Hope I Didn't Shoot Myself In The Foot...

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Roadkill (aka:Guy DeCou)'s Comment
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So, in anticipation of trying to land a job I have been filling out online applications left, right and center, and as some of you know, I have been having issues with companies balking at my out of country work history..so far only Swift has shown any interest in my...well, lo and Behold, I get a email from a recruiter at PRIME..they made me an offer and have invited me to orientation...NEXT WEEK..only problem is..I Hadn't intended to start until the fall...August at the earliest..now here I am banging my head because on the top tier companies wants ME and I can't go...will it kill my chances with them if I politely ask to postpone my invitation...HELP...

Starcar's Comment
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Guy, just be honest with them....tell them that you have an issue at home, that you will need to be home for until August. But also tell them that you are MORE THAN interested in joining their company, and if its alright, you will contact them as soon as you have a solid date that you can start. Honesty will always win out....GOOD LUCK !!

Roadkill (aka:Guy DeCou)'s Comment
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Starcar, I'm just sitting here cursing my luck at the moment..didn't think I would get any offer, much less one so quick and so generous..and YES, I got it in writing..I'm just worried that it won't be on the table when I am ready..I will try to explain my situation, but like I said..right now I'm just sitting here pulling what little bit of hair I have left, out...

Old School's Comment
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Guy, take a deep breath man! They are not going anywhere! They will still be looking hard for drivers when you are ready. You have not done anything that will jeopardize your chance at getting on with them. Recruiters are ALWAYS anxious to get people in the door - that's how they earn their paycheck. They will still be just as anxious for you to start in August as they are right now. If it makes you feel any better just let your recruiter know what's going on and tell them that you will keep in touch with them during the upcoming months, then give them a call about once a month and gently keep yourself on their mind.

Starcar's Comment
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Well...thankfully...ya don't need hair to drive truck....but it does kinda cushion your noggin, when ya raise your head up to soon, crawlin' out from under the trailer.... Good Luck....

HEY !!!!! you could tell them that you can't start til after August, cuz that will be when your 2nd childhood will be over !!!rofl-2.gifrofl-1.gifrofl-3.gifsmile.gif

hamrhed12's Comment
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You should be good. I had more than one solid offer when I made my selection. When I politely and promptly informed the others of my decision, they all asked me to keep them in mind in case things didn't work out where I was going.

I think you will find that prompt notification and an indication of your continued interest will yield positive results.

Roadkill (aka:Guy DeCou)'s Comment
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Guy, take a deep breath man! They are not going anywhere! They will still be looking hard for drivers when you are ready. You have not done anything that will jeopardize your chance at getting on with them. Recruiters are ALWAYS anxious to get people in the door - that's how they earn their paycheck. They will still be just as anxious for you to start in August as they are right now. If it makes you feel any better just let your recruiter know what's going on and tell them that you will keep in touch with them during the upcoming months, then give them a call about once a month and gently keep yourself on their mind.

Thanks Old School...normally I'm not the kind of guy (no pun intended) to get rattled, but this one caught me so off guard..guess I gotta work on that dealing with the unexpected thing if I'm gonna make it in trucking.. I WILL take you and Starcar's advice and keep in touch with my recruiter..helps having you veterans to calm us rookies down when things come zinging at you from left field..

Roadkill (aka:Guy DeCou)'s Comment
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Well...thankfully...ya don't need hair to drive truck....but it does kinda cushion your noggin, when ya raise your head up to soon, crawlin' out from under the trailer.... Good Luck....

HEY !!!!! you could tell them that you can't start til after August, cuz that will be when your 2nd childhood will be over !!!rofl-2.gifrofl-1.gifrofl-3.gifsmile.gif

Well, Starcar, if my head is as hard as everybody has told me all my life, then I will be lucky if I don't damage the trailer when I stand up..rofl-3.gif

Roadkill (aka:Guy DeCou)'s Comment
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You should be good. I had more than one solid offer when I made my selection. When I politely and promptly informed the others of my decision, they all asked me to keep them in mind in case things didn't work out where I was going.

I think you will find that prompt notification and an indication of your continued interest will yield positive results.

Thanks too, Hammer..

guyjax(Guy Hodges)'s Comment
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Consider yourself lucky. You got to experience the unpredictability of trucking before even going to school. Yes trucking is highly unpredictable even after 15 years of driving. The only predictable thing about trucking is knowing its unpredictable.


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