What NOT To Eat. Nutrition On The Road.

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Davy A.'s Comment
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I fast to the extent that I can, but being hypoglycemic, I have to have a fairly constant stream of protein in.

On the note of eating making you tired. For sure, being paid piecework, working a job that was burning up 5000 calories a day, we would only eat just enough to take the edge off. If you ate past that, your productivity would fall. If you had a big meal, might as well go home. Sent many a kids packing from having a food coma.

As far as the Jerkey goes, it's all I eat for snacking. Just gotta read the labels, you can find some quality stuff and buy it in bulk.

I drink water, milk and coffee. Mostly just water. Gatorade kills me on dropping my blood sugar.

I do protein shakes simply because I can't eat enough most days and I end up burning muscle in that state.

Cardio is over rated. I don't do any. Simply progressive overload using bodyweight lifts. Works wonders.

Brett Aquila's Comment
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Cardio is over rated. I don't do any. Simply progressive overload using bodyweight lifts. Works wonders.

It depends on your goals and lifestyle. Many people think cardio is overrated because they think they'll lose weight by exercising. So the theory is that lifting weights makes you stronger and burns more energy and makes you breathe hard, so it's the better choice.

But there are a few problems with that.

For one, most people don't have a high enough fitness level to burn enough calories during exercise to matter. Someone who is 30 pounds overweight and doesn't have good fitness will be utterly exhausted before they can burn enough calories to equal one-half of a sandwich.

I always tell people that you regulate your level of fitness with exercise, you regulate your weight through eating.

I played stick and ball sports most of my life and focused on speed and strength. Over the past 6 years, I've focused on mountain sports where a high power-to-weight ratio and endurance are key to performance. I trained under a world-class coach for several years and he taught me the endurance side of sports. The education was awesome.

A strong cardio base is what gives you all-day energy. If your body is highly adapted to burn fats, you can exercise long and hard without eating anything or losing much energy or strength.

I did all of my endurance workouts in a fasted state, and got to the point that I would spend 8 hours in the mountains hiking, climbing, or skiing and wouldn't bring any food at all. I can climb several thousand feet with a 40-pound pack and return to the bottom over several hours with no breaks and no food, and I still feel great.

You could never do that without a big cardio base. All-day energy comes from cardio, not from lifting weights or interval training.

I always hired professional mountain guides to take me on big climbs when I traveled. For years they were all blown away by the fact that I don't eat all day. At first they thought I was just the classic clueless client who has no idea the mess he's getting himself into. After a few days of fantastic performance with absolutely no drop in energy and fantastic recovery, they were all VERY interested in this weird one-meal-per-day carnivore diet thing I was doing.

So it's about tailoring your fitness program to your goals and lifestyle. I blend every type of movement into my weekly routine - speed, strength, endurance, agility, and power. But my focus for the mountains is on maximizing my strength without gaining more weight and maximizing my endurance.

I fast to the extent that I can, but being hypoglycemic, I have to have a fairly constant stream of protein in.

There are tons of people who cured their sugar problems with the carnivore diet, but almost all of them admitted to transitioning too fast and causing themselves quite a bit of grief that first month. Transition slowly over a two-month period to a low-carb diet with intermittent fasting and you'll cure your sugar problems permanently. Just keep a quick shot of carbs handy that first few months in case you overdo it and need a quick shot to pick you up.

I'm not a doctor. I'm only a guy who gets incredible real-world results and I learned by doing instead of sitting in a classroom so this is not medical advice. In fact, it's much better than that. But for legal reasons, I should tell you not to listen to me at all. I'm just some random guy.


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Nick's Comment
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It doesn’t help either that stopping at a Pilot or Flying J every night, our options are the highly processed food they provide, Subway, or Wendy’s. Cinnabon for breakfast in the morning. I appreciate they have a partnership with them so you know there’s always SOME kind of option but it’s all so bad for you. I have found the best way to eat healthy on the road is avoid all the choices the truck stops offer and stick to keeping your fridge stocked with healthy stuff.

Brett Aquila's Comment
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I have found the best way to eat healthy on the road is avoid all the choices the truck stops offer and stick to keeping your fridge stocked with healthy stuff.

