I boil like a dozen eggs, put them in a ziplock bag, and get a package of plain jerky sticks along with some cheese sticks and basically have that as my diet, along with mostly gatorade zero and only coffee in the morning, would that be a good diet to have if I want to do OTR work and lose weight?

Would there be anything I should add or subtract to that if I want to have the kind of energy level where I'm alert and awake while driving for 12+ hours at a time?

Paul, you are on the right path. Learn to read labels. Anything that has poly unsaturated fats DON’T eat. Trans fats are poison. Saturated fats are good. Eat chicken or beef, stay away from pork and fish. Eggs are great. Gatorade is better than soda, but water or carbonated water with lemon or Stevia is better. Don’t use sugar, use Stevia for sweetness. Don’t eat any bread and keep the carbs to a minimum.

Dill pickles will keep you alert, but read the label. Some pickles are made with alum, a derivative of aluminum. Don’t get these pickles, aluminum is bad. Again, learn to read labels.


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

Dennis L's Comment
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Hey BK, how did your knee replacements go? Are you feeling like a young buck now?

Davy A.'s Comment
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I hardly eat veggies either. Not a rabbit food guy. I eat mostly light processed, no fast food. Mostly eggs, meat, milk n cheese. I shoot for 1 gram of protien per pound of body weight daily.

I try to the breads down to a minimum. I still have a fairly high metabolism. I eat small amounts frequently throughout the day. Never been a big eater. 53 as well, years of working hard labor kept me in shape, real world strength. I keep a good program of bodyweight exercises and walking when I'm on my A game.

Brett Aquila's Comment
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If I boil like a dozen eggs, put them in a ziplock bag, and get a package of plain jerky sticks along with some cheese sticks and basically have that as my diet, along with mostly gatorade zero and only coffee in the morning, would that be a good diet to have if I want to do OTR work and lose weight?

Hey Paul,

I think it might be tough to find a steady supply of trustworthy jerky when you're travelling. Who knows what the heck they might put in that stuff. If you can find all-natural jerky, that would be a good snack for sure. The eggs would work great as you described.

As far as gatorade, I think there are better products you can buy that are all-natural powder electrolytes, so you would just buy a big box of powders and add that to water. That's what I do. I use a product called LMNT (pronounced element) that has no sugar or unhealthy ingredients. It's just sodium, potassium, magnesium, and all-natural flavor and color.

I would look into the appliances you can use for your truck to prepare your own foods as well. There are tons of drivers who get pretty elaborate with their cooking setups and they make some great stuff. I cook almost everything on the grill or smoker, but my second-favorite way to prepare food is the pressure cooker, which I believe would work very well in a truck.

A lot of people use things like the George Foreman cookers as well. You can cook up a bunch of meat and it will last 4 - 6 days in the fridge.

Would there be anything I should add or subtract to that if I want to have the kind of energy level where I'm alert and awake while driving for 12+ hours at a time?

The key to being alert and awake is not eating. People think you need to eat to have energy. Well what happens after you eat Thanksgiving dinner? You want to sleep. We are naturally more awake and alert when our stomach is empty. It's a survival mechanism. We wouldn't live long if we wanted to sleep when we were hungry instead of hunt.

Now as far as not eating, you'll struggle terribly at first trying to avoid eating if you're used to eating a lot of carbs. The more you adapt to a low-carb diet, the longer you can go without eating while feeling energetic and clear-minded.

Getting light exercise is also a huge energy boost. If you feel yourself getting groggy, pull off and either get a short nap or do some light exercise for 5 - 10 minutes. Go for a walk, do some pushups and situps, run a few laps around the parking lot. That's all. Get back in the truck and go. You'll learn to read your body as time goes on and you'll know if you need a quick nap or a quick bout of exercise to get you going again.


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.


When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.

Brett Aquila's Comment
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Listen to Tucker Carlson interview with Calley and Casey Means. Then read their book “Good Energy”.

Good God, please don't. I had never heard of them before so I just listened to her talk about her "metabolic power bowl" full of things like fiber and micronutrients and blah blah bullsh*t.

