The Booby Surprise Goes To......

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guyjax(Guy Hodges)'s Comment
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So I know recruiters do call backs to check on people that applied with the companies at one time or another to see if they are still interested. I have no problem with that, but what happened today .....really?

I was driving through New Mexico today and I received a phone call and when I answered they said "This is Jennifer from Werner Enterprises recruiting I see that you applied to Werner and was wondering if you were still interesting in driving for Werner. Do you have time to talk right now?" ....

Now I was like wtf! How in holy hell could they mess this up?

...I said "No Jennifer I don't have time to talk cause right now I am driving Werner truck #61834 down the road at 65 mph and you are distracting me. I guess you win the booby prize huh?"

I could tell she was embarrassed and then told me not to be answering the phone while I was driving and I told her that SHE should not be calling up a driver on the phone and trying to get them to come to drive at a company that they already currently drive for.

Oh that was not the end of it. 15 minutes later I receive a message to find a safe place to pull over and call in. So I did and not only did I have to talk to my DM but they also conferenced called in the recruiting supervisor and also HR and turns out they had poor mistreated "to dumb to breath air and think at the same time" Jennifer on mute in the background and agreement to be in on the phone call to dispute what I had said....her mistake as you will see...

Of course they asked what happened and I explained it to them word for word just like I did in this post and they said that is not how it was reported. Turns out that Miss Airhead reported that I was extremely rude and continued to use foul language after being repeatedly asked to stop and that I called her stupid ...(well I guess I did huh? at the end when I asked her about the booby prize)...I said "Really? Where did you get this piece of false information?" Of course my DM said that Jennifer from recruiting had made a complaint and had agreed to try to work it out through mediation.

I said "Well you have heard my side of it so now let's hear her said of it. Of course she repeated exactly what they had already told me and I asked if I could ask Jennifer one simple question and the lady from HR said I could and I asked her "You see Jennifer with this complaint and going to HR you are putting me at risk of loosing my job SO Are you sure you want to stick to that story?" And she said that is what happened and she was telling it exactly how it happen and I said ok....

I asked if they wanted to hear exactly what happen as I have a recorder on my phone that automatically starts recording when I receive incoming phone calls. My DM and the recruiter supervisor and HR all said yes and I played the recording and then said "I realize I may have been a bit condescending at the end but it gets on my nerves when people make a mistake and then try to preach to me like I did something wrong"

I guess the recording surprised them or something cause they were quite for about a minute or so or they were talking to each other while they muted the Airhead and me. Anyway they came back on and I actually received an apology from the recruiting supervisor and the entire should not have happen and was told I would be compensated for the lost time and internal discipline would make sure this did not happen again.

Of course I could not leave it there. I am not wired that way especially when I am being lied on and at risk of loosing my job or at the very least a write up since I have a flawless record with I said as a parting shot "Well I am glad it will be taken care of and hopefully next time they will put someone on the phone for recruiting that has more sense that God gave a box of rocks"..

At that point they said that would be quite enough and said goodbye and hung up but my DM stayed on the phone and basically had to give me the "The Talk" and proceeded to run down the evils of the cell phone and driving even though it was hands free I was using.

So yeah that is how my day went. God bless the stupid people cause they make life interesting for us drivers out here on the road.

Set.....Point.....Match......Recruiter: 0 Guy: 100


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Fatsquatch 's Comment
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I'm surprised she didn't try to throw a sexual harassment claim in there too since you said "booby."

Randall H's Comment
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Hate that it happened to you but love how you hit them with a recording. Perfecto! Ya gotta love how most companies say they are recording the call for training or quality control, but then it's only used for to their advantage in the future and they don't expect that a recording could be taking place on the other end.

Have a great day!

Greg Phillips's Comment
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Wow, you don't suffer fools do you Guyjax? Jk. smile.gif

What gets me about this is that instead of Saying "sorry about that guy, looks like the computer system isn't up to date. I'll talk with the people that handle this and get it updated. You have a safe trip" , she goes and makes a FALSE accusation about you. Good on you for recording it to CYA.

But I guess things are the same all over. One of our senior NCOs got "spoken to" because he was giving spoons to the Airmen that he felt were asking questions that they shouldn't be (I.e. Things they should already know or things they could easily look up on they're own). When they asked him what the spoons were for he said it was so that they had one issued to them since they are always being spoon fed. They didn't care for that and threatened to file a complaint with the inspector general.

Fatsquatch 's Comment
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As an afterthought, what do you use to record your calls? Is that an Android app or what?

guyjax(Guy Hodges)'s Comment
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As an afterthought, what do you use to record your calls? Is that an Android app or what?

Android app called 'IM Calls Rec'.

Just remember there are laws dealing with audio recording Some laws say that both parties on the call must be made aware of the recording and then again some laws state that only one person be aware of the recording and that can be the person doing the recording.

I know the laws regarding video and auto recording ,at least on the surface, but I am not doing it with that in mind. I stop any and all recordings if they are private conversations but allow the recording to continue if I feel an issue will result from a business or any sort.

To me it's not about the legal issues of audio recording. I go by the premise of 'You can't unhear a recording once you hear it' or you can't unring a rung bell.

See people for the most part hate being lied to and if a audio recording is heard that disproves the lie the last thing that will be worried about is the legality of the recording. Nebraska is a 'One party consent' state and since I knew about the recording I was perfectly within my rights to protect myself against false allegations.

Was it's a "Gotcha recording"? Yea maybe but it would have never seen the light of day if the events would have went a different way.

As some on this site are aware I am very big on personal responsibility and can't stand stupid people. Ignorant people can be helped. Dumb people can be taught but stupid people are beyond hope and can't be fixed.

Starcar's Comment
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Yup, Guy......ya can't fix stupid......

Wine Taster's Comment
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There is ONE way to fix stupid but it is currently allowed by law!

Erik M.'s Comment
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Damn Guyjax. I just finished my orientation with Werner and will leave with my trainer tomorrow. Does this stuff happen often in this company? I'm still of the impression that Werner is a good company to work for. Any other advise you could give me about Werner would also be helpful. See you out there.

Christopher J.'s Comment
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Most Companies dont update their files and guess what she should be fired for lying period we have enough to worry about on the road and dont need our own Companies trying to somehow get us into trouble what a bunch of ****e

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