That's always a great option, especially with all of the appliances you can use in the truck to prepare food. The other option is to order a big steak and eggs for dinner!

Stevo Reno's Comment
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Since a kid, I hated veggies didn't eat too many if I could get away with it...Back then was no such thing as salma nella poisoning lol mom always cut up the chicken. She liked her steak dang near raw, 1 minute+ each side, serve it up. She'd even eat some of the raw ground beef as she was going to make meatballs etc.

I too have ate raw hamburger, and like my steaks, and burgers medium to rare, just no blood pool on my plate, like mom liked it. I'd ask for medium rare at In & Out Burgers in Cali, but they won't do that....Yeah and we drank water from the hose and all that stuff, never getting sick from it.

Me and my buddy & his wife used to go to this '50s style diner in Victorville, Ca. for their steak dinners. The cook did it outside in a smoker / bar-b-que. He knew how I liked my steaks, since we'd been going there so long.****il their prices started getting too high) 1 night we go there, I decide to change it up and ask for my steak to be "Medium Well" When he got the order, he came to our table to verify with me if it was correct, with a look of surprise lol. Yessir ! I'm trying something different..

Yep, I'm a definite meat eater, and won't ever be a veggie mite...Shopping day, so gonna get my beef fix, when I can (it's imported from Australia about $4.50 a lb)


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Brett Aquila's Comment
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Yep, I'm a definite meat eater, and won't ever be a veggie mite

Like they say, no great story ever started with someone eating a salad!


BK's Comment
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Many of the most profound truths in life, including nutrition and fitness, are so simple that people dismiss them entirely. In fact, they won't even try them to see if they're legit.


Both he and her are Nutritionists


I wish people would stop listening to "experts" and try things for themselves. That is how you will discover the truth. If these so-called experts really knew anything helpful, our society wouldn't be fat, sick, and depressed while our quality of life and length of life steadily decreases.

What these "experts" do best is convince us of their importance. The truth is, we don't need them at all. Most of their "knowledge" is manipulation designed to sell products and services.

The answer to nutrition is this simple - meat and eggs. That's it. If you focus 95% of your diet on meat and eggs, you'll be in the best health of your life, without exception.

I only use vegetables for seasoning, except once a week I have a salad before my steak at the restaurant on Friday nights. Vegetables are not good for you. Breads, grains, pasta, and starches are not good for you.

Meat and eggs (including fish) are good for you.

I have been a carnivore for years now. I eat meat (including fish), eggs, and some dairy. I'm 53, and as a lifelong athlete, I'm in incredible shape. I've been a mountain athlete throughout these years, consistently putting in ridiculous workouts 5 or 6 days a week. I'm in the best shape of my life. I have absolutely no health issues, and I take no supplements other than drinking electrolytes. I do not take vitamins, drink protein shakes, take creatine (popular with bodybuilders), or anything else.

I simply eat a huge pile of meat and eggs every day.

This is where it gets even better. I only eat 6 meals per week. I eat dinner every day except Monday. I eat dinner on Sunday night and don't eat again until Tuesday night. I do not eat snacks or anything else in between dinners. I fast 23 hours a day, eat once a day. That's it.

When I tell people how I eat, they think I'm insane. When they see me at the gym or in the mountains, they certainly don't question the results.

I'm going to post two videos. One is Dr Jordan Peterson, one is Dr Shawn Baker. If you care about your health, find the time to watch these.

I realize most people will scoff at my methods. It saddens me to watch people make themselves weak, fat, sick, and depressed following "experts" instead of discovering this simple truth for themselves. You owe it to yourself to take a serious look at this.

What if I'm right? Your whole life will improve dramatically forever. If I'm wrong? No harm done. You have nothing to lose.

Brett, that was quite an unjustified diatribe against my friends who generously and kindly helped me during my knee replacement and recovery. You insinuate that they are not experts in their field and even question their motives as mercenary and unethical. You do this without knowing these people their qualifications, experience and how they treat the people they help.