Why would we need fiber? It has no nutritional benefit whatsoever. In fact, we literally can't digest it and it comes out the other end in the exact same form it went in. It just passes right through us like rocks. Why would we need that? It makes no earthly sense.

By the way, I eat virtually zero fiber.

You will not get healthy listening to those people. They sound super smart when they use words like metabolic, probiotic, microbiome, and micronutrients but what I'd like to hear them explain is the incredible results I've gotten over many years doing the exact opposite of everything they proclaim.

To me, the proof is in the results.

Those two were educated (indoctrinated, really) in traditional Western medicine and they will probably never fully unlearn the baloney they bought into hook, line, and sinker for many years.

What's funny is to watch adults work so damn hard to prove how important it is to eat vegetables, and yet every child on Earth is born instinctively knowing we shouldn't be eating them. Every kid hates vegetables, yet we say, "You have to eat your vegetables!"

How come we never have to force kids to eat their hamburgers? Because their little bodies know what's healthy for them before their little minds could be clouded and confused by the propaganda. They already know vegetables suck and they don't care what you say about it because they're right.



Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Operating While Intoxicated

Zen Joker 's Comment
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My wife and I were Vegetarians for 7 years. Of those 7 years, vegans for 2. As vegans my dental health went to h*ll and I needed over $3500 in dental work. Since going back to eating meat, I've had one cavity in 9 years.

I also notice on the road, that protein meals produce better performance. Last week was a bad week, 2 slices of PJ fresh pizza at a Flying J, (2) huge choc chip cookies and a piece of Milky Way cake at Big Boy's Truckstop in Kenly, NC, Hardees, and a dozen huge cookies. On vacation this week and the wife and I both have discussed the need to clean up our diets more. I am still in good shape since I have my Mom's metabolism, but she has been dead for 14 years from cancer so I don't want to end up on the same path and sugar is rocket fuel for cancer.

Brett, one thing that cannot be overstated for your weekly plan is the fasting. As you probably well know, fasting is the ultimate natural medicine! I wish I could do it on the road but that is not practical.

Lastly, the greatest side effect from eating meat all the time would seem to be satiety.dancing-banana.gif


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Brett Aquila's Comment
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stay away from pork and fish

BK, saying that was a mortal sin. You could not be more wrong. Pork is excellent for you and so is fish. Fish, in fact, is critical and I eat it twice a week. Remember, I only eat six meals a week, so 1/3 of the time I'm eating at least some fish. I often have more than one meat with each meal.

Dill pickles will keep you alert

That's just super weird and random. I'm not even sure what the theory would be. I asked AI about that, and it said it couldn't come up with any valid reason why that would be the case, but did say:

Placebo or Cultural Belief: Sometimes, the belief in the effect can itself cause a perceived change. If someone believes pickles will help them stay alert, this belief might influence their perception of alertness after consumption.


Basically, it's voodoo.

Anything that has poly unsaturated fats DON’T eat. Trans fats are poison. Saturated fats are good

Ah yes, the "good fat vs bad fat" argument. That normally goes with it's fake cousin, the "good cholesterol vs bad cholesterol" argument.

Do you know why "good and bad" fats and cholesterol supposedly exist?

Well, BK, you're old enough to remember how they poisoned us in the 80s and 90s with the low fat, low sodium, and low-cholesterol diets. Remember we were all eating egg whites, toast with margarine (which is basically plastic), cereal, and orange juice?

Remember they told us to avoid red meat, salt, dairy, and eggs?

Do you know what my entire diet has consisted of for years now? Red meat, salt, dairy, and eggs.

Weird, right? How do you explain that?

Remember how that 80's diet created multiple generations of fat, sick diabetics with a long list of health issues that only continue to get worse?

Every last detail of the low-fat, low-sodium, low-cholesterol diet was debunked long ago. In fact, I go out of my way to eat as much fatty beef as I can, and I even drink electrolytes labeled defiantly as "salty AF" meaning salty as f*ck.

So my diet would be considered extremely high in fat, salt, and cholesterol, not to mention I get no fiber and eat almost zero vegetables.

