I would say let it go ! Don't sweat the little things when you have to share a living space for weeks !
Whoever swipes their card gets the shower credit.
Having said that, you'll likely never have to pay for a shower. You can also do a team shower which means 1 shower point for two different shower facilities.
Go with the flow. You're the student, remember that. This guy is an experienced driver. I would bet that you probably misunderstood him. Do what he says, you'll prove you're not an idiot if you don't smack into anything - not by trying to outsmart him on how showers work.
As long as you are getting showers on a regular basis...Once every two days or so ......I would let it go. Does not matter if he is paying for your show or using the points on the truck stop fuel card or the shower credit. ......As long as your getting them why should you care where they come from?
Pick your battles. Your a rookie and starting off on the wrong foot by confronting him on a non - issue will make your training a living hell.
I agree with everyone above - don't say anything.
Also, you can look at it this way...he's a business owner and business owners tend to look at everything quite differently than most people. Specifically, they tend to look at things as having a monetary value. Showers costs $10 or more if you don't get fuel. So he's probably looking at it like he's giving you something worth $10+ for free. So in his mind, he's paying for it.
The idea is to get through training with little or no conflict of any sort. Try to lay low and go with the flow.
The idea is to get through training with little or no conflict of any sort. Try to lay low and go with the flow.
Steve, I just want you to know that I also agree with what's been said in response to your question. I had a trainer who acted like I was an idiot. I'm far from it, well educated and have 30 years of experience at being an employer with millions of dollars in sales and managed to meet a seven thousand dollar a week payroll for most of those years. You can read about my experience with my trainer at that link.
If you take the right attitude from the start, you will find that you will still learn a lot even if your trainer is an idiot. It's only a short time that you have with them, try and make the most of the time, even if it goes completely against your personality to not call someone on something when they are wrong. Training can be difficult - I know - mine was. But it's your key to getting to the next level - running solo. By the way, after you get to that next level is where you are really going to start learning how all this comes together, so bite your tongue, do what you've got to do, and you will be making it easier on yourself even if it seems like you're not.
Thanks everyone. I will absorb all the wisdom and knowledge he has to give me. I always respect anyone who is trying to teach me new things.
You can also do a team shower . . .
TEAM SHOWER?? Is that like a tag team? Or you wash my back and I'll wash yours? Talk about sexual harassment . . .
You can also do a team shower . . .
TEAM SHOWER?? Is that like a tag team? Or you wash my back and I'll wash yours? Talk about sexual harassment . . .
Hey Jopa, I don't think those pain meds you took, have completely dissipated yet!
Wow!! You're getting off good. My trainer doesn't help me with showers at all. $13 a pop at some places. Count your blessings!
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He told me he is going to PAY for my showers. My understanding is that when you fuel, both drivers get free shower credits. He is an O/O so is this something different I should let pass? Or should I let him know I have done my research and he is not being as generous as he says? I don't want to start off wrong, but I do want him to know I am not an idiot.