Old Fart Getting Back Into Trucking.

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Robert W.'s Comment
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Just signed up for Trucker's Forum and need some guidance from y'all. I'm 69 years old (in good shape and can kick butt) and my wife is real sick; so, I have to go back to work because we've hit the wall financially with all that's going on with my wife.

I drove semi hauling refers and flatbeds about 30 years ago but have definitely kept my CDL all that time and keep my medical up to date just in case I have to fall back on it to get employment. I have doubles/triples and tanker endorsements.

Really want to do trucking again but no company I see wants to hire unless you've had a certain amount of recent, verifiable experience - which, obviously I don't. Others seem to be willing to hire if you have a recent 160 hour certificate from a truck driving school - which, I'd do if they'd really hire me.

I won't be able to do OTR since I have to be home daily for my wife at least for some part of the day or evening, thus, local or day hauls are going to have to be my gig but it doesn't matter how long the hours are.

I live in southern California. What do you all think my chances are of getting hired considering all that I've described - particularly with my age, long time not having driven, can't do OTR, but would bring the 160 hour certificate to the table?

I'd appreciate your input!


Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:

  • Any combination of vehicles with a gross combined weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more pounds, providing the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the vehicle being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicle towing another not in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any vehicle, regardless of size, designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver.
  • Any vehicle required by federal regulations to be placarded while transporting hazardous materials.


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.


Refers to pulling two trailers at the same time, otherwise known as "pups" or "pup trailers" because they're only about 28 feet long. However there are some states that allow doubles that are each 48 feet in length.

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Contact Prime and ask the recruiter about local Intermodal out of the Fontana area.


Transporting freight using two or more transportation modes. An example would be freight that is moved by truck from the shipper's dock to the rail yard, then placed on a train to the next rail yard, and finally returned to a truck for delivery to the receiving customer.

In trucking when you hear someone refer to an intermodal job they're normally talking about hauling shipping containers to and from the shipyards and railyards.

Errol V.'s Comment
member avatar

As a daily + local job, intermodal is a good idea.. (Sometimes this type of trucking is called "drayage" so look for that term too.)

As for updating your license you will need to get the whole course. Many vo-tech schools offer subsidized/free training.

"Southern California" is a big place. Fontana has developed into a huge trucking center. Maybe seaports are an option for you. For that you'll need a TWIC (Transportation Worker Identification Credential) card.


Transporting freight using two or more transportation modes. An example would be freight that is moved by truck from the shipper's dock to the rail yard, then placed on a train to the next rail yard, and finally returned to a truck for delivery to the receiving customer.

In trucking when you hear someone refer to an intermodal job they're normally talking about hauling shipping containers to and from the shipyards and railyards.


Transportation Worker Identification Credential

Truck drivers who regularly pick up from or deliver to the shipping ports will often be required to carry a TWIC card.

Your TWIC is a tamper-resistant biometric card which acts as both your identification in secure areas, as well as an indicator of you having passed the necessary security clearance. TWIC cards are valid for five years. The issuance of TWIC cards is overseen by the Transportation Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.

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