I will be ready. Only because of your help. Awesome information.
Thanks so much Daniel B Awesome Pre-Trip, This was the part of the tests I was worried about the most. and again I find what I needed here on TT as so many others Thanks Again
I have been lingering around for quite some time and have finally finalized the last steps to attending Greenville Tech CDL school starting in March.
Daniel, this post is absolutely awesome!
Huge leap ahead before I even get started. Thanks!!!
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Thank you Daniel, The pocsd help explain so much for those of us who haven't been that close to trucks for inspection. I'm a visual person so this makes it much easdier to learn
U forgot the battery box,and battery connections and secure!
U forgot the battery box,and battery connections and secure!
Keep in mind, this is Primes Pre-Trip Inspection. Prime doesn't have you inspect the battery box/connections during their Pre-Trip Inspection.
Unless something changed that I'm unaware of, you won't be inspection the batteries.
Every company does it slightly differently. So as you study this keep in mind that this might not be exactly what you have to memorize should you go to a different company.
A pre-trip inspection is a thorough inspection of the truck completed before driving for the first time each day.
Federal and state laws require that drivers inspect their vehicles. Federal and state inspectors also may inspect your vehicles. If they judge a vehicle to be unsafe, they will put it “out of service” until it is repaired.
Woo, that took forever. Brett, you really got to up that character limit for me!
Anyways, a few general tips:
If its rubber - ABC
If it has fluid/air going through it or in it - Not leaking.
If its mounted (almost everything is)- PMS
If its metal or some other hard surface- CBB
Memorize this and you'll ace it! Any questions?
Thank you Daniel! Especially for these particular tips which should be invaluable to keep in mind while going through the process!
Hello TT! You're looking at yet another legendary thread done by me!
This is my Pre-Trip Inspection , done my way! This Pre-Trip is done on my truck and trailer. I physically took the pictures and edited them to my liking. These are not pictures taken off of Google. It is a complete Pre-Trip Inspection and features everything you'll need to know. I've been working on this for a long time and my hometime finally gave me the chance to finish it all up.
This is based off of Prime Inc.'s Pre-Trip Inspection procedure. Your companies Pre-Trip might vary slightly.
Here are our sections:
Engine Compartment
Drivers Door Fuel Area
Coupling System
Trailer (Please note in the type of suspension your trailer has)
Light Check
In-Can Inspection and Brake Tests
You will absolutely have to do the Coupling System, Light Check, and In-Cab Inspection. Then they select for you to also do either the Engine Compartment, Drivers Door Fuel Area, or the Trailer. It could be either one. You will have a total of 4 sections that you must pass on your exam. So study extra-hard on those required sections.
As stated, these are solely based off of how I like to do the Pre-Trip. I give my personal opinions as well as some helpful tips.
Your Instructors advice may vary. In the end, just do it the way your Instructor wants you to do it.
A pre-trip inspection is a thorough inspection of the truck completed before driving for the first time each day.
Federal and state laws require that drivers inspect their vehicles. Federal and state inspectors also may inspect your vehicles. If they judge a vehicle to be unsafe, they will put it “out of service” until it is repaired.
That was awsome. I did my test in missoula mt. On the incab u had to mention the windshield seal, floor clean,clear of debris, sleeper area secure no loose objects etc.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
That was awsome. I did my test in missoula mt. On the incab u had to mention the windshield seal, floor clean,clear of debris, sleeper area secure no loose objects etc.
Yep, every state/company does it their own way. That is interesting how they make you mention the windshield seal, floor, and sleeper area.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
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