Welcome aboard Michael!
Unfortunately team trucks generally move 22 hours a day. That's how it's done throughout the industry.
If you wanted to have more free time out there you'd be better off just having one of you drive and the other ride along. That way when the truck stops you'll have time to do things together. There won't be a lot of time very often....OTR trucking is a very busy life. But if you guys run team you'll have very little down time together.
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
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My wife and I are thinking of starting a second career as Team Drivers. We are in are late 50's and are not really looking to kill ourselves. It seems like the rig moves 22 hours a day. Are there any companies that don't expect their drivers to maintain that type of schedule. We would like to sleep and the same time but maybe that is not realistic.