I love this forum...all of it!!!!! This has been so very helpful! Especially the people on here that help us rookies, (especially you Star) I will continue to use this site throughout my trucking career. 33 days and counting, lol
Thank you Special K...This moderator stuff is new to me....so I'm learnin' too !!! And I know that Brett is lurking...as he should, since this site is his baby. And I really try not to let my fangs grow.... Theres so many sites out there, and some on facebook. There's one called truckers wives that used to be a website. And at that time it was a good place for women in the trucking field to go to. But its really changed... I had to delete what I wrote about that site....I don't want to smear our forum with gossip and back biting..its tacky...and we, as women of trucking have to much class for that !!!! And I have to include Guy DeClu in that, since he has assigned himself as the honorary knuckle dragger test subject for our forum !!!!
Thank you Special K...This moderator stuff is new to me....so I'm learnin' too !!! And I know that Brett is lurking...as he should, since this site is his baby. And I really try not to let my fangs grow.... Theres so many sites out there, and some on facebook. There's one called truckers wives that used to be a website. And at that time it was a good place for women in the trucking field to go to. But its really changed... I had to delete what I wrote about that site....I don't want to smear our forum with gossip and back biting..its tacky...and we, as women of trucking have to much class for that !!!! And I have to include Guy DeClu in that, since he has assigned himself as the honorary knuckle dragger test subject for our forum !!!!
this knuckle dragger thanks you..
Well good morning/afternoon all. so I have been studying my book like the good little student that I am, I have my questions all ready for the hopeful phone calls back from my applications to cr england and prime. I talked to a few drivers, mostly women, the men looked at me like I was from another planet soooo oh well lol. As a nurse trust me I have learned to not let words hurt me and Ive heard all kinds of things from an er dr telling me I was just a stupid little nurse to some suggestions from family members as to other careers, the nonlegal kind to make my living, Ive been hit punched bit you name it Ive been there and my first 6 months as a nurse I worked in a male population death fence facility. I dont get into the back and forth being hateful thing but Im also not going to melt and start crying, that part Ive got, the trucks, theres the part lol I love them, however, the main reason I picked the companies I did was because they number one dont charge for their training programs, you are guaranteed a job and the most important to me was that they seemed to have the longest amount of time training with a professional on the road. I love to travel, I love the trucks, but I want to be the safest driver out there. Starr your ideas have been fantastic, the baby wipe things was a stroke of genius. I have a friend that is a computer person for one of the big companies and he has been doing this for a very long time so he was also very helpful in helping me get questions together to help me make a decision if I get offered a position by more then one company. I have my list of things I need to bring, complete with a box by each so I can check it off as I go, yes Im a bit ocd, nursing brought that on in a big way lol. I raised a Marine, I can do this. That is my new mantra :)
Cindy, I come from a whole family of RN's....It wasn't my deal, tho I did work in hospitals, and the medical unit in a local jail ( which I really liked). So I know the burnout thing. Nurses used to be taken care of,...it was the CNA'S that got rode hard and put away wet. Now its anyone below a venerated DOCTOR....whata pile of male bovine excrement...So if you've been in nursing, you can handle the knuckle draggers in trucking. And about the men you approached to ask questions ?????uhhh....they automatically assumed you were a Lot Lizard... So consider that a lesson in learning...I'm not sure where you got your list of companies that don't cost you anything to go to school...cuz theres a long list of companies that will send you thru their school, and if you drive for them for a year, you dont have to pay for the school, or if you do, its taken out a little each pay check (read Amhalia's topic in the General Forum). Prime is a wonderful company, but their school is INTENSE. There are a few drivers who have gone thru and now drive for prime, and they all say it was hard...every...day. You will need to seriously go thru the HIGH ROAD training, get your permit first, if you can, AND all your endorsements ( get everyone you can, they may all come in handy). But I'd suggest expanding your list of possible schools. theres a list of them on this site. You can look for ones in your area.
Now after all that...if you have any questions...fire away !! we are ready !!!
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