Lot Lizards.

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JoAnne EC's Comment
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I usually tell them I need to check with my husband first.


So... people will come knock on your door when you're parked? That sounds sketchy all the way around...

Susan D. 's Comment
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The creepy guys that do that.. I shut them down real quick. A hard look and a "you better get the eff away from my truck" generally works well. Then I report them to truck stop management.

PackRat's Comment
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I usually tell them I need to check with my husband first.



So... people will come knock on your door when you're parked? That sounds sketchy all the way around...

It happens very seldom, like once a year. I get approached at the fuel island or parking lot more. Some scam of "I'm broke down", "We ran out of gas money", or "Want to buy some blank for a great price today?". There are some exit ramps that I swear the same guy has been there for a few years, with the same cardboard sign: "Help Please! Need gas money".

Mr. Curmudgeon's Comment
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". There are some exit ramps that I swear the same guy has been there for a few years, with the same cardboard sign: "Help Please! Need gas money".

Ya, for his 2018 Caddi Escalade parked around behind the adult video store...

Ginger Twist's Comment
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National Human Trafficking Hotline phone number...

1 (888) 373-7888

USE IT when you see a POSSIBLY underage and TRAFFICKED young girl (or boy) at a truck stop.


I worked with teenage girls who were victims of Human Trafficking for years. I can assure you that 99% of these girls do not choose to sell their bodies to strange men for sometimes 30 times a day and then hand over every dime to an abusive pimp. Most of the adult “Lot Lizzards” have been being trafficked since they were in their young teens and are still being forced. There is most likely a pimp somewhere watching her every move and keeping track of how much money she had better come back with or else. These women, and yes sometimes Men and Boys, are trapped in this lifestyle and are usually what is termed as “throwaway kids” from within the Foster Care System. They don’t usually have a family who they can turn to for help and eventually feel that the Pimp is the best they are gonna get as far as stability goes in life. They end up with Stockholm Syndrome which is why they stay in The Life for so long before they get the chance or the courage to get away from it. So Yes, Please Please Please call the Hotline if you see anyone who seems underage or if you feel they are being forced to do this even if they are over 18, which they will all claim to be if asked. Follow your gut and call, only takes a few minutes and can be anonymous.


When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.

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