So I was studying for the written test before enrolling in school and I received a summons for jury duty. So I feel the only option I have now is to wait until I serve before enrolling. Question 1: Anyway someone in my position can get out of this and get myself back on track? Question 2: Truckers, being an integral part of the nations economy... can I expect to avoid jury duty in the future because of my profession alone?
All depends. As you know your life gets put on hold when jury duty comes up. Not alot you can do about it unless you can come up with a good excuse which there are very few excuses that are good enough.
Truckers do serve on juries but usually and get out of it with a phone call explaining that you will not be in town on those days due to your job.
Worst comes to worst you can always stand up at jury selection look the defense lawyer straight in the eyes without cracking a smile and say "Your client is guilty and I should know cause I can always tell criminals for honest people". That should get you a dismissal from jury duty in about 2 secs.
This very thing happened to me. I was summoned while out with my instructor and was afraid if I served i would have to repeat my training, and redo my miles. My wife contacted the court clerk, and was told I could explain my circumstances on the back of the summons and have my duty postponed. So I had my wife explain I was in training out of state and requested a postponement. The courts honored my request. When my time again came to serve, i again requested a postponement for one year to finish my apprenticeship, and again it was honored. Im not trying to get out of serving, rather trying to find a more realistic, convenient time to serve. I actually look forward to serving and doing my civic duty. My advice would be to contact your court clerk and discuss your situation. My bet is they will postpone your summons as they did mine. Good luck
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So I was studying for the written test before enrolling in school and I received a summons for jury duty. So I feel the only option I have now is to wait until I serve before enrolling. Question 1: Anyway someone in my position can get out of this and get myself back on track? Question 2: Truckers, being an integral part of the nations economy... can I expect to avoid jury duty in the future because of my profession alone?