Now why are there "good and bad" fats and cholesterol? Because for decades they told us all fat and cholesterol were bad. Finally, they couldn't hide the fact that there were no scientific results to back up their claims, and they were forced to admit they were wrong. But instead of just admitting they were completely wrong, they admitted to be partially wrong, by claiming that some fats and cholesterol are bad for you.

What a crock of sh*t.

So BK, you're following the advice of the same people who have led us astray for decades.

Not only am I very lean and strong with fantastic endurance, but the dentist took my blood pressure and it was 118 over 85. I'm 53 years old. Where are the clogged and hardened arteries they promised? Where is the heart disease and high blood pressure? How come I'm not fat if fat makes you fat?

I will always end with the same thought - the proof is in the results. If what they're saying is true, then I would have been dead many years ago. Instead, I'm more fit than 90% of teenagers. I have low blood pressure and absolutely fantastic health in every way. I feel the best I've ever felt and my strength, flexibility, and endurance are the best they've ever been.

I don't care what anyone's theory is. What I care about is the results and mine scream loudly that the 'information' we get from 'science' is nothing but propaganda.

It's all about the results.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.


Transportation Worker Identification Credential

Truck drivers who regularly pick up from or deliver to the shipping ports will often be required to carry a TWIC card.

Your TWIC is a tamper-resistant biometric card which acts as both your identification in secure areas, as well as an indicator of you having passed the necessary security clearance. TWIC cards are valid for five years. The issuance of TWIC cards is overseen by the Transportation Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.


Operating While Intoxicated

Brett Aquila's Comment
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Brett, one thing that cannot be overstated for your weekly plan is the fasting. As you probably well know, fasting is the ultimate natural medicine! I wish I could do it on the road but that is not practical.

YES! Yes times one thousand!

Fasting is critically important to our health. Only during extended periods without food will certain processes begin within the body to clean out toxins, rebuild proteins, reset our insulin sensitivity, and so much more.

I have great news for you. Fasting on the road is 100% practical. The thing you must be careful of at first is transitioning off of carbs. You do not want to begin fasting right away. You need to adapt from burning carbs to burning fats first, then you can safely fast without dramatic swings in your blood sugar levels.

People who feel weak, shaky, and lightheaded after going a few hours without eating are basically addicted to carbs. By systematically moving away from carbs, your body will steadily improve its ability to burn fats. At that point you can fast easily without energy swings or hunger problems.

Lastly, the greatest side effect from eating meat all the time would seem to be satiety.

Oh man, you said it! I'm almost never hungry. Even when I fast for 48 hours, I'm not really hungry until I start eating, and then my body wakes up and gets pretty excited about it!

The best part of eating the way I do is that my daily meal is a massive food celebration! I get to pig out on all the steak and eggs I can eat. I don't hold back or count calories. In fact, I fill up my plate with far more than I can eat most of the time, so I eat all I can and the rest goes to my dog, who is also a one-meal-per-day carnivore. He eats what I do when I do. My last German Shepherd was the same way, and he lived to be 15 years and 3 months, and I have the birth certificate to prove it.

So I don't eat all day, but when I do, it's the biggest plate of steak and eggs you ever saw! It's well worth the wait!

Brett Aquila's Comment
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I just thought of this and wanted to put it out there. When I keep saying we've been fed lies, I'm not referring to every last doctor, nurse, coach, and nutritionist on the planet.

There are professionals who know they are feeding people lies and they do it for profit, but I expect the overwhelming majority of medical and nutritional professionals are intelligent, worked hard to get their degrees, and care deeply about their health and helping others be healthy. They have no intentions of doing any harm to anyone. Quite the opposite, in fact.

My perspective is simple: the results I've gotten over the years from my nutrition, fitness, and mindfulness practices speak for themselves. I feel the burden of proof is on them to explain why I'm wrong and my results don't prove my theories.

Anyone can argue any theory logically with words, but you won't produce fantastic results using all the wrong techniques. You won't thrive as an athlete well into your 50s and beyond if your nutrition and fitness programs are unhealthy. I would not perform well or recover well. I would break down over time.

So as always, I'm just sharing what I've done and the results I've gotten for your consideration. I always encourage people to experiment with different ideas and let the results do the talking. That's how you'll know what works.

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