Other than that, try not to park way out in the back corner of a lot by yourself. Try to park with a group of trucks.
Actually, finding a place TO PARK after sunset is pretty dang hard most of the time so being out in the "lower forty" all by yourself and not being in the safety of a group of trucks is almost impossible at most truck stops . . .
Lol you're definitely right about that Jopa. I've seen some of these guys get very "creative" in finding parking spots after dark lol. I was mainly speaking about gravel lots or park and rides or on/off ramps when finding somewhere to shut down. Of course I'm gonna park at some sort of business every chance I get. When good ole mother nature starts calling at 2 am and you're staring at bushes in the middle of the Mojave as your only option, things get serious hahaha
Folks, remember, we use diesel. It's not called a gas cap it's a fuel cap. :)
Oops. I knew that too. I never say "gas." I always say "fuel." ... Wonder why I did that, this time? Thanks for the reminder.
mountain girl
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Actually, finding a place TO PARK after sunset is pretty dang hard most of the time so being out in the "lower forty" all by yourself and not being in the safety of a group of trucks is almost impossible at most truck stops . . .