They could but then again your entire truck could be stolen when you take a shower also.
Well, I suppose that's true. I would think it would be a little harder to get away with the entire truck. At least I would hope so!
They could but then again your entire truck could be stolen when you take a shower also.
Well, I suppose that's true. I would think it would be a little harder to get away with the entire truck. At least I would hope so!
And yet there are a few hundred trucks a year stolen. Honestly as long as you know how to drive a truck it can be stolen. Very simple. Cars are harder to steal. No steering wheel locks to get in the way
Someone needs to invent The Club for trucks then I guess! That really is something I don't want to have to worry about. Yikes!
No, what needs to happen is you need a club for whiny ass neighbors. I would never make it in a HOA.....
Anyhow... back to the photos..... Daniel any more coming.
No rides yet, stuck in the desert lately and not about to mess with snakes.
Bike riding is fun. But it can hurt if you don't know your limits.
I love the caption underneath - knew you wouldn't make it but did it anyway lol. Hope you weren't hurt! Looks like you got your feet under you after the front wheel hit. Reminds me of a time I was riding some really technical trails in Colorado when I was about 35 and some young guys your age flew past me. I thought, I can still do that! I chased them on some narrow rocky trails through brush and did an endo on a steep downhill portion. Hurt my shoulder a bit, but my pride hurt a lot worse. Thankfully those young guys were already gone and didn't see it, but I have to admit it would be funny to see now.
I love the caption underneath - knew you wouldn't make it but did it anyway lol. Hope you weren't hurt! Looks like you got your feet under you after the front wheel hit. Reminds me of a time I was riding some really technical trails in Colorado when I was about 35 and some young guys your age flew past me. I thought, I can still do that! I chased them on some narrow rocky trails through brush and did an endo on a steep downhill portion. Hurt my shoulder a bit, but my pride hurt a lot worse. Thankfully those young guys were already gone and didn't see it, but I have to admit it would be funny to see now.
Heh, that's my stubborness showing! I knew I couldn't do it but I'll never know if I don't try. I took the jump on the wrong side, the left ramp is taller than the right.
I caught my fall with my right foot and gently landed on my shoulder. The only scrape I got was from the foot pedal hitting my leg. All that football years ago really helped haha!
Yeah, my pride did get damaged a little bit. But that's not always a bad thing, keeps me in check.
Operating While Intoxicated
IITTSSSSS TTIIIMMMMEEEE! (In a Bruce Buffer voice)
Wow, is all I've got to say. This next bike ride was tough. I'm biking in places were a bike really doesn't belong.
Location: Mountains east of Snowville, UT.
I84 Exit 11. As you drive past this exit you'll actually see the small dirt trail I took on your left hand side (eastbound).
Well, this place was tough. I straight up a mountain with .5 - 2" of dirt on the trail. There was so much that it appeared like dust and you simply sank sometimes. It was very tough to get any traction. I mostly walked up the hill because it was either too steep to pedal or there was too much dirt and my bike couldn't get any grip.
But it was beautiful! And very relaxing! I can't express how great it is to get out of the truck once in a while and just get away from civilization. Keeps me sane, keeps me fit, keeps me healthy.
I parked on the ramp on a small dirt pullout area. This bride is too low for a truck! I go under the bridge and look straight up, I can't believe my rig is taller than this bridge. These trucks are monstrous.
There are dozens of bird nests under this bridge. It was kind of cute (can a trucker say that?) because the baby birds kept sticking there heads out to look at me! You'll see one of the nest furthest to the right.
And the trail begins. Oh boy! You see that tallest mountain in front of me? That's my destination!
Not far into the trail. A field of yellow flowers. Beautiful!
This picture is very important. You see that house? I'm going to be taking pictures of it constantly to let you guys know just how far from it I go and to see my elevation. You'll be surprised.
The land flattens out!
Remember that house I mentioned earlier?
The trail starts to jig-jag. Up ahead is a very steep incline.
Another house picture! Further and further!
Just a nice picture I had to take.
Looking back! Yep, pretty dang far from that house! If you look with a magnifying glass you'll see a truck passing by on the interstate.
My hike isn't even close to being over yet!
Walking slowly up this mountain. I'm not what I used to be. The song "Hang On" from Plume is playing in my head..
To my left as I walk this mountain.
Starting to see a field of grass.
Looking back, it looks like a storm is approaching.
Commercial trade, business, movement of goods or money, or transportation from one state to another, regulated by the Federal Department Of Transportation (DOT).
Look how deep that dirt is! My shoes are covered in dirt and I'm feeling it in my socks. Did anyone notice that the sun is out but in some other pictures its much darker? There's pockets and shade everywhere.
Nice picture, had to take it.
Wow, look at that sky. Beautiful, just like my wife!
The view behind me.
Find that house!
That's how far up I am! I am looking down at other mountains in the area.
I'm finally at the top! See the house? Trucks are ants up here.
Here's a PANO of the other side of the mountain I'm on.
I was just standing here like a loner. Then I heard cows! Take a look at this picture and see if you can spot the herd of cows that were making this noise. Its hard to find but they are there. This goes to show just how quiet and peaceful it is up here. I hear cows from miles away. And according to my wife, my hearing sucks.
The storm is coming! The wind is here and blowing all that dirt everywhere. I had to ride through multiple, small whirlwinds of dirt. Remember these from earlier? I think they're wheat. Well, the wind was blowing them hard. It reminded me of the movie "The Gladiator" where he was in the field of wheat with his wife in the distance. The noise was so soothing. Like nothing I've ever heard before. God is good. I just sat there on my bike relaxing and looking at this field and meditating in the peacefulness.
Hope you enjoyed it!!
Operating While Intoxicated
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They could but then again your entire truck could be stolen when you take a shower also.