They extended a great undeserved kindness to me, free of cost, and with no expectation of repayment. My rapid recovery demonstrates that they have a great knowledge of nutrition and healing. Knowing them personally for many years, I know I am not the only person that they have helped significantly. For you to denigrate and disparage people like this makes you appear arrogant and petty. It would be the same if they questioned your qualifications as an expert in the trucking profession.

Ironically, they promote nutrition by generally advocating, the same thing that you do. Yet you assume, wrongly, that you are the expert in the field. (Continued)-


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BK's Comment
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….. They generally advocate meat and eggs as the main diet beneficial for most people. However, your. Recommendation of strictly meet and eggs is oversimplified. Nutrition is not one size fits all.

Your silly question about vegetables, exposes your ignorance. You bring God into your argument, and you really blundered with doing that. If you were to read Genesis chapter 9, you would know that mankind was vegetarian from creation to the flood. Only after the flood did God allow the eating of animal flesh. God’s only prohibition was that the blood not be consumed. Mankind was created to survive and thrive on vegetables, fruit and nuts, not meat. Your argument about vegetables being poison is nonsense.

It’s great that you are healthy and such an incredible physical specimen. You’re boasting and self aggrandizement are our equally, which is a common aspect of your know it all comments. When people such as yourself, have to boast about themselves and how incredible they are and also put other people down, it makes me wonder what insecurities and inadequacies they are compensating for.

And you mention Dr. Jordan Peterson. I have followed him for years and have a tremendous amount of respect for Dr. Peterson. You, sir, are no Jordan Peterson. He would be appalled by your bombastic and caustic manner. You obviously have not read much of his philosophy or you just choose to ignore what he says about dealing with people and exulting yourself.

Your abrasive personality has caused a number of valuable commentators to quit your forum. In doing what damage you do, you soil your own nest. What a pity.

I know I’m not the only one to see how you elevate yourself and diminish others on a regular basis. I don’t know if anyone else has the balls to speak up about this, but I’m tired of your megalomania.


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Navypoppop's Comment
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Great reply BK. To stand up for your rights and beliefs are quite impressive.

Brett Aquila's Comment
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Way to go BK! That was a great rant! You were so mad at me after I gave you a little hell that you returned to do the same thing to me! Turnabout is fair play indeed. You're more like me than you realized I guess.


BK, I'm afraid your words hold no weight because myself and many others have proven results over many years. We don't have theories, we have proven results. Dr Shawn Baker, Dr Jordan Peterson and his family, Eddie Hall (the strongest man in the world), and a fast-growing army of others all have proven results.

Our experiments have wrecked your theories, and no words can change that.

So you can get upset if you want, call me names, and protest my bluntness. But the results have proven that the food industry, medical doctors, and the nutrition industry have spread lies for years to enrich themselves with their fake science.

Let's not forget something crucial, BK - had we had this discussion in the 1980s, you would have been preaching to me about the evils of red meat, eggs, salt, and dairy. You would've been adamant, citing 'settled science,' that a diet low in fat, cholesterol, and those foods was the epitome of health.

You would have then served me what was considered the 'perfect breakfast' back then: a bowl of cereal, toast slathered with margarine, and a glass of orange juice. You, along with your circle of nutritionists, would've congratulated yourselves, convinced of your own wisdom... And yet, every single aspect of that advice was not just wrong; it was dangerous. You would have essentially poisoned me with that meal. Indeed, this misinformation led to health issues across generations, didn't it, BK?

But now we know better, don't we? We've learned that this meal is a recipe for disaster, packed with sugars and devoid of real nutritional value. Yet, this was the gospel according to nutritionists of the time. The very same group that now claims, with no less arrogance, that this time they've got it right. Of course none of them can explain the results of the carnivore community, but that doesn't matter because what they're selling isn't science, it's advertising. It has always been advertising.

The problem we face today is an army of "experts" and their eager followers using words to prove theories. Instead, what we need is an army of people willing to find out these truths for themselves through experimentation and firsthand experience. That's what I and many others have done. The results are undeniable, which is why this movement is growing so rapidly.

Look at the results that I and many other carnivores have gotten and prove we need carbs and vegetables. That's your task. We've put in the work and we've proven our theories. Now prove yours.


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