Like new layout but want it to look like old one.
It still looks the same on larger tablets and desktops. The mobile version for phones and small tablets is the one that's significantly different. I had the avatars and other information showing initially but they take up a ton of room on phones and you have to scroll like crazy.
Operating While Intoxicated
Well, you bought a mobile device and you hate mobile layouts. Maybe you should buy a device you'll enjoy using.
I do enjoy using it. What I don't enjoy is being forced to use a layout that hurts my eyes. Literally every other Web page in the known universe that has a mobile version also has a way to disable it and return to the normal desktop layout.
I don't know why you're getting so defensive about this. You asked for feedback, and I gave it to you. Just because it isn't rah rah positive feedback is no reason to get bent out of shape.
What I don't enjoy is being forced to use a layout that hurts my eyes
it hurts your eyes???? What a load of cr*p!
Literally every other Web page in the known universe that has a mobile version also has a way to disable it and return to the normal desktop layout.
You're literally wrong. I'll prove it if you want to put $1000 bucks on.
I don't know why you're getting so defensive about this. You asked for feedback, and I gave it to you. Just because it isn't rah rah positive feedback is no reason to get bent out of shape.
I'm not getting defensive. I'm getting annoyed because all you're doing is b*tching about stupid things like "I don't like mobile websites on my mobile phone." That's your problem, not mine. I'm building a mobile version of the site and you're on a mobile device. Tell me something I can actually do to improve the website instead of just complaining and griping about things I can't do anything about.
On a slightly different subject, I seem to have issues with the topic part. I am on my laptop and when I click on topic it allows me to have the cursor there but I can't see the words. They are there, I just can't see them.
I like the new mobile set up. It's easier and I don't zoom in or out accidentally while bouncing around in the back of the truck.
I am on my laptop and when I click on topic it allows me to have the cursor there but I can't see the words. They are there, I just can't see them.
I'm not sure where you're referring to when you say "when I click on topic"..... it sounds like an easy fix, but I'm not sure where you mean.
I am on my laptop and when I click on topic it allows me to have the cursor there but I can't see the words. They are there, I just can't see them.
I'm not sure where you're referring to when you say "when I click on topic"..... it sounds like an easy fix, but I'm not sure where you mean.
When you start a new topic in the general forum. It asks you to fill in the 'topic'. That's where I am seeing it.
I'm building a mobile version of the site and you're on a mobile device. Tell me something I can actually do to improve the website instead of just complaining and griping about things I can't do anything about.
Hang on a minute. You're telling me you're building the website, but you're incapable of including a simple "return to desktop" feature? Or removing whatever code it is you put in that is blocking my browser's "show desktop" feature?
When you start a new topic in the general forum. It asks you to fill in the 'topic'. That's where I am seeing it.
I see what you're saying. Thanks! I'll get it fixed.
Ok, I believe I have that issue fixed with the "subject" box when you start a new topic.
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Photo button? Avatar? I sense a theme. Like new layout but want it to look like old one. Make sense?