second NEVER tell them of any scripts you take ,,,,,
I'm on fenatnly / tramadol ..and it dont show on the 5 panel tests ..just took one for D& D in gooding Id 3 mos ago. I drive casually for a guy leased to them .....Fent. is synthetic, tramadol isn't opiate
the safety lady in gooding didnt even know this info .
That sure will make for an interesting court case if you ever got in an accident, ya know? I mean, by law you have to list any and all prescriptions you're taking on your application and your company has to be aware of any you're taking. The questionnaire you filled out when taking the drug test also required you to list any and all prescriptions you're taking.
If you get in a wreck they're going to give you a very thorough drug test and everything you take is going to show up. They're also going to review all of the paperwork, past drug tests, and everything else. I can't speak for you, but I wouldn't want to be the guy on the stand trying to tell the court why I was driving an 80,000 pound rig and knowingly concealing the prescription medications I was taking.
Operating While Intoxicated
I think he was saying don't tell the company
second NEVER tell them of any scripts you take ,,,,,
I'm on fenatnly / tramadol ..and it dont show on the 5 panel tests ..just took one for D& D in gooding Id 3 mos ago. I drive casually for a guy leased to them .....Fent. is synthetic, tramadol isn't opiate
the safety lady in gooding didnt even know this info .
That sure will make for an interesting court case if you ever got in an accident, ya know? I mean, by law you have to list any and all prescriptions you're taking on your application and your company has to be aware of any you're taking. The questionnaire you filled out when taking the drug test also required you to list any and all prescriptions you're taking.
If you get in a wreck they're going to give you a very thorough drug test and everything you take is going to show up. They're also going to review all of the paperwork, past drug tests, and everything else. I can't speak for you, but I wouldn't want to be the guy on the stand trying to tell the court why I was driving an 80,000 pound rig and knowingly concealing the prescription medications I was taking.
Agreed, Brett. Additionally, Tramadol is an opiate. Both those listed (Tramadol and Fentanyl) are Schedule 1 narcotic pain relievers and are therefore disqualifying medications under the FMCSR. The only way to pass the medical examination while taking these would be to obtain a letter from the prescribing physician, stating that the drugs in question do not affect the ability of the driver to operate a CMV. If you got that letter, there would be no need to conceal anything from either the company or the medical examiner.
As to the original question, I know it's hard but try to be patient. Negative drug test results take around 3-5 business days. Positives can take 10+ business days, because of confirmatory testing and the amount of people the MRO has to contact. Soon you'll be out there driving!
A CMV is a vehicle that is used as part of a business, is involved in interstate commerce, and may fit any of these descriptions:
Operating While Intoxicated
Got my results back low and behold I tested positive for oxy. Gave the Rx number and pharmacy and phone number. I should be on the road by Wednesday. Woo hoo
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How can I fail if I called the MRO with my prescription info?