It's amazing how many Averitt rigs I am seeing.
It's amazing how many Averitt rigs I am seeing.
Yep, they are constantly adding as well. When I started, there were maybe 7 or 8 drivers from my domicile. Now there are at least 12. I run out of a yard. There is no actual load activity at the Clarksville terminal.
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.
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Not like Prime or Swift in the sense they will school and train you. They hire from schools and from the trucking pool. They do offer reimbursement after 6 months. I believe it was $1,000 for me. They are not at the top in those kind of programs, but the pay and atmosphere makes up for it.
Hours Of Service
HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.