What NOT To Eat. Nutrition On The Road.

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Brett Aquila's Comment
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I too follow a meat diet out of choice, no vegetables, few fruits, milk and water

Excellent! I see you figured out the carnivore thing, and it works for you as well. Glad to hear it!

Yes, guys, you're right. We're all built differently. I understand that. It's adorable that you thought I couldn't grasp that. But as a 5' 7" bald Italian, I can assure you I've considered what it would be like to have the genetics of Brad Pitt. But I was trying to avoid having what I felt was a pointless argument because it has no bearing on what we should eat.

But then I realized you're helping me break through some of the confusion and prove my point, so I'll use your point (we're all built differently) to prove mine (we all thrive on the same diet).

Navypoppop is in his 70s and has difficult diseases he deals with. His diet is almost exclusively fats and proteins.

Davy and I are 53 and athletic. Davy has a sugar condition, I do not. Our diets are almost exclusively fats and proteins.

Mikhaila Peterson is a 22-year-old woman. From a very young age, she suffered from severe juvenile idiopathic arthritis, which led to her needing hip and ankle replacements by the age of 17. She was diagnosed with severe depression, OCD, and type two bipolar disorder. Mikhaila also dealt with chronic fatigue and idiopathic hypersomnia. Her diet, which consisted of only meat for over 7 years, reversed and cured every single disease she had. All of them. So again, her diet is exclusively fats and proteins.

Eddie Hall - 36 years old - 6' 3" and 385 pounds. Literally the strongest man in the world, a world record-holding athlete. Eats carnivore diet. Fats and proteins.

Dr Jordan Peterson - non-athlete, 61 years old, suffered from severe gum disease, severe depression, weight issues (he lost 50 pounds after going carnivore), and other immunological problems. After going to a pure beef diet, every last symptom was cured and he says he has the same physique he had in high school.

Dr Shawn Baker - 57 years old, world record-holding athlete, 6' 4" and 270 pounds. He's the best-known person in the carnivore community. He really put himself out there to share his findings with everyone. Has eaten pure carnivore for over 7 years, almost exclusively beef. Still sets world records at almost 60 years old.

Hugo Wood, an elementary student suffering from Kabuki syndrome, has had a dramatic reversal in his symptoms after eating a keto diet, which is almost exclusively fats and proteins. His mother called it "nothing short of a miracle". Fats and proteins.

I could do this all day. We can talk about people of any age, race, gender, lifestyle, or condition, and everyone thrives on a diet based on fats and proteins. Every one of them.

So guys, thank you for forcing me to deal with the fact that we're all built differently. I was trying to avoid confusing people with things that don't matter, but it allowed me to demonstrate that everyone from sedentary old men to world record-holding athletes to little boys and young women with terrible diseases all thrive on a diet composed almost exclusively of fats and proteins.

Now the question is....what will I have for dinner? I have salmon, country-style pork ribs, chicken breast, and burger ready to go. I'm not sure what I'll have, but I don't think I'll be able to choose just one.


When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.

Turtle's Comment
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Ok, I really don't want this post to go to sleep either, as I'm enjoying it immensely. While my experience may be anecdotal, I'll share it here for the purposes of this conversation.

For my entire life, I've hated vegetables and craved meats and proteins. It's been known in my family that" Rich won't eat vegetables." I do like a sweet treat every night after supper, but I don't have what I would call a heavy sweet tooth.

Coincidentally or not, I've always been in great health. Never having to visit the hospital for anything other than an accidental injury. They say I get it honestly, because my dad and grandfather were the same way, both mostly meat eaters and disease-free their whole lives.

At age 45ish, I began putting on a little bit of weight. Not a bunch, just 25lbs or so spread out over 8 years. This could be attributed to quitting smoking, increased snacking, changing careers to a more sedentary job, slowing metabolism, whatever. Two years ago at 53, I thought I better do something about it, and made what I thought to be a wise choice to cut out the snacks and incorporate more vegetables into my diet. I even bought a bullet blender and started making veggie smoothies in my truck every day up till just a couple months ago. My wife, a vegetable lover, could barely conceal her glee at finally being able to make all kinds of creative veggie dishes which I gamely tried with mock enthusiasm.

Throughout that time, I also looked into other diets. This is when I came across the carnivore diet, and it has intrigued me since. I even mentioned it to my wife, but that little short stubborn Italian would have none of it, calling it just another fad diet. Rather than listen to what my body was telling me, I went with the conventional and indoctrinated thought of"veggies are good for you!"

Speaking of Mrs. Turtle, she comes from a vegetable heavy family. Pasta and all-veggie dishes with a splash of meat were commonplace at the in-laws. Yes practically everyone in her family suffers from some kind of ailment. My wife herself now suffers from Crohn's, diabetes, and other inflammatory and autoimmune issues. So there's that. More on that in a minute.

I mentioned my wife to show the health contrast, anecdotal as it may be, between someone who prefers fats and proteins versus someone who prefers vegetables.

But back to me. After a year and a half of the veggie business, yes I did lose a little bit of weight, like 15lbs. but I had never felt worse in my life. I had a daily dose of what I would call "rot gut", just a queasy or upset feeling in my stomach. I was sluggish, and seemed to have progressively less energy. Always being a highly active man, this bugged me a lot. I had what I guess is increasing inflammation, because every joint in my body began to ache. I also had to visit the hospital for the first non-accident, an appendectomy. Coincidence?

Throughout this time, I continued researching, becoming more & more convinced myself of the very facts Brett is pointing out here. Vegetables are toxic. Sure, they have nutrients in them. But they also have nutrient inhibitors that prevent the intake of what we need. The bad outweighs the good if you look at the science. All the vitamins and nutrients we need are in the very thing that we were designed to eat: ANIMALS!

As of about 3 weeks ago, I began transitioning over to the carnivore diet. Being that I've always loved meats, eggs, fish, etc this has been a relatively easy transition. The hardest thing has been weaning myself off of carbs and the desire to snack. But I'm mostly over that already. Similar to Brett, I've been mostly OMAD (one meal a day), which has its own separate health benefits. Though for reasons of convenience or timing, I sometimes eat at the 18-20 hour mark. However, I most definitely am hungry by that point. But hunger is a good thing.

It's way too soon for me to boast of any benefits resulting from this. I'm also aware that, because of my predisposition to a carnivorous diet, I may not experience the same drastic changes that result from the diet. Part of my hope is that my wife will recognize some changes in me coming from this, so that she may then try it herself. After all, she's a perfect candidate for it. I'll be the test dummy.


Department Of Transportation

A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.

State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Operating While Intoxicated

Brett Aquila's Comment
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Wow, Turtle. I did not have "Turtle going one-meal-a-day carnivore" on my bingo card! I thought you were just the next person in line to take a shot at me. When I saw your name on this thread, I thought, "Wow, even Turtle has had enough of me talking about this." But I'm obviously thrilled to hear the news!

I mentioned my wife to show the health contrast, anecdotal as it may be, between someone who prefers fats and proteins versus someone who prefers vegetables.

We are way beyond the anecdotal stage or the fad stage with eating carnivore. It first became known about seven years ago when Dr Shawn Baker called it the carnivore diet. There is a small army of thousands people who have all had the same earth-shattering results eating this way for years now, which is not a diet, but simply the proper way to eat.

5+ years ago I would have said we're getting anecdotal evidence or it's a fad. Not anymore.

After a year and a half of the veggie business, yes I did lose a little bit of weight, like 15lbs. but I had never felt worse in my life. I had a daily dose of what I would call "rot gut", just a queasy or upset feeling in my stomach. I was sluggish, and seemed to have progressively less energy

This is why I'm insisting that people stop talking about it and try carnivore. Once you experience the way you feel eating properly, all doubt will vanish. You'll never need another explanation about nutrition or waste your time in debates.

Notice, also, that everything Turtle experienced in his life pointed him toward eating meat. We're all born this way. Every kid on Earth loves meat and hates vegetables. It was not until people started confusing us with their advertising gimmicks that we lost our way. But the truth is instinctual. Our bodies know what to eat.

I would say "rot gut" is the perfect description of life on vegetables. All that fiber, which we can not digest, clogs our system. Along with that comes the garbage people put on vegetables like salad dressings, nuts, seeds, and fruits. It produces a ton of gas, which leaves us feeling bloated and having to go to the bathroom a lot. Your energy stays low because your body is trying to digest all this garbage and wants you to rest while it does that.

So you wind up bloated and gassy, lethargic, and just feeling crappy because you filled your body with useless fiber and things your body can not digest while ingesting nearly none of the nutrition you need. It's a disaster.

I also had to visit the hospital for the first non-accident, an appendectomy. Coincidence?

Man, I'm sorry to hear that. Since there's no way to prove that eating the wrong way caused it, we'll throw this one on that gigantic pile of anecdotal evidence that always seems to point in the same direction.

All the vitamins and nutrients we need are in the very thing that we were designed to eat: ANIMALS!

Just getting this on a t-shirt doesn't seem like a strong enough message. I might tattoo this on my forehead.

I've been mostly OMAD (one meal a day), which has its own separate health benefits

Fasting is almost as important as eating the right thing in the first place. Even if you're eating vegetables and fasting, you're giving your body a chance to clean itself out sometimes. But when you combine fasting with carnivore, you're now eating properly and allowing your body time to process the food, rebuild itself, and clean up afterward. At the same time, you're becoming more efficient at processing fats for fuel, which is the ideal way for the human body to fuel itself.

I can't describe how heartbreaking it is to go through life watching everyone around you suffer with obesity, illness, and depression when all they have to do is eat steak and eggs! Then, when you tell people the great news, you're treated like an outcast! It feels like I'm living in the Twilight Zone. I have the best possible news, and no one wants to hear it.

I hope more of you step up to the plate and give Carnivore a shot. I suspect there are more of you out there who are considering it, but you're not too excited about admitting that here after the reception the others have given me. I understand. But I encourage you to keep going down the path to carnivore. You may have noticed, as I have, that the only person who agrees with me so far is the only one who actually put in the work and tried it for himself. Hopefully more of you will report back with some exciting results!


Department Of Transportation

A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.

State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Operating While Intoxicated

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