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PJ's Comment
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There are a lot of good schools out there either way. I have seen a lot of folks come and go. The majority that go probably should never have been there to begin with. If you cant pass a drug test then you should know that. If you have health issues, you should know that. I'm sorry I don't mean to be harsh, but the truth is some folks think this this an easy way to go when they can't get hired anywhere else. I also blame the companies for not screening people better. Truth is for every body that walks through the door the company gets some type of reimbursement. It simply a numbers game. If you make it fine, if you don't fine. They still get paid something for bringing you in. Big business I guess.

C. S.'s Comment
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I chose a private school for several reasons, but one of them was fear of getting sent home at a company sponsored school. Take note, I can pass a drug test (and already have). I passed my physical. I am studious, attentive, respectful, and eager to learn. I didn't fear getting kicked out for any of the "dumb" reasons. What I was worried about was the potential for getting sent home because I failed a backing test, had trouble shifting, etc. I have no idea if the stories I've heard were true, but I wasn't willing to risk wasting my time, the schools' time, and possibly getting sent home with a bill to boot.

For some people (probably even most), company schools are a great option. It just wasn't for me. I am a great "book learner". I can ace tests, write essays, and recite information all day long. I am not a great hands-on learner. I anticipate that I will need extra help learning in the truck, although I am going to apply myself as much as I possibly can. I start school tomorrow, and I'm incredibly excited.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Old School's Comment
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I read a thread recently where a guy said he was the only guy to pass out of a full class. I personally find this disturbing. Why did they fail?

Movingmetal, you are new to this and it is understandable why you don't understand the failure rate. I'll tell give you a huge tip for success in this industry. Attitude means more than anything else. I've been in one trucking school, and five different orientation classes at trucking companies. I almost feel like an expert at predicting the failure rate when I walk into a group of wannabe truck drivers. Truck driving attracts a lot of type A personalities, or maybe I should say Alpha Male types. There are always about half of the group that thinks they are God's gift to truck driving - those guys are gonna get cut real quick - nobody wants to have to deal with them. Then there are the dumb ***** that smoked three joints last week and think if they drink a bunch of vinegar or something even worse that they will be able to fool the drug testers - don't even get me started on how stupid some of the truck driving applicants are. Those go next. And there are always some who can't pass the physical for some reason, maybe they haven't gotten new glasses in a few years, or maybe they had a hernia unawares or whatever - they get cut also. Then there are some who just freak out in a truck, I had a guy in my trucking school who just about killed three of us and an instructor.

A person who can stay calm in a stressful situation and has a great attitude and work ethic can go far in this field. But these schools put people under pressure to see how they react - it is an important part of their evaluation of you and whether you are made of the right stuff for the job. They will do things that you don't even understand just to see what you will do. I've even heard one time where the instructor left the room without explaining what he was doing, but he told the class he would be back in a little bit, and that he wanted them to wait in the room until he got back. When he returned after about ten minutes, some of them had taken it upon themselves to go outside for a smoke break. They are history now, because he simply was trying to see if they would and could follow simple instructions - they failed at this simple task, and so they do not want to trust them out on the highways with their 80,000 pound machines moving in and out among the motoring public.

Most new comers to this career have no idea how many different curve balls can be thrown their way in a typical work day. You have to be able to think on your feet and make good solid decisions in a flash most everyday. The schools typically try to put enough stuff in your way so that they can evaluate your abilities to cope with problems and unexpected difficulties. It isn't set up for failure, it is set up for the success of the right type of people.